The citys first all-electric new development will provide permanent supportive housing for formerly homeless individuals or those on the verge of experiencing homelessness. Talk to your CSW or your ILP Transition Coordinator to find out more about the Supervised Independent Living program and whether it is right for you. You will learn life skills to help you live on your own when its time to leave foster care, and you will receive a monthly allowance to pay for food, clothing, cleaning supplies, recreational activities, personal care and other miscellaneous items. What are the organization's current programs, how do they measure success, Q mpdO0Zjr].%jz)2&8g1AEQz)U)z& Your DCFS and/or probation case must be closed prior to entering this housing program. Featured Program OPRI: Housing Oakland's Most Vulnerable. Once in a home, they are in a better position to address the issues that may have led to their homelessness, such as gaining employment or facing substance abuse challenges. The housing is in a variety of settings including residing with a roommate in an apartment, house or condo with or without an adult on site. Great Nonprofits - Top-Rated 2020 List Tz'#i$5+%Bc$Rbx"x_X+T4PTynZ.qzz#T,8u)c8m)93N;2x}s3xmld|Zd'&Ks&{Zz. Get e-newsletters from Building Futures in your inbox. If it's decided that a comment is inappropriate then it will be deleted from the site. Sited at the former Alameda Naval Base at Alameda Point, Bessie Coleman Court provides permanent apartment units to formerly homeless survivors of domestic violence with deep needs. Youth will be provided employment and education support, budget planning, meal planning and basic living skills. oaz6?-9;zy v[G/. 2-1-1 Alameda County Information . Within Alameda County, there are three HUD entitlement grantees for the ESG program: the City of Oakland, the City of Laguna Commons, a 1.5-acre site in Fremont, is near grocery stores, a public park, pharmacies and transit lines. Serving Families, Adults & Young Adults. A. Each Abode program integrates these two components to help people establish permanent stability and return to independent lives. Housing & Community Development Department. Help us get you more of the nonprofit information you need, including: An email has been sent to the address you provided. Abode works with its sister entities, Allied Housing and Housing for Independent People, to build and manage new sites and to renovate and convert existing housing. Case management, coaching, refers out for mental health services. More than 2,500 people in our programs exited into permanent housing.3.5 percent of the adults we served are veterans.21 percent of those we served are children. Abode will provide on-site services. Oakland, CA 94621 If you live in Oakland, contact Keep Oakland Housed at Keep Oakland Housed or call the following numbers: 510-899-9289, 510-860-4985, or 510-452-4541. The Alameda County Social Services Agency provides resources and opportunities in a culturally responsive manner to enhance the quality of life in our community by protecting, educating, and empowering individuals and families. Abode Services currently provides a full array of wrap-around resident services to 16 permanent supportive housing communities in the Bay Area. gD?Lsl= #Jm[T a+ngmQ>\ F4{F_mal(PzeMa*Z>UQ}T~uZ?+]u`crC_DX&0Q}$H92ReGqkOl;IO-Tc}L+H'1tar2z\eZqAUyq53(';qd] Jkyyzahs2 There are no reviews for this agency yet. Operated by Abode Services Messages: 510-330-5807. Support services include case management, primary and mental health care, substance recovery services, job counselling and placement, life skills classes, financial literacy training, practical tenancy training, parenting classes, and childrens programs. Copyright 2023 Trilogy Integrated Resources, All Rights Reserved. 2500 Barber Point Rd, Alameda . Alameda County Housing and community development information. The Independent Living Skills Program has a series ofhousing programs that can help in the shift from foster care to living on your own. 2 0 obj 4 0 obj NPH is the proud voice of affordable housing across the Bay Area. Persons seeking Section 8 assistance for Pleasanton must . Electronic surveys (by email, tablet, etc. It is difficult to get the people we serve to respond to requests for feedback. <>>> The agency has learned that its housing strategies are successful in preventing and ending homelessness in the communities served. Provision of short-term rental subsidies, hotel/motel vouchers, assistance with . By developing rapport and trust through the outreach relationship, the Peer Specialist will assist homeless individuals with linking to services like shelter, food, benefits, health care, housing etc. Vietnamese: Below are key statistics that illustrate the real impact Abode is having on ending homelessness.By 2025, Abode Services seeks to double its impact. Whether you are eligible for a specific housing program may depend on your age, and whether you are currently or formerly in foster care. Microsoft Edge. Para traducir este sitio web, debe actualizar su navegador a la ltima versin de Microsoft Edge. GuideStar partnered on this section with CHANGE Philanthropy and Equity in the Center. dch trang web ny, bn phi nng cp trnh duyt ca mnh ln phin bn Microsoft Edge mi nht. The breadth of programs and sites allows the agency the flexibility to connect families and individuals with housing types and locations that suit them.3.) If you live in Fremont, you can Keep Fremont Housed or call 510-574-2028. The Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) program funded by the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provides funding to engage and support individuals and families experiencing homelessness. This homelessness-prevention program is for young adults exiting the foster care system. Alameda County has Housing Resource Centers (HRCs) throughout the County to support people currently experiencing homelessness. (Let them know your thoughts on this program.). Register now. But after connecting with Abode, he felt like hed been given a second chance. Staff members are onsite to help residents access a wide range of supportive services and programs. Individual or family who will imminently lose their primary nighttime residence, provided that: Residence will be lost within 14 days of the date of application for homeless assistance; No subsequent residence has been identified; and, The individual or family lacks the resources or support networks needed to obtain other permanent housing. You consent to share the information you provided with this agency. Learn more at We have community representation at the board level, either on the board itself or through a community advisory board. Rapid re-housing provides short-term rental assistance and services with the goal of helping people obtain housing quickly, increase self-sufficiency, and stay housed. By the time Drake had turned 21, he had been through enough rough patches to fill several lifetimes. Here are some key statistics that illustrate the real impact were having on ending homelessness.Since 2020:We housed 7,580 individuals.During the 2022 fiscal year:We assisted 14,383 people in our programs.Our housing programs served 6,748 people on a given night, providing safe, stable homes to those who would otherwise be homeless or at severe risk of losing their housing.We served nearly 507 veterans.We assisted approximately 3,000 children. An example of the agencys powerful data, in collaboration with local police and hospital data, was showcased when the County of Santa Clara launched Californias first Pay for Success (PFS) project in partnership with Abode Services. Parenting units no child limit/ single unit, Case Management and Education and Employment, Offers housing throughout Northern California, Housing, coaching, schooling, and employment. Alameda County and Habitat for Humanity East Bay/Silicon Valley are launching Renew Alameda County, a home improvement loan assistance program designed to allow low-income homeowners to remain safely in their homes by providing rehabilitation and accessibility improvement services and loan financing to cover the associated costs. No, Alameda County's eviction moratorium ordinance remains in effect, prohibiting evictions in most cases. Offers scattered sites in the East Bay; Castro Valley, San Leandro, and Hayward. When the City of Oakland needed help finding homes for people living in encampments, it found Abode Services. If you do not consent, you can always contact this program a different way. If you are seeking shelter and housing assistance, please call 211 to be referred to a Housing Resource Center. 2009, 2012 Human Relations Commission Award for Human Services Tenants are provided Project Based Voucher (PBV) by Housing Authority of County of Alameda. Alameda County 2023 All Rights Reserved Legal / Disclaimers Accessibility. endobj What challenges does the organization face when collecting feedback? <> Fees: Please contact provider for fee information. This partnership of local shelters in Alameda County works to help families gain access to employment support and housing. Please contact facility for accessibility information. For more information, contact Abode Services at 510-657-7409 or The people, governance practices, and partners that make the organization tick. This 52-unit permanent supportive housing community was named after an American aviator and the first African-American woman to earn a pilots license. How does this organization measure their results? If you live in any other city in Alameda County and applied to Alameda County Housing Secure Emergency Rental Assistance . the State of California's Homekey program and the Corporation for Supportive Housing. This includes permanent supportive housing and other subsidized permanent housing opportunities for people who meet the, 3rd Party Verification of Literal Homelessness, Release to Request Identifying Documents and Verification of Benefits from AC Social Services Agency. Abode- South County Outreach Bay Area Community Services- Berkeley Berkeley Food and Housing Project . order to prevent a loss of housing. The combination of housing programs and wraparound social services forms the core of our approach to ending homelessness. ;MIn#B,9]A;*i$bu |QeZkJbMS%wUzI#0weZ-`GQIYi-dP;M 88D3= fAG{h\6^MUtjh 1(^38tQ{^Y7+kf1Dl\jK=f8 suhqPpM*H55F_RQ{E&6M\TG+0@z@xoTvlIfw1Hdizh]RJh&e&ZX(DB'UH;X0HmD*byGi6p{8{f9sBbc5%ZP@ xko6{"E:HQ(`=b=dbu %R+=%plfP}dzW*vx`W/_,]}|r& cLO/_/o_c?/_`D$c},Ol.l,, e;a\)hP#@03q*p48dy0?VxxraA\rjrb F,NkRvn{w#r?pJR)5k?#^K/=}[_:e)D4IQF, c'.q.x.xBaLa#3$)KAx '1 `K5&s&QG:, Ie-7)"([',q$.zH\R\_4 &a4oEq9 QAq~I 1($o6%*uUc}.e /%5/_., (kDHxhd s0>e(";5I0g;K0?^wxNF:p~K,`3$orM,I [s2#@I G%-Oc|q);.Bwp|~u 3)rE2KA m+$pI" Ssch ;0.m_-^kv)7/N$G f]@3PC}&$ The partnership between Building Futures and Alameda County's Housing and Community Development department provides rent and support services for 25 San Leandro residents who have experienced homelessness for at least a yearor repeatedlywhile struggling with a disabling condition such as a serious mental illness, substance use disorder, or physical disability. 1 Owner Initials ____ ABODE SERVICES LEASING SERVICES OFFICE (510) 657-7409 FAX (510) 226-7156 40849 Fremont Blvd. GuideStar partnered with Equity in the Center - an organization that works to shift mindsets, Call 2-1-1 for information about local housing and services. If eligible, will be placed on the coordination list for a program to pick up the referral once there is availability. 'FB K 6t}p|BETJ:Y6Z5{UV=;kxwt`5){du~wk^Ov . Additional services are available at nearby Alameda Point Collaborative Multi-Service Center. ..#P,h$ R'8Nyut(ZlsXB]ki LCNz)^z6o%vs+ This joint collaborative between Alameda County Social Services, Alameda County Housing and Community Development, Abode Services, and theEast Oakland Community Project assistsfamilies in the CalWORKs program who are experiencing homelessness. Sign in or create an account to view Form(s) 990 for 2020, 2019 and 2018. Alameda County Housing and community development information. The on-site services that we provide at housing sites include job training, parenting classes, financial literacy, computer training, case management, health education and activities, and many others. The combination of housing programs and wraparound social services forms the core of our approach to ending homelessness.Services:Abodes social services department coordinates health and supportive services for participants in the shelter and supportive housing programs, offering comprehensive on-site assistance. For a referral to this program please contact assigned social worker at Alameda County Social Services. HSP offers financial assistance and supportive services, including, but not limited to rental assistance, security deposits, utility payments, moving costs, landlord recruitment, case management, housing outreach and placement, legal services, and credit repair. Offers host housing (28 slots) and community housing: 2 house for singles male/female, parent housing females in Oakland. 510-667-7696 675 Hegenberger Road, Suite 100 ;`29!3. Transitional housing program for individuals experiencing homeless Exiting a health care or other institution with no identified residence at time of discharge In a congregate living situation (in the last 90 days) with no way to selfisolate AND homeless prior to entry 2. Our members, partners, and supporters stand strong together to develop and pass critical policies to create change for our communities. The site is conveniently located near a grocery store, pharmacy, public park, and transit lines, and is within walking distance to public schools. Fills out Next Steps Collaborative (NSC) Returns application to one of the 5 providers to check eligibility. 2016 ALAMEDA COUNTY OFFICE OF HOMELESS CARE AND COORDINATION. In Alameda County, having all of your documents will increase the likelihood of being matched to permanent housing. In addition, 65 percent of our permanent supportive participants exited to permanent housing. Please contact provider for fee information. In this program, transitional youth learn the skills to become self-sufficient by the completion of the program. in nonprofit board leadership and governance, to create this section. Abode Services is the largest homeless housing and services provider in the Bay Area. Administrative Office40849 Fremont BoulevardFremont, CA 94538. Through the system, Abode Services staff are able to identify if the participants in the program are checking into hospitals or other treatment settings. One population hit particularly hard by homelessness is young children. Strong collaborative partnerships with public agencies and non-profit organizations that leverage program resources and keep costs manageable. These supportive services include school enrichment programming, parenting skills classes, health screenings, and connection to benefits and resources. Please call or visit website for hours of operation. Abode Services was founded in Alameda County in 1989, when a small group of people came together to address the growing problem of homelessness in the Tri-City Area.Since then, Abode Services has expanded its impact throughout the San Francisco Bay Area, serving more than 10,500 people each year in Alameda, Santa Clara, San Francisco, Santa Cruz, San Mateo, and Napa counties. How is your organization collecting feedback from the people you serve? As part of our growth in response to the regions housing and homelessness crisis, we now operate nearly 60 programs that aim to rehouse people in need as quickly as possible. All 124 units are for households who are extremely low-income, which is is 30% Area Median Income (AMI). Abode Services' mission is to end homelessness - doing whatever it takes to help those who need it most. Abode has partnered with a number of agencies, including the Oakland Housing Authority, which created the Oakland PATH Rehousing Initiative (OPRI). Build relationships with key people who manage and lead nonprofit organizations with GuideStar Pro. (*As of October 2022, subject to annual increases based on local ordinances.). The development incorporates green features, such as bay friendly landscaping, a solar thermal hot-watersystem, photovoltaic panels, energy-efficient electrical and plumbing fixtures, and on-demand hot-water heaters in every unit. The Peer Specialist will pair with other HOPE team members to provide outreach in East Alameda County, serving Fremont. Learn about the organization's key goals, strategies, capabilities, and progress. Abodes social services department coordinates health and supportive services for participants in shelter and supportive housing programs, offering comprehensive on-site assistance. The outcomes demonstrate that Abode Services is reaching its long-term goals to end homeless by meeting its primary objective to provide sustainable, supportive housing for people with the greatest needs. and who do the programs serve? A verification email has been sent to you. This is a Senior Management position that will assist Abode Services in accomplishing our mission to end homelessness. Fremont, CA 94555 ALAMEDA COUNTY HOUSING/JOBS LINKAGES PROGRAM Does the board ensure an inclusive board member recruitment process that results in diversity of thought and leadership? <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> The people we serve, Our staff, Our board, Our funders, Our community partners. Please call service provider or visit website to learn more about eligibility requirements. about GuideStar Pro. Cedar Community Apartments is one of Abode Services supportive housing apartment buildings in Alameda County. Abode Services' mission is to end homelessness by assisting low-income, un-housed people, including those with special needs, to secure stable, supportive housing; and to be advocates for the removal of the causes of homelessness. Call or visit website for additional information. They match based on coordinated entry prioritization and policies. A family at a permanent housing site in Fremont. Due to the pandemic, some Housing Resource Centers in Alameda County have suspended/reduced . 2020. Monthly rent is $400 (studio), $550 (one-bedroom), and $625 (two-bedroom). If youve decided to stay in foster care after your 18th birthday under AB12, but are not sure where you want to live, you can live in an apartment or house in the community while getting support from your social worker and THP-NMD staff. Transitional housing program for individuals experiencing homelessness . "substance" OR use. A search WITH quotation marks ("substance use") would find listings only with the whole phrase "substance use.". Itis designed to help families quickly secure permanent housing, tohelp achieve self-sufficiency and increase overall child well-being. Add This Service Directory to Your Website. 1061 A . GuideStar worked with BoardSource, the national leader Building Futures Street Outreach program is a key aspect of this programs success. Want to see how you can enhance your nonprofit research and unlock more insights? We have partnered with state leaders and Bay Area counties during Covid-19 to provide emergency housing to homeless people, a program that also serves as a pathway to permanent housing. Watch a video about the Homeless Compact Program. Re-house homeless people as quickly as possible. The supportive services that we provide for permanent supportive households enable residents in our programs to achieve their goals and remain stably housed. Abode Services has been working in Alameda County since 1989, when we were founded. Returns application to one of the 5 providers to check eligibility. The partnership between Building Futures and Alameda Countys Housing and Community Development department provides rent and support services for 25 San Leandro residents who have experienced homelessness for at least a yearor repeatedlywhile struggling with a disabling condition such as a serious mental illness, substance use disorder, or physical disability. Alameda County and Habitat for Humanity East Bay/Silicon Valley are launching Renew Alameda County, a home improvement loan assistance program designed to allow low-income homeowners to remain safely in their homes by providing rehabilitation and accessibility improvement services and loan financing to cover the associated costs. Key Strategies1.) Is exiting an institution where (s)he has resided for 90 days or less and who resided in an emergency shelter or place not meant for human habitation immediately before entering that institution. All rights reserved. Abode Services' results show how effective its work has been at ending homelessness for vulnerable children and adults in our community.Abode Services remains highly dedicated to measuring its progress and reporting those results to the community. Wed, 12PM-4PM . We shared information about our current feedback practices. Watch a video about the Homeless Compact Program. SOURCE: Self-reported; last updated 2/11/2021, Recognition Award for 20 Years of Service to the Community, 2012 Human Relations Commission Award for Human Services. Learn More As part of our growth in response to the region's housing and homelessness crisis, we now operate nearly 60 programs that aim to rehouse people in need as quickly as possible. REFERRAL CRITERIA . Abode Services has been awarded Charity Navigator's top four-star rating for fourteen consecutive years and is part of just 1 percent of rated agencies to have won this distinction for the same amount of time. Diverse funding streams that include government agencies, private and community foundations, corporations, individuals, local businesses, churches, and service organizations. 2006, Recognition Award for 20 Years of Service to the Community This partnership of local shelters in Alameda County works to help families gain access to employment support and housing opportunities. Spanish: For more information contact your worker. For additional information, including if you are from a county other than Alameda and want to be placed in THP-NMD, or if you are from Alameda and want to be placed in THP-NMD in a different county, please contact THP-NMD staff If you are a probation youth, please email probation staff. Abode Services is the largest homeless housing and services provider in the Bay Area. Download the Coordinated Entry Flyer for Families, For More Information about Housing and Homelessness. Cedar is one of several Bay Area housing sites that Abode is developing and/or managing as part of its mission to end homelessness. Non-minor dependents who are ILP-eligible (aged 18-20) and need support in finding and maintaining housing can receive support from the Housing Navigator. Try a low commitment monthly plan today. With whom is the organization sharing feedback? Mental health support, and case management. Abode Services . San Leandro HRC, Building Futures 1395 Bancroft Ave, San Leandro. Residents will have access to on-site property management and social services offices, a community room, bike storage, electric-vehicle chargers, dog park, BBQ area, computer lab, half-basketball court, laundry room, private lockers, community garden, and an outdoor patio. Rapid Re-housing programs assist clients by identifying barriers to housing stability and linking them with services to address those barriers while the household is permanently housed. Resources and services provided are typically tailored to the needs of the person. We engage everyone, from the board to staff levels of the organization, in race equity work and ensure that individuals understand their roles in creating culture such that ones race identity has no influence on how they fare within the organization. call BACS Keep Oakland Housed Program at 510-613-0330 x2 . The Alameda County Transitional Housing Program provides youth with an opportunity to live in an apartment in the community of their choice while getting support from a team of individuals who will help with independent living skills. An individual or family must meet the criteria in one of the four categories below: The head of household has a disabling health condition(s) that is expected to be of long-continued and indefinite duration and substantially impedes the persons ability to live independently, such as a diagnosable substance use disorder, serious mental illness, developmental disability, or chronic physical illness or disability. With Abodes help, Ive already made a lot of progress, he said. Abode Services and MidPen Housing partnered to create Main Street Village, a 64-unit development on 1.57 acres in Fremont. Unaccompanied youth under 25 years of age, or families with Category 3 children and youth, who do not otherwise qualify as homeless under this definition, but who: Are defined as homeless under the other listed federal statutes; Have not had a lease, ownership interest, or occupancy agreement in permanent housing during the 60 days prior to the homeless assistance application; Have experienced persistent instability as measured by two moves or more during in the preceding 60 days; and, Can be expected to continue in such status for an extended period of time due to special needs or barriers. )_Wv/c]YH4O'4ld6pu ~9S -*Q3ZXO nWD#XO @3W Who works and leads organizations that serve our diverse communities? Provide supportive housing for people who are homeless:Abode Services provides permanent and transitional housing subsidies through more than 30 different programs at scattered-site housing developments throughout the San Francisco Bay Area Counties it serves. : People who are homeless, for even a few days, are at significant risk for illness and psychological trauma. Apply for affordable housing in Alameda County See Rentals Get emailed whenever a new listing is posted See more housing opportunities and resources View opportunities and resources How does it work? The agency is built on the principles of Housing First, a proven approach that has yielded far superior results than those of past strategies for ending homelessness. For example, if you search for substance use, a search WITHOUT quotation marks would find listings that include the words THP-NMD offers high-level independent living classes to provide you with the training and skills necessary for exiting care and living independently, or for remaining in care and transitioning to a Supervised Independent Living Placement (SILP). Abode Services has developed an outstanding pool of human, financial and material resources that enables the agency to accomplish its goals and objectives. Building Futures exists to help Alameda County individuals and families rebuild their lives after homelessness and domestic violence. Abode creates communities that provide stable quality housing with a strong sense of place, designed to address homelessness through permanent supportive housing. >kW.SYv,aw]l"`ek @ -45vKv5t}M1!ihg "Uv iBa mR-sh9Z5S7sH,*d4e#7FX &z!ax v%4 [#UKTO+ ch c^">DXTC; SoMCEEw%VF=zB8 UM In this program, transitional youth learn the skills to become self-sufficient by the completion of the program. nine Federally Qualified Health Centers to indigent patients under Health Program of Alameda County, with no change in the term of 7/1/22 - 6/30/23, increasing the total contract amount from $126,075 to . Or living independently in a college dorm. \>Gtm zNT6Qp-hfDa8VPIaq Want to see how you can enhance your nonprofit research and unlock more insights? Information provided by: Alameda County Behavioral Health Care Services Abode Services offers housing programs linked to support services for low-income and homeless families and individuals. Provide specialized services for our participants to promote their well-being, increase their self-sufficiency, and help them stay housed:Abode Services delivers flexible services for participants in its programs to support stability and independence. Check our program calendar for upcoming workshops, outings, and events! And I have hope again for my future.. Listed in the agency's Guidestar profile are just a few of the programs Abode administers in pursuit of our mission to end homelessness. This supportive housing program provides rental assistance, housing placement, ongoing subsidies, and supportive services for extremely vulnerable groups in Oakland, including older adults and people exiting the criminal justice system. Abode has also cultivated strong relationships with more than 40 local service providers to connect participants to additional services. <> Alameda County ILP Office (Don't see an email in your inbox? ILP continues to enhance housing options for emancipating foster youth through partnerships with The Next Steps Collaborative. Please check your inbox in order to proceed. The supportive services provided by Abode for permanent supportive households enable the residents to achieve their goals and support them to remain stably housed. endobj 60 units are for households who have experienced homelessness, and the other 64 are set aside for people at risk of homelessness. Monday - Friday: 8:30am-5:00pm. Operation Comfort/Safer Ground Alameda County Hotel Manual v.1; 4/ 9/20, DRAFT; page 3 of 54 . . Here are just a few of the programs we administer in pursuit of our mission to end homelessness: Abode Services currently provides a full array of wrap-around resident services to dozens of permanent supportive housing communities in the Bay Area. martin luther king jr vietnam war speech transcript,
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