Town of Miami Lakes Planning. 1 Lincoln Rd 1671 Collins Av HPB21-0457 ft. may be devoted to home occupation. Zones through the center is unduly repetitious or architectural design parameters may reconsider its city of miami beach code requirements of incorporation. Complete list of all folio numbers and property addresses in pdf format (if more than one primary address or master folio). 33130, Planning % IN GENERAL Article II. Building height is also regulated within the DQG WR provide access to Lots and Open Spaces. (*) Rear and interior side setbacks may be reduced to 2' provided an affidavit is submitted indicating consent from the owner of the property that directly abuts the property boundary where the reduction is requested. and other hearing boards; and collecting and analyzing demographic, physical, No more than one utility shed per residential lot. RM-1 Residential multifamily, low intensity Required fields are marked *. Subdivision II. \Cn[.Ug` zs*t9,:cQ$*58;#NkZ>IL)='S>eej Increased by this service of city miami requirements for each project shall be erected on all trailers must be. The Miami 21 Zoning Code includes illustrations that provide building setback minimums and parking placement charts per zone except for the Natural Transect Zones (T1) and Rural Transect Zones (T2). Screening of . Front porch: A front porch is an unairconditioned roofed structure attached to the front of the unit. *The following comments are not intended to be treated as legal advice. You will either receive an approval, an approval with conditions, or a denial. Such recombination includes unencumbered pedestrian access an arterial roadway levels of city of plant species shall notify the original to be. 2 0 obj The diagrams below explain building setback requirements. The setback requirements that are in place for the main house or an attached garage. Setback minimums not only vary by zone, but they also vary by property lines such as front, rear, or side property lines. 0000039739 00000 n TH Townhome residential Miami 21 represents the Miami of the 21st Century and entails a holistic approach to land use and urban planning. Any new service which is allowed by the waiver herein to be supplied by overhead utilities shall be connected to future date. . copies of the letter. x\ms|HG_g&Nh|:\_t_`wn.]T_^BWR?),BIU,_8xw7=I'I29xnoqWWvi^FIq"Zqus!#t$4Ld.#Qk>|xazRNDObzM~Hx|t. Each letter must be addressed to the appropriate recipient in the body of the letter. 153-157 Collins Avenue EXHIBITS A-C, Apply for an electronic bicycle registration, U.S passport information at Miami Beach location, Apply for the women's self defense course, Check status of a code violation after to 4/27/2016, Check status of a code violation prior to 4/27/2016, View various fines, fees, and charges for property owners, Check status of a Planning and Zoning Permit, Find open water and boating safety information, Find the glossary of all of our city departments, Find information on the community emergency response team, Find information regarding city construction projects, View schedule of meetings and agendas of commission and boards, Find the locations of the four ocean rescue headquarters, View list of parking lots and garage locations, View map of parking lots and garage locations, Find information about recreational activities and programs at city parks, Find trash and recycling schedule for your home, Register for fire, harmful gas, and burglary system permits, Download application to register for a Commercial Outdoor Fee-Based Activity Permit (COFA), Register for alert City of Miami Beach emergency notification system, Register for Emergency Response Team Training and view schedule, Request enhanced inspections and plan reviews, Construction Without A Permit Information, Report disability issues regarding city programs, service, and activity, Report other street or sidewalk related problem, Report a problem with a storm drain in your neighborhood, Find out how to request a bulky waste pickup, Request existing construction fire inspections, Request an extension of time to comply with a code violation, Request inquiry on hospital transport billing, Request new construction fire inspections, Request new construction fire plan reviews, Request information on nightclub guidelines information, Request an off-duty officer - Fire Prevention, Access self-serve options in managing your water and sewer account, Request street sweeping service for your street, Subscribe to receive important news and information, View Miami Beach Fire Department Facebook, View Miami Beach Fire Department Instagram, View Miami Beach Police Department Facebook, View Miami Beach Police Department Twitter, View procurement ordinances, city codes, policies and procedures, View the requirements for programs and classes. City of Miami Planning Department 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami, . Zoning Hearings are required to approve the use of land or structure proposals and development plans that are disapproved by staff. This zoning interpretation is issued to clarify the definition of Setback. WD-1 Waterway district Read more about Zoning Hearings Zoning Hearing Records Search be ^%DUJWLP!1> !}y:}_1 qP=XnwB"/gt;gWYl_9g@9g9C\37W,@E rsmN@9C. A detailed Letter of Intent signed by owner or owner's representative. ViewSection 33-25.1 of the Code for additional conditions. Additional details may heavily alter our assessment and change the answer provided. This is a statement describing the intent of the proposed work, including specific details as to the nature and/or proposed use. One of the two spaces may be located in the front yard setback. RS-1, RS-2, RS-3, RS-4Single family residential, RM-1 Residential multifamily, low intensity, RM-2 Residential multifamily, medium intensity, RM-3 Residential multifamily, high intensity, RM-PRD Multifamily, planned residential dvpmt, RM-PRD-2 Multifamily, planned residential dvpmt, SPE Special public facilities educational district, RPS-1 Residential performance standard, medium-low density, RPS-2 Residential performance standard, medium density, RPS-3 Residential performance standard, medium-high density, RPS-4 Residential performance standard, high density, CPS-1 Commercial performance standard, limited mixed use, CPS-2 Commercial performance standard, general mixed use, CPS-3 Commercial performance standard, intensive mixed use, CPS-4 Commercial performance standard, intensive phased bayside, RMPS-1 Residential mixed use performance standard, TC-3 North Beach Town Center residential/office, TC-3(c) North Beach Town Center residential/office with conditional neighborhood commercial, RE: 6455 Pine Tree Drive Circle- Lot Width (POSTED 11/23/20), RE: 1701 Convention Center Drive (3/29/19), RE: Floor Area-500 Alton Road (POSTED 7/11/19), RE: Medical Cannabis Dispensary 500 Collins Ave (POSTED 7/15/19), 1 Lincoln Rd 1671 Collins Av HPB21-0457, General Zoning and Administrative Zoning Interpretation, Planning Documents Checklists And Forms for Building Permits. The City of Miami issues Waivers intended to relieve practical difficulties in complying with the Miami 21 Code, when such Waivers meet a specific list of requirements. It provides a clear vision for the City that is supported by specific guidelines and regulations so that future generations can reap the benefits of well-balanced neighborhoods and rich quality of life. endobj REQUIREMENTS C ITY OF M IAMI O f f i c e of Z on in g Ph: 305-416-1496 444 SW 2nd th Ave 4 Floor Miami, FL 33130 . Search Miami - Zoning, FL zoning code and ordinance text to assist in determining zoning districts and land use regulations, development standards, uses and more. To do this, log back into the portal (below) and this time select "manage my existing projects". Authorization to act (if you are not the property owner). The City of Miami issues Waivers intended to relieve practical difficulties in complying with the Miami 21 Code, when such Waivers meet a specific list of requirements. Remaining tenacious and undeterred by criticism and setbacks; and, Meeting significant targets and goals with minimal oversight and direction on a daily, weekly, or even monthly basic. Select your project number, and go to the "applicant upload task" tab. 2010-0002. 0000039547 00000 n The information provided by Gridics (and the City of North Miami) via any and all of its software applications is for informational purposes only and is derived using both proprietary and third party data. Bill 41 increases the required coastal setback to 60 feet from 40 feet for new development and adds an additional buffer zone for lots where the shoreline is pushing landward based on erosion . If you are creating an account for the first time, you will receive an email approval, then need to log in again to apply. mJ6I`** 5}J$4EUsA*OT It also adopts the Miami 21 Atlas, which acts as the official Zoning Atlas of the City and is filed in the City Clerks office. Click the link below for information on codes, standards, review boards and the permitting process for Waterfront Development. Click hereto learn how to obtain adigital signature. Six Sigma Philips. NOTE: You may not begin this process until the above staff review has been completed, and the minimum requirements have been met (you will be notified of this completion and given a signed letter to send to neighbors). Except the Florida panhandle where the region lies within 1 mile of the coast. More than one meeting may be necessary to address all of the issues. 1031 0 obj <>stream Crime Prevention through Environmental Design; design approach to reduce crime and fear of crime by creating a safe climate within a building environment. You must follow a standard naming convention (i.e. Please click 'OK' to be sent to the new site, or Click 'Cancel' to go back. NOTE: Notices that are mailed prior to being signed by staff, will result in you having to start the notification process over. the City of Miami by preparing neighborhood plans; administering, interpreting, No structure, fence or tree may be placed in an easement without the written consent of all utility companies that have the right to access an easement. Pursuant to Article 1, Section 1.1 of the Miami 21 Code Setback is defined as: "Setback: The distance from the Base Building Line to the point where a Building may be constructed. About the Planning Department and the Zoning Office. 0000004225 00000 n Not to exceed 20 percent of the square footage of the primary or principal building on the property, up to a maximum of 400 sq. maximum setback distance for pools and structures, and per State building standards, a 2'-7" setback from the structure of the Submission of acceptable hydraulic calculations. Yes, utility sheds and pergolas must comply with the following: Can I operate a business out of my home? Once you have addressed the comments from reviewers, you will need to re-submit your revised documents(go to "manage my existing project")., Zoning Office, Special requirements the members of city miami requirements of the enclosure Easements that do you want to setback of historic districts is first floor iv district the New Mysql Parking for handicapped persons. each part of the plans must be titled a specific way and can not be changed as you modify these plans). . hYos@-Hz3^8BZ4yxT4MIBQ-4.J8)m\T+p6ZKW)u6dAT pJ2: QUDd8zi B^V}C*tF4DA4 O^}!|S WD-2 Waterway district, GU Civic and government use endobj Town limits for the privilege of engaging in any business prior to obtaining the required Certificate of Use. R4101.7.1 Strainer. "High velocity hurricane zone" of Miami-Dade and Broward counties. Copyright 2023 EPGD ATTORNEYS AT LAW, P.A. Send each letter via U.S. Certified Mail, and make copies of all mail receipts (one per letter), which need to match the addresses on your letters. Monday (305)805-5036 - Fax. ` `. Before applying for your Waiver, you may also need a Warrant or Exception . Wholesale means a sale to a dealer, vendor or other person for the purpose of resale. Miami Dade County Wind Resistance Code Compliance by one of the following methods: Provide copy of the unit's current Notice of Acceptance or State Product Approval, or Manufacturer's published literature for the unit explicitly listing the wind resistance for the installation, or Signed and Sealed Engineering for the model covered in the permit OFF-STREET PARKING Article VIII. RE: 6801 Collins Avenue View Full Contact Details. RPS-2 Residential performance standard, medium density takes into account all of the integral factors that make each area within the City a unique, vibrant place to live, learn, work and play. When your project is deemed ready for the next step, you will attend a final pre-application meeting, and will be notified that final staff review has taken place. One party will not be permitted to invite another onto a welcome mat and then be permitted to snatch the mat away to the detriment of the party induced or permitted to stand thereon. 0000009131 00000 n Development, Urban Design, Neighborhood Conservation Districts (NCD), Neighborhood Revitalization District-1 (NRD-1). The setback requirements can be relaxed and you can request up to 50% of that space through the variance process (so instead of 7.5 setback, you can go as close as 3.75). Changing your propertys setback requirements is done through rezoning your property. Impact resistant glass should be used in all window exposures, except ground level non residential uses. All storefronts within a building should be uniform and be contained within structural bays or the lintel of the building. You can also use this time to obtain information and guidance relating to your project. 1 0 obj What is Zoning? You must notify abutting neighbors, nearby registered HOAs (which includes the Planning Department and appropriate commissioners) and the applicable NET office of your project. However, you can store either or both on your lot as provided in Section 33-20. Take a look at the new AIPP webpages, which includes an interactive public art map. Six elements served as the lynchpins in the development of the blueprint of Miami: Zoning (Miami 21 Zoning Code), Economic Development, Historic Preservation, Parks and Open Spaces, Arts and Culture, and Transportation. 444 SW 2nd Avenue, Miami, FL 33130 Tel. After you have completed your initial submission, you will receive an email from prompting you to upload your documents. Make sure to confirm that all required documents are accounted for and approved by staff prior to sending Notification Letters, as you will only have five days from that time to upload your final documentation. CertificationsLLP Structure and shall be painted to match the Structure. 0000029138 00000 n Odors or otherwise black or both public property rights to setback requirements as indicated on. s@U9 SprNp + 0 Necessary ditches, canals, swales, percolation areas, berms, dikedrain inlets, manholes, headwalls, end appurtenances shall be required in all subdivisions for the positive drainage of stormwater. In a reinspection fee owner shall unify with fdot work performed on size in economic development of city of requirements. *Disclaimer: this blog post is not intended to be legal advice. Requires additional protection from wind-borne debris in: 1. 910-05. must face the principal frontage. Miami Lakes, FL 33014. Stone or plastic panel facing the subject to ilding is to be permitted outside the requirements of city of each year! The answer to your question is limited to the basic facts presented. In T3 zones, frontages are likely to be front lawns with porches, and fences. expedites and improves the processing time for RPS-3 Residential performance standard, medium-high density - Purpose. Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 2:30 pm )X@hCmicC*RS 9 In your final pre-application meeting (before you mail the letters, above), the reviewers will notify you of any final outstanding comments that must be addressed. CPS-3 Commercial performance standard, intensive mixed use 4 of City Code. NOTE: Documents marked 'signed and sealed' must follow this digital process. The exterior sides of all perimeter walls and fences, where exposed to the public view, shall be maintained in good condition and shall not show evidence of deterioration, ripping, tearing, chipping, or other holes or breaks. What is an Easement? Please provide as much detail as possible. Your survey will show all easements that are located on your property. Click here to obtain an accurate list of these addresses. CPS-4 Commercial performance standard, intensive phased bayside 444 SW 2nd Ave Administrative Zoning Interpretation. startxref NOTE: A copy of these letters must be submitted in your final application (see below) within five days of the date on your certified mail receipts. In addition to enforcement by the Town Manager or designee, the provisions of this Code may be enforced by the Surfside Police Department if appropriate. T3 L=9 du/acre max. HTn wcU-;5iw!o_U ?ZayK8Ga/:fxuN8~4h{gHY9tK_8O @)80~|UObFY6;X6HO> gSBJ6'Xf,Dp]CU9Mr REm buildings configuration. 0000002597 00000 n No more than 25 percent of the living area of the dwelling unit and garages, not to exceed 500 sq. Maximum Lot Coverage: Maximum lot coverage shall be 35 percent of net lot area. At the end, you'll receive an email prompting you to upload your documents (list above). RE: 6455 Pine Tree Drive Circle- Lot Width (POSTED 11/23/20) RE: 6801 Collins Avenue. Local governments use ordinances and building codes to establish setback requirements generally for public policy reasons such as safety, privacy, and environmental protection. 0000003003 00000 n These regulations control the development and implementation of our Master Plan, including Development Regulations, Concurrency Regulations, and other issues relating to the overall planning and land use function. setback, height (feet and stories) Parking data: parking required (#), parking provided (#), loading zones, ADA spaces, EV parking . If approved, a Waiver shall be valid for a period of two (2) years during which time a Building Permit or Certificate of Use must be obtained. 2nd FloorPhone: (305) Building Disposition describes where the building sits in relation to the lot or parcel. 0000029538 00000 n Miami Springs, FL 33166. c. Screening methods. The following are a summary of the specific regulations that apply to building disposition in a T3 zone. stream A Setback is the distance from the Base Building Line (the officially mapped street line) to the point where a building may be constructed. The following are a summary of the specific regulations that apply to building disposition in a T3 zone. NOTE: Multiple cycles of comments may occur back and forth, depending on your project. At this time, you will be given a letter to notify your neighbors of your project (see below). What is Lot Coverage? It is not necessary to read it from cover to cover, but some parts interrelate and often must be reviewed together. 1503 Senior Planner Building & Permitting 386-424-2400 option 2, then 4, then 3 Please note that in the event that a Waiver is appealed, the Waiver will be placed on hold pending determination. modified Secs. Center444 S.W. TC-2 North Beach Town Center mixed use Regulatory provisions governing size and dimension regulations for public and private parks and recreation facilities. The Miami 21 Zoning Code can be found here: Yes. 0000007504 00000 n 201 Westward Drive. 153-157 Collins Avenue LETTER TRM (mh\F9KM-5KHBFJA"=?}@_ IcsTI'Uzg\q24FXDQd4iY%Ml4i*VX,MFB=e qch?QQAMH]}~5 !*?bKOEI2y,^rQ+\mj=V'q76hTRP2CRe?-fvz&.f>-'|nC&Qc$O|)~J &?Le:iKb-FgTfi2q+D:0b1BFKcD9 Your survey will show all easements that are located on your property. Other analysis techniques proposed must be substantiated by the applicant and found by the Town Engineer to be acceptable. Notice by mailing is a courtesy only and no action taken by the Town shall be voided by the failure of any individual property owner to receive such notice. After locating your zone, you can determine what setback requirements apply to your property. . Page Last Edited: Wed Nov 28, 2018 2:58:16 PM. 0000004737 00000 n %PDF-1.4 % Call us at (786) 837-6787, or contact us through the website to schedule a consultation. An enormously successful over the general public in response to city of rows of uses, placing additional sharing is on the. BlueHuki Group. The City of Miami provides setback requirements for property owners in the Miami 21 Zoning Code. 5) Heat pumps, air conditioning, swimming pool pumps, and . 0WZ["BiEAPtqM@%U .W\zwb}K"l,0OHo5g2r$*W;2yV&{&3E3]yo* Once the application has been paid for and final documents have been uploaded, you will hear back from The City within 30-45 days. In the case of plans which call for development over a period of years, a schedule showing the proposed times building permits are intended to be filed. A one-year (1) time extension may be approved by the Planning Director if requested prior to the expiration of the original term of the Warrant. Department, 3rd Floor, Planning-Land You will be emailed a transaction statement (invoice) with your total amount due. 0000039318 00000 n Call 305-375-2640 to schedule your appointment. Preapplication Conference and Initial Review. 11:30 am, Environmental Zoning & Development Review. (. 0000001277 00000 n 142-131142-150. 24 33 RM-PRD-2 Multifamily, planned residential dvpmt, MXE Mixed use entertainment The abovewebpage constitutes a complete codification of Miami 21, and includes the complete text and appendices of the code. The diagrams below explain building setback requirements. Zoning controls the use and development of land and buildings for the health, welfare and safety of the community. Fees for a Waiver are calculated based on the below list. NOTE: You must submit these documents within five days of the certified mail date on your notification letters. <> Commissioner Alex Diaz de la Portilla - District 1, Public Comment Instructions for City Commission, Boards & Committees, Historic & Environmental Preservation Board (HEPB), Miami Forever Bond (MFB) - Citizens' Oversight Board, February 27, 2023 Special Election to Fill the Vacant District 2 Seat, Candidates and Campaign Treasurer Reports, Committees and Campaign Treasurer Reports, Elections Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), 2022 City of Miami Special Election - November 8, 2022, 2021 City of Miami General Municipal and Special Elections, 2022 City of Miami Special Election - August 23, 2022, View City of Miami Code of Ordinances (Municode), Standard Naming Convention for Drawings & Documents, Submit Plans (Drawings) & Documents Electronically, Apply for a Temporary Occupancy Permit (TOP) - Construction Related, Get a Standalone Fire Alarm or Sprinkler Permit, Obtain a Standalone Tree Permit (No Construction), Get a Temporary Use Permit (TUP) on Vacant Land, Get a Temporary Event Permit (TEP) for COVID Testing or Vaccine Site, Get a DERM Inspection for a Certificate of Use (CU), Request Inspections for Certificate of Use, How to use the Interactive Mapping Tool (GIS), Add/Update a Contractor on a Building Permit, Get a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) or Completion (TCC), Get a Certificate of Occupancy (CO) or Completion (CC), City of Miami Building Permit Fee Schedule, Get a Demolition Permit (Total or Partial), Request Tree Trimming or Pruning on City Property, Appeals Recently Received by Hearing Boards, Request a Hearing for a Planning or Zoning Application, Appeal an Interpretation, Determination, or CU Denial or Revocation, Appeal Permit/Property Specific or Qualified Applicant Mural Decision, Request a Hearing for an Historic Preservation Permit Application, Get a Standard Certificate of Appropriateness (COA), Get a Special Certificate of Appropriateness (SCOA), Determine if Your Property is in an Archeological Conservation Area, Request a Fire & Life Safety Expedited Review, Get a Temporary Banner Permit for an Event, Access Current City Procurement Contracts, Access Current Solicitations (Bids + Proposals), Apply for ACH/Direct Deposit with the City, Guide to Opening a Business in The City of Miami, Covenant: Perpetual Sidewalk Easement Application & Documents, Hold Harmless Agreement (Subdivision Regulation), View Garbage Pickup, Recycling, and Bulky Trash Schedules, Request a "No Dumping" or "Curb Your Pet" Sign, Hurricane Tree Preparedness & Post-Storm Maintenance, Find Open Facilities Before & After Hurricanes, Hurricane Preparedness for Building Purposes, Home Owner Association (HOA) - Coconut Grove, Homeowners Association (HOA) - Wynwood / Edgewater, Homeowners Association (HOA) - Little Haiti, Home Owner Association (HOA) - Downtown / Brickell, Homeowners Association (HOA) - Little Havana, Homeowners Association (HOA) - Model City, Homeowners Association (HOA) - Upper Eastside, Register Vacant or Abandoned Structure or Lot, Apply for a Restricted Job (City of Miami Employees Only), Subscribe to City Job Opening Notifications, City of Miami Jobs: Eligibility & Ineligibility, View City of Miami Zoning Code (Miami 21), Find Homeowner Association (HOA) Information, Get a WDRC Recommendation for a Development Project, Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) Program, Secure Zoning Forms for Affordable Housing, Apply for Single Family Rehabilitation/Replacement (Low-Income), Business Continuity Micro Enterprise Program Application 2, Apply for a Large Group Food Distribution Permit for the Homeless. You are now leaving the City of Miami Beach website. More Information, The City of Miami requires future Waterfront Development to meet codes and standards in addition to those required by Transect Zone. A setback is the required minimum horizontal distance between the front, sides, and rear of the lot to the building. In no event shall a Final Waiver Decision be issued prior to thirty (30) calendar days from the date the notifications are mailed. Neighborhood Plan; preparing recommendations to and administering the Planning, Submit all revised documents here (select "manage my project")and include copies of the notification letters + mail receipts as proof of certified mail. SPE Special public facilities educational district, RPS-1 Residential performance standard, medium-low density Local governments use ordinances and building codes to establish setback requirements generally for public policy reasons such as safety, privacy, and environmental protection. CD-1 Commercial, low intensity The Planning . Depending on the local government, you would have to apply for rezoning and this process can take multiple months. You are now leaving the official website of Miami-Dade County government. Miami Riverside Center (MRC) The Planning Department and the Zoning Office provide policy guidance for the future development of the City of Miami by preparing neighborhood plans; administering, interpreting, and preparing amendments to the Zoning Ordinance and the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan; preparing recommendations to and administering the Planning, Zoning . (*) In certain instances, the height may be limited to 2.5 for visibility at intersections and within 10 feet of either side of driveway. You will receive instructions from here. How can I apply for a garage sale permit? h2S0P0W0P+-q b".vv 7 ARTICLE 9. General Information are allowed in T3. Local governments use ordinances and building codes to establish setback requirements generally for public policy reasons such as safety, privacy, and environmental protection. Vegetation survey signed & sealed within one year of the application date. RM-PRD Multifamily, planned residential dvpmt Miami Riverside 3611 3621 Collins Av height 1 344.05 Building and Parking Setback Requirements (a) Principal and accessory buildings shall be located on a lot in a manner that maintains the front, side and rear yard requirements as set forth in Schedule 344.05. allows constituents to apply and pay for their If you are applying for a Warrant or Exception, your waivers will travel with that application, so you should focus on those first. Please note that anyone can appeal a warrant approval or denialwithin 15 days of issuance. TOWERS, POLES AND MASTS Article V. AWNINGS, CANOPIES AND TENTS Article VI. When a commercial building contains more than one storefront, the building shall have integrity of color. The Planning & Zoning Appeals Board (PZAB) will determine whether the Waiver is upheld or rescinded. Chapter 29 of the City of North Miami Code of Ordinance is now available on Gridics. ft. Where applicable all utility sheds shall be in compliance with the Florida Building Code or be approved by the State of Florida and shall be subject to easements restrictions. RPS-4 Residential performance standard, high density He does his best to be solutions oriented, and tries to think like a business owner, not just a lawyer. Eric P. Gros-Dubois founded EPGD Business Law in 2013 and is the current head of the firms corporate, estate planning, and tax practice, and manages the firms Washington D.C. office. The Miami 21 Zoning Code is a Form-Based Code guided by tenets of New Urbanism and Smart Growth. Are you trying to build or renovate a business or residence, and your plans are not 'allowed by right ' according to Miami 21 code? Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 8:00 am - Swimming pools shall be constructed no closer than five feet to any building foundation unless the design is approved by structural review, but in no case can it be closer than 18 to any wall. Department and the Zoning Office provide policy guidance for Zoning, and Appeals Board, Historic and Environmental Preservation Board,
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