c3po tier 7 no logray

Sometimes the tank doesnt taunt. 1.1 Luke Skywalker; 2 Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Unlock Characters - Hero. I did it with chirpa, scout, elder, paploo and teebo. If everyone but Han is stealthed, put in work and keep his TM down. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Average speed increase was +80ish, Paploo being the fastest and as much health as possible on him and Elder. I think this may have been the first time I tried recording SWGoH gameplay with commentary,. I feel like Chirpa HAS to be zeta'd from the comments flying around, but do any of the others? Check out info below on how to contact my personal expert on full roster modding!I hope you enjoy the video and if you did. Construdo antes da Invaso a Naboo (Ep.I) O C-3PO um androide do mundo fictcio de Star Wars ( Guerra nas Estrelas ). Woohooo! Fitzy788 4 yr. ago. Tips and tricks for C3PO with Logray without Logray, https://swgoh.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=C3PO_Event&oldid=2660, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0), Kill order: Chewie, Han, Soldier, Leia, R2D2, C3PO, Paploo is stunned for too long to dispel Soldier's taunt, Paploo to remove taunts, especially those with translation, Elder to increase TM if no taunts to dispel, Ewok Elder to gear 11 at least (gear 12 is recommended). Spent about an hour on attempts. At one point during the war, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Chewbacca, R2-D2, and C-3PO were brought to the tribe. You really want all 3 to get the most out of Chirpa's zeta, Logray's Hypnotize - 100% TM drain is never bad, but 70% is already pretty good. Not only is he very easy to gear until around G10, but his percentage based healing means that more health makes him much harder to kill. how many tries? Along with his counterpart, the astromech droid R2-D2, C-3PO constantly . Wicket needs crit damage and offense. Can you finish tier 7 of the C3PO Event without Paploo and Logray G12 Wicket, G11 Chirpa, Elder, Logray and Paploo, NO zetas - 40 minutes of trying for perfect RNG, then I got him. Links to my squad and their mods at the time of the event below: I didn't go pure speed. The same goes for Scout if you're using him instead. C3PO Final Tier - No Wicket, No Logray! - YouTube Yes, https://swgoh.gg/squads/63034/ (had much better mods on at the time), https://swgoh.gg/p/523285783/characters/c-3po, but be prepared to loose your sanity. I am still missing logray and wicket 7* so i read a lot of guides and watched a lot of youtube videos to prepare myself. He then spreads TM to the rest of the team; I'll go into more detail further down, Logray - Speed + Potency sets. Ewoks are probably the most underrated team in the game right now, and certainly the most fun, so any investment you put into them isn't wasted even if you don't think you need C3P0. Around +100-115 speed mods on everyone. If you can kill chewie you've got a shot. I have completed Tier 6 with below and now waiting for the last few shards on Elder and Paploo to attempt Tier 7 . One image, clean layout, easy to see, even put the Golden God in the lineup so we could see him. I ended up 12ing all but teebo, who I took to 10. the next 7 hours i tryed to win this event but it wasnt possible for me. Took about a dozen or so tries. he's the dengar, not Logray. You probably also want to restart at any point if: Cookies help us deliver our services. G9 or 11? There are no counters except the tanks buff. this was really frustrating so i decided to go to bed and play again when i wake up. i started playing 00:00 am german time and ended 6am in the morning with still no 7* c3po. Tier VII - The initial hits are tough again, but only Chirpa and Logray are below 50% health. sometimes R2 doesnt stealth. I decided to stick with my account and to stick in my shard. I think this may have been the first time I tried recording SWGoH gameplay with commentary, so I realize that this video is probably longer than it needs to be with my slow-paced and mostly unnecessary commentary. Use Elder's basic as much as possible and keep your bears getting TM. Where are the details? 6 Tier Shoe RackHOMIDEC 24 Pair shoe rack provides a large space to store shoes, toys or handbags, etc.It can help you save more space. G12 EE did it for me. Topps Star Wars Digital Card Trader Tier 9 Heritage C-3PO S5 Variant Speed (in brackets) and mods 1) Wicket - CC/CD (239) (1 crit chance primary and 1 Protection primary) (CC at 73%) Crit chance is essential to give TM to allies with his special and restore health and protection with unique eBay Kleinanzeigen - Kostenlos. Sometimes people aren't hit by R2s stealth. Basically pumped all my heaviest speed mods on, got lucky with RNGesus after about 30 attempts (When they focus everything on EE it's a dick move). If you don't have Logray or Wicket, Scout is a very acceptable replacement. Logray, believing Threepio a god, ordered Skywalker, Solo, and Chewbacca to be cooked as a sacrifice to their "god." The three were freed after . c3po tier 7 no logray. 65,716 views Dec 20, 2018 Gear levels and mods are at the end of the video. Beating Tier 5 C3PO Event (No Wicket & No Logray) - YouTube Pretty much a game of trying to keep pap and teebo alive to do cleanses. Then Logray Prophetic Visions to put up TM and Foresight? I had to target the Taunter a lot at first, and my best advice for strategy is this: DO NOT HOLD BACK WITH USING SPECIALS. Logray | Wookieepedia | Fandom Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where players collect, level and battle with heroes and villains from the Star Wars universe. Sometimes people arent hit by R2s stealth. Logray is not needed here. and then after 1 try RNG was on my side. Leia was second last to go, with R2 being the last one left. best toons for this event? working on chewy rn but want to get a head Chirpa - mass attack the right target, buff, auto Scout - attack targets, special when avail Teebo - give everyone TM, dispel for TM removal, auto for Tm removal. I feel that the fantastic ewok guide that was posted was pvp focused. The others are almost as bad as they all want the same energy. No regrets, been planning on gearing/zeta'ing murderbears for TW and GA anyway. If they go in succession someone is going to die. I have those all 7* and Logray and Wicket are still 3* and 2* respectively. I dispel his taunt and it pops right back up almost every time. Put it on him and beat it in 2 tries. xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - swgoh.gg kalidor-m. Well, doesnt matter how hard i try, i dont even get close of taking out 1 heroits absurd. I did it without chirpa and paploo but man, without the extra dispels from logray it would be tough. Much like Resistance Trooper, Scout gains a ton of TM, so he doesn't need any Speed, Teebo - Slightly slower than Paploo, with as much Potency as possible. Literally, I don't think any of my ewoks can actually survive it. Zeta Chirpa - G9 . This is the only advice that worked for me (year 2022). I tried at first with zChirpa and Scout G9, and Wicket, Paploo and Ewok Elder at G11 (no zetas). I am still missing logray and wicket 7*. Contact Protocol - SWGoH Help Wiki The aim is for Chewie not to get stealth. Paploo goes first. Why cant I hear the play by play? How to Beat Contact Protocol C3PO Ewok Event Guide Tier 7 SWGOH RaiderOne 102 subscribers 8.7K views 1 year ago Playing Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes on BlueStacks @ 60 FPS, 1080P Support us on. flammes jumelles signes runion; plaine commune habitat logement disponible; gestion de stock avec alerte excel Remember this for next event! Privacy Policy. Its a money maker you can beat it but depends heavily on rng. If you beat it using one or both of them you are kinda missing the point. Most of my runs were like that. Legendary C3P0 - Defeat Tier 7 with Gear 9 Ewoks. Max out Crit Damage, get at least 65% Crit Chance (ideally 75%), then max Offence. You don't need Chirpa or Logray if you have the others geared high enough. Not ideal, but with enough gear, zetas, mods youll be fine. I got him an hour ago with the same team, except only 1 zeta and it was chirpas. Since you have teebo instead of logray you also have 1 source of debuffing, but you're trading daze and offense up/ten up for tm removal and gain. My tip: Lots of people recommending you keep Elder stealthed with Wicket's assist, and while that's usually a good idea, don't be afraid to use Wicket to call Teebo to assist if you can stop a 90% TM Han from taking a turn. Receiver . Feel free to ask any Qs! - Speed Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Nice pic. Also, I'm zChirp, Wicket, Scout, EE, and Palp. Even chirpa's basic is pretty weak sauce, especially at low gear. Have you dont a write up on how you did it? Sometimes the tank doesn't taunt. Do not save them to attack Chewie, just get the tm train going. I am confortable when i hit arena rank 50 and i am just a casual player. Nascimento. Only 19 hours after I asked and the community answered, Thanks! Note he has decent speed but he has plenty of health/prot and over 50% armor. he gets taunt when an ally is down 100 health si dispell and be readu to dispell again when you hit a parners life. LEGO Star Wars personaggio SILVER Protocol Droid u-3po MINI I could have done it with less. This feels familiar) Hope this provides some clarity and prevents senseless paploo and wicket zetas! Still lots of time before this comes back around. Paploo calls Logray to assist. Pls dont give up if u dont have Wicket or/and Logray. my killorder was and thats best in my opinion if u dont have logray or wicket: Chewie>Han>tank guy> leia> since r2d2 was invis i did c3po next>r2d2, i used my arena mods and i went with EE as fastest and then Chief Chirpa . C-3PO (See-Threepio) was a 3PO-series protocol droid designed to interact with organics, programmed primarily for etiquette and protocol. The enemy gets an incredible opening salvo, then you get to run the Ewok TM death train until it breaks, then they get to wallop you again. .more. Just unlocked 3PO with the shittest Ewok team. SWGoH: Contact Protocol C-3PO Event Live Blog - Gaming-fans.com My Minimalist Guide to 7* C3PO without logray AND paploo (and NO G12) zCC (L) g9, EE g8, Wicket 5* g7, Logray 5* g7, Paploo g8. Description. I tried to kill Leia third, but she stealths herself too often. I had my arena/raid mods on them too, with +100 speed etc. If their first turn wasn't overwhelming, they would be absolutely no threat once chewie and/or han is dead. Game code and certain audio and/or visual material document.write((new Date()).getFullYear()); Electronic Arts Inc. I think you could get it done subbing in Scout for Logray. Will take a lot of gear without wicket because he's like half your damage output, and his assists keep elder stealthed. 1 Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Unlock Characters - Jedi. Takara Tomy STAR WARS The Force Awakens 12 inch FIGURE BB-8 & C-3PO Dimension: 31.5" (L) x 12.6" (W) x 36.2" (H). Speed at least as high as Paploo. CC died in the first assault but was quickly ressed by EE. Need help with your mods in SWGoH? zChirpa is essential to a strong Ewok team. Teebo died almost every attempt st the start. Everyone but elder should use specials as much as possible to trigger chirpa's lead (hopefully to call elder) and call elder to assist directly. If you managed to kill someone then each successive "turn" gets easier. I also took out chewie first. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. today in the morning i came home at arround 5am and was to drunk to do my dailys so i woke up at 11 am and did my dailys. I started playing swgoh back in November 2015 and had a 14 month long break. Lokal. Overview Contact Protocol is a Legendary Event that requires 5 Ewok characters to go through 7 Tiers in order to unlock C-3PO. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. :(. In this video I walkthrough tier 7 of. I did get lucky and chewie wasnt stealthed and tank hadnt taunted yet so i focused on chewie, teebo dispel tank, finished chewie. I recently unlocked 7* C3PO with Zchirpa (L) (g10+5), Zwicket (g11), elder (g11), scout (g11), teebo (g9). I used zchirpa, teebo, zwicket, scout, EE. What are we talking here. Han taking a turn after the opening salvo usually means someone dies, and Elder's revive takes awhile to cooldown, so delaying Han's turns goes a really long way. Can this be done with Chirpa, Scout, Paploo, Elder and Teebo? Potency as high as possible, while still being at least as fast as Paploo (before his unique), Chirpa - Speed + Crit Chance sets, Crit Chance triangle. But if you have Chirpa you'll be in better shape. sailing. SWGOH // Legendary C3P0 - Defeat Tier 7 with Gear 9 Ewoks With good RNG, I once cleared a well modded G12 zPalp team without them taking a turn, and most of the time 1-3 characters are dead within the opening barrage, all at 300+ Speed. I did move some of my arena mods but couldn't move my best because of the lack of G12. There are inconsistencies with every attempt that makes this more RNG based. Expect to zeta a few if you want 7*, though. Hopefully I can get a 7 star C3PO this next time around.Thanks for watching! Saved me at least $30, was about to buy crystal to get gear until I stumbled onto your post about mods. Awesome.. thanks for the hope! correct. Press J to jump to the feed. 4.1 Han Solo; 5 Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Unlock Characters . In priority order: 216%/222% Crit Damage (depending on 6E mods), Scout - No Speed needed. C3PO Final Tier - No Wicket, No Logray! Contents. So you have to survive that first wave of attacks with elder and 3 other ewoks alive and ideally chewie out of stealth. This is the team that I ran in arena right through most of the Traya meta, and it's the lineup I used to beat Revan a while back. Also, remember to throw a potency set and cross on Teebo to help him land his TM reductions. Hope this helps or gives hope to those also without Logray to show it actually can be done. All of this is before most arena teams have taken a turn. Chirpa is Stunned and my attacks start. Elder gives tm. 100% the trick here is Turn Meter Management. Can C3PO be done without Logray? : r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes - reddit 2.1 Leia; 2.2 Clone Trooper; 3 Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Unlock Characters - Scavenger; 4 Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Unlock Characters - Scoundrel.

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