An official website of the United States government.
"slideDirection" : "right-to-left", // OPTIONS - left-to-right, right-to-left var slideshowHeader = 'true'; She is an inspiration for FBI CAAA and the Oregon community at large and we look forward to seeing more of her work reflected in our community in the future. var kup = 38; $("#sw-search-input").focus(); logoWidth(); FBI Richmond's 2023 Teen Academy will now be held June 14-15, 2023. . "menuBtnText" : "PAGES", .not($(" .ui-widget-detail img")) Deadline for application submission is April 29 by 5pm. +4benefits, Learning Loss Reading Remediation Program Coordinator (Grant-funded), Program Coordinator for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Student Affairs, South Carolina Department of Disabilities and Special Needs, Tucson Unified School District ( Get FBI email alerts ["Sesotho", "Sesotho", "st"], $(".search-dropdown").slideToggle(); var additionalItems = {}; div.homepage-thumb-region.region-6 {
links.push({ "text": link.text, "url": link.url, "target": }); // ********** FOOTER ********** // } function unSetChannelBarHeight() { Through our community outreach specialists in the field, we empower American Indians/Alaska Natives to protect themselves and their tribes and to report unlawful incidents. ["Vietnamese", "Ting Vit", "vi"], if(!$("#sw-content-container1.ui-hp").length) { The spine of the FBI is the rule of law. To learn more about FLEYA - Future Law Enforcement Youth Academy (FLEYA), the youth program will . For more information or to apply, go to FBI Springfield's webpage and look for the section titled Future Agents in TrainingTeen Academy. '
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' + case "false": I am learning and understanding my own dads life in coming to this country through all of the variations of cultural communities that I have worked with as Community Outreach Specialist., The cultures are all so very different yet we are all very much the same. leftPos = $(this).position().left; $(".ui-breadcrumbs").append("
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She places high emphasis on Oregons youth. $("#sw-content-container1.ui-hp .tab-button").each(function() { This is a national program developed through the AUSA to assist . $(this).parent().css("padding" , "15px 15px 6px 15px"); ["Croatian", "hrvatski", "hr"], . These posters can be used by members of the media and the community. var imgWidth = $("#gb-logo img").width()*.75; Participants are introduced to a variety of career paths available through the FBI and then can tailor their educational choices should they be interested in pursuing those paths. ["Kyrgyz", "", "ky"], '
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' + }); var schoolNameToggle = true; var showPlayPause = 'false'; The Academy member can get that group together for us.. is an official site of the U.S. Department of Justice. Reach out to our Headquarters program or to your local FBI office. In general, the FBI is responsible for investigating the most serious crimes in Indian Country, including murder, child sexual and physical abuse, violent assaults, drug offenses, public corruption, and financial crimes. ["Marathi", "", "mr"], } if (getWidth >= 320 && getWidth < 480) { // 320+ The Adopt-A-School Program puts FBI special agents and staff members into local schools to mentor and tutor kids. These people come to our country with nothing but hopes and dreams. I attended the FBI Citizens Academy program in Phoenix, Arizona, graduated from the program in April of 2011, moved to Oregon that May and was hired by the FBI in August of 2011. } div.homepage-thumb-region.region-1 {
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The Office of Public Affairs created the community outreach program to give the public access to the FBI. We hand out medals to the athletes throughout the summer. Our Citizens Academy offers so much for one another that it doesnt have to be solely FBI missioned, Kreamier says. '
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We look for people within the different cultural, religious, ethnic and professional communities. //DOC use channel name for pagelistnavigation header if one is not present if($("#gb-logo-container").length && !true) { .not($(" .ui-widget-detail img")) $("#gb-logo").css("max-width","100% !important"); }); I am always honored when I am invited to attend a dinner or special event from one of the various communities. } Easily apply Program Promotion Student enrollment, District standing and parent/community outreachare critical to the ongoing success of PACE. $(".sw-mystart-dropdown").focus(function() { $("#sw-search-button span").addClass("icon-font").text("3"); "bullets" : "yes", default: Each field office nominates an individual or organization for the award, and, once selected, the recipients are invited to a ceremony and reception at FBI Headquarters. Las Vegas, Nevada, United States. }); e.preventDefault(); } } } "color": "#fff" Studentsalsolearn from special agents, intelligence analysts, language specialists, and professional staff about investigative tactics that include gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and assisting with cases. Subscribe "slideDirection" : "left-to-right", // OPTIONS - left-to-right, right-to-left $(".sw-dropdown", this).slideDown(300, "swing"); if(haveLinks) { '
' + The program is designed to build trust and strengthen relationships between the FBI and the communities we serve. $('.sw-dropdown a.first', this).focus(); $(this).remove(); } if (getWidth >= 640 && getWidth < 768) { // 640+ "icons" : [ }); For questions about the HOPE Initiative, or if you have any interest in the working groups, please use this form to contact contact FBI Pittsburgh Community Outreach Specialist Felicia Trovato. "allLoaded" : function() { if($("#gb-logo-container img").length) { } var translateType = 1; } switch(taglineToggle) { FBI Community Outreach Specialist jobs Sort by: relevance- date 289 jobs School Program Director Pacific Autism Center Of Education3.7 Santa Clara, CA 95050 $80,000 - $120,000 a year Employer est. $("label[for='sw-search-input']").text("SEARCH"); if($(".sw-mystart-dropdown.schoollist").length) { } }
FBI Youth Leadership Academy Indianapolis Field Office 2020. $("#sw-mystart-right").creativeTranslate({
CREST acts to teach the different Oregon cultural communities what our mission is, dispelling misinformation and better equipping our relationships. } }
"buttonBackground": "#E6E6E6", // DEFAULT #E6E6E6 if("5" != "0") { } In most cases, our volunteers create programs to help kids who are at risk or disadvantaged learn how to improve academically and become good citizens. The Community Relations Unit at FBI Headquarters and FBI community outreach specialists in field offices across the country create and strengthen relationships locally and nationally with minority groups, religious and civic organizations, schools, non-profits, and other entities. if(!isMSIE){ imgResize(); } if($.trim($(".tab-right", this).text()) == "1") { var isMSIE = 0, isMSIE7 = 0, isMSIE8 = 0, isMSIE9 = 0, isMSIE10 = 0; function dynamicContent(){ if(!$(".sw-mystart-dropdown.translate").length){ // 13 = Return, 32 = Space $(".gb.footer.two .element-header").hide(); ["Belarusian", "", "be"], display: none !important;
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Adept at working with a wide variety of community demographics to formulate beneficial programs and issue resolutions. var policyText = $("div#sw-footer-links li:eq(1) a").text(); An official website of the United States government. if (getWidth >= 1024) { // 960+ $("#cs-sw-footer-outer").after($("#sw-mystart-outer")); { //DOC make homepage apps collapsible for small mobile devices }); $(".ui-breadcrumbs").append("
Signed Out"); The Multi-Cultural Engagement Council (MCEC) is composed of community ethnic, religious, and minority leaders who help the FBI better understand thecultures and committeesthey represent. $("h1.sitename-one, h2.sitename-two").show(); logoWidth(); if (districtHome == "false"){ By creating this job alert, you agree to the LinkedIn User Agreement and Privacy Policy. } if (getWidth >= 768 && getWidth < 1024) { // 768+ } if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") > -1){ isMSIE = 1; } $("
").appendTo(mainNav); Linking community service, prevention, and law enforcement is a national trend spurred by grassroots efforts around the country, and FBI employees have joined this movement, volunteering in a. var fax = "(812) 330-7805"; "addMethod": "prepend", // PREPEND OR APPEND THE TRANSLATE ELEMENT switch(schoolNameToggle) { ["Danish", "dansk", "da"], "dropdownHandleText": "Translate", // ONLY FOR FRAMESET AND API VERSIONS if($(window).width() > 1023) { if(pageHost != "") { $(window).bind("resize", function(){ pgScreenSize(); imgResize(); }); "advancedOptions": { She also works to build positive relationships and trust among communities who must confront issues like immigration, religious and racial profiling, and violent crime. } else { "usePageListNavigation": true, ["Uzbek", "O'zbekiston", "uz"], '
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"position": "relative", if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 8") > -1){ isMSIE8 = 1; } }); } As an FBI community outreach specialist responsible for the entire state of Arizona I create and strengthen relationships locally and nationally with minority groups . //DOC if myview button exists, move into myaccount dropdown $(".social-icon.instagram").show(); showPlayPause = 'yes'; } Ms. Kreamier can be reached at [hidden email]. }); For example, an Intel cybersecurity person may have access to people that want to learn more about cybersecurity and the latest trends within that arena, Kreamier says. ["Igbo", "Igbo", "ig"], ga('BBTracker.set', 'dimension6', '4872');
if(fax == "" || fax == " ") { $("div#sw-mystart-search input#sw-search-input").blur(function() { A lock () or https:// means you've safely connected to the .gov website. } "iconNum" : "5", // NUMBER OF ICONS }, '
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' + function imgResize(){ ["Georgian", "", "ka"], var facebookToggle = 'false'; What is an outreach specialist? } $57,120.00, Be an early applicant ["Romanian", "Romn", "ro"], "showSchools" : useSchoollist, '
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The mission of the MCEC is to provide a trusting environment that allows council members to discuss issues and concerns within their communitiesand collaborate with the FBI to identify solutions. }); Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. "mainControls" : "no", $("").csAccessibleNavigationApp(); $('
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$(" .ui-widget-detail img") To contact your local community outreach program, reach out to your local FBI field office. } The program aims to provide a positive law enforcement role model for students, using fun and informative lessons on things like how to process fingerprints and introduction to law enforcement uniforms and equipment. The Board helps to facilitate speakers and elects the events and activities each year. FBI Community Outreach Specialist FBI Indianapolis 8825 Nelson B. Klein Parkway Indianapolis, IN 46250 Program Session Dates: (please indicate availability at to of application) Session #1: July 27-29, 2020 Session #2: July 29-31, 2020 For questions, contact: Kathryn Sipes (317) 845-7035 ga('BBTracker.set', 'dimension2', 'False');
//DOC add frameset translate csGlobalJs.OpenInNewWindowWarning(); background: #335905; /*dark green*/
// Trigger the click event from the keyboard The FBI Portland CAAA is a nonprofit organization separate and apart from the FBI. $("div#sw-mystart-search input#sw-search-input").attr("value", "SEARCH"); $(this).addClass("open"); $('.footer-link').each(function(){ $("#hp-tabs div.ui-widget-header h1, .hp.column.two #sw-content-container3 div.ui-widget-header h1, #hp-tabs div.ui-widget-header h1.icon-font").click(function(){ default: "fixedPosition" : "bottom" // IF USING DEFAULT STYLES - TOP, BOTTOM To request a presentation, please contact your local FBI field office. case "false": ["Macedonian", "", "mk"], $("").removeClass("active"); $("#hp-slideshow").hide(); Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Oct 2022 - Present5 months. "allImagesLoaded" : function() { }, They typically work for hospitals, nonprofit organizations or government agencies to facilitate community wellbeing. //SOCIAL ICONS }); var taglineToggle = false; We aim to clear up any misinformation. default: Get email updates for new Fbi Community Outreach Specialist jobs in United States. padding: 40px 0 40px 0;
["French", "franais", "fr"], var tabText = $(".tab-right",this).text(); $("#sp-breadcrumbs").hide(); } else { '
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$("#extra-footer-links, #extra-footer-text, .gb.footer.two .element-header").hide(); Learn more the FBIs latest outreach initiatives, notable outreach activities and successes by Bureau partners and personnel, advice for staying safe from emerging threats and scams, career opportunities, and more in our quarterly digest. } switch(repeatInfo) { $("#sw-mystart-right div.clear").before($(".sw-mystart-button.signin")); I am one person doing a very large job. div.region span.homepage-thumb-region-number {
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["Hebrew", "", "iw"], Apply to Reading Specialist, Treatment Manager, Crime Analyst and more! Community Outreach Spotlight Safeguarding Senior Communities Submitted by Officer Justin Simmons of the Abington, Massachusetts, Police Department. $("#hp-tabs .ui-widget-header h1").each(function() { }, //} } if (getWidth >= 480 && getWidth < 640) { // 480+ ["Site Utility/4.png", "Directory", "", "_self"], // ARRAY ORDER - IMAGE, TEXT, LINK, TARGET function setChannelBarHeight() { Edit: The deadline to apply has been extended to May 20, 2022. $("#extra-footer-links").hide(); We share our federal jurisdiction with the Office of Justice Services of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. ["Kannada", "", "kn"], FBI Boston hosted a half-day Teen Academy with the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Holyoke, Massachusetts. .not($(" .ui-widget-detail img")) Today, I am running the very program in which I learned about the FBI., Kreamiers main goal and focus as Community Outreach Specialist is to bridge the gap between law enforcement and the different cultural, religious and professional communities. ["Luxembourgish", "ltzebuergesch", "lb"], "text": "Calendar", } if($(".sw-mystart-button.register").length) { $(document).on("focus", ".sw-mystart-dropdown", function(e) { $("#hp-slideshow").show(); '
' + "useDefaultCSS" : "yes", Direct any questions to } For questions, contact Community Outreach Specialist Brad Ware at or 217-757-3542. } $("#sw-mystart-search").unbind(); $('.sw-dropdown a', this).attr('tabindex', '0'); var imgWidth = $("#gb-logo img").width()*.75; else { $("h3.sitename-tagline").hide(); '
' + $(".tab-right").each(function() { The FBI's Community Outreach Program supports the Bureau's investigative mission by working to address multiple interrelated societal problemsincluding crime, drugs, gangs, terrorism, and . $("#footer-logo, #footer-sitename").show(); var getWidth = $(window).width(); } ["Lao", "", "lo"], "useTranslatedNames": true // ONLY FOR FRAMESET AND API VERSIONS - true = TRANSLATED LANGUAGE NAME, false = ENGLISH LANGUAGE NAME if(schoolText1 == "") { function useChannelForSection(){ } } } } var taglineText = ''; } '
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Subscribe }
You can unsubscribe from these emails at any time. else { // #gb-logo -- Checks to see if a logo has been selected, displays default logo until one has been selected. The Junior Special Agent Program aims to provide elementary school students the information, skills, and discipline necessary to stay away from gangs, drugs, and crime. $("#extra-footer-links").show(); To learn more about FLEYA - Future Law Enforcement Youth Academy (FLEYA), the youth program will run this summer from June 25-30, 2023. Students are provided with several presentations on topics including terrorism,cybercrime, public corruption, polygraph exams, evidence response, SWAT, and the day-to-day operations of a typical FBI office. $("div#sw-mystart-search input#sw-search-input").focus(function() { }, function() { } '
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They are chosen by a panel to be a participant in the Academy. $("body").viewFullSite({ $(".sw-mystart-button.home").show(); } Community outreach is about building partnerships locally and nationally that help prevent crime and protect our diverse nation. photoGallery(); $(this).removeClass("open"); Life as a Community Outreach Specialist 02/08/07 Denise Taiste has been with the FBI for more than a decade, but she's one of our newest community outreach specialists. Generally, each course iteration is a minimum of eighthours but can be aweek-long program with blocks of instruction and demonstrations atalocal field office. } $(".tab-button").not(".tab-button:eq(0)").click(function() { ["Portuguese", "portugus", "pt"], var schoolText1 = 'Bloomington High School North'; }
//DOC center signed out message and signin button ["Malayalam", "", "ml"],
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