hoi4 change ideology command kaiserreich

Added new national spirits to the Argentine army tree. Half of the Kivu Cliques units no longer spawn in New York City then immediately push off for sea, eternally searching for a way to return to a friendly port when there is none to be found. The OTL Sudeten states are essentially redundant because they only are in vanilla to simulate the temporary 1938-9 border, but there is no need for KR to simulate the Munich Diktat and Pan-German nationalists claimed the entirety of Bohemia. Fixed Germany being able to integrate Switzerland twice. Romania will now deny Albania an alliance, should Albania have supported Bulgaria in the Fourth Balkan War. A puppet Southern Rhodesia can now access most of its focus tree. Merged three of Argentinas economic national spirits into one. Added a missing railway construction bonus to a Centroamerican railway national focus. Sudwestafrika no longer starts as a puppet of Germany. Slightly tweaked the process involved to form Scandinavia. Removed the duplicate Tibetan decision to integrate Tawang. Some buffs for the Ottoman empire, including reduced focus times on several focuses. Kenya and Nigeria are now remilitarised when Mittelafrika collapses. Fixed the Ottomans losing land in the peace deal with Russia. Fixed Turkey being able to complete the Classless Society national focus, without having the Total Nationalisation national spirit. The Neo-Sanfedisti event chain has been reworked to provide more benefits for the Papal States and Sicily if they support the rebels in the SRI. Fixed Monarchist Persia not getting election events. Chile will now receive Tierra del Fuego if it can't be returned to Argentina by whoever is releasing it. Fixed Yan Huiqing not being promoted to the leader of a puppet Zhili Republic. For Syria, the Aleppen wing of People's Party now increases SocLib popularity in other countries, rather than SocCon. Added Elizabeth Dilling, George Schuyler, George W. Christians, Guy Ballard and Wilbur Voliva as advisors to the Union State. Fixed Romania not annexing Cernauti in a peace conference. Fixed Karl Albrechts portrait not appearing. Rebalanced the rate of World Tension decay, to tweak the average start date of the Weltkrieg. Removed the white border around the Hunan flag, Fixed the resolution of the Rassid Arabia flag, Fixed Persia returning Herat to Afghanistan. German East Asia can now be restored by Germany, should the former retake Malaysia. Fixed a cause of post Liberal Ottomans being locked out of their foreign policy tree after beating the Cairo Pact. Berar is now transferred by Chhatisgarh's annexation if Hyderabad's is invalid. Chinese tags now get claims on an ally's lands when the latter is integrated. Bulgarian PatAuts can now also be invited by Germany into the Reichspakt should Germany be losing, but are less likely to accept than other governments, other than AuthDem republicans. The Ottoman rework has been teased for a long time so I know youll be happy to hear it is finally here and ready for you to enjoy! Enjoy, and stay safe. Added a railway construction bonus to a Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth national focus. Fixed a potential bug in German annexation events not firing correctly. add_equipment [amount] [name] - Add a specified amount of a selected equipment type to your national . The Pacific States armed forces are no longer trialled, should they reunify with the United States peacefully. Added The Army Goes Rolling Along for the United States, Pacific States and New England. Fixed the United Baltic Duchys decisions Organise Public Works giving too much infrastructure. If Germany in Exile hands over French claims, it loses its ambition areas in those states. Changed the icon for the The Saviour of Poland national focus. The Golestan Pact will now be dissolved if Persia chooses to ally with the Bharatiya Commune. He now becomes recommissioned after the start of the Weltkrieg. Some Bulgarian national spirits should now be removed as a puppet. Added descriptions to the Yemeni states, for the Ottoman interface. Fixed the system for the French Republic joining Mitteleuropa. Chile can no longer join the Internationale, if the Internationale backs Argentina when they threaten Chile. Fixed Australasia's governor-general not being assigned to the NatPop slot. Adjustments to the border between the states of Romandy and Swiss Plateau. Replaced the Left Kuomintangs Consultative Conference national focus with Capitalism Under the State, which grants state modifiers to certain states. Flanders now has its own separate annexation mission. Fixed Siam getting negative consumer goods from welfare. Added a description to Qings Aisin-Gioro Jixing. NFA's revolter missions now cancel if it collapses. Fixed a rare case of the wrong Hertzog event firing. Added advisor descriptions for Joseph Kennedy Sr, Gerald Lyman Kenneth Smith and Earl Warren. Fixed Persia being attacked by Russia, despite the former already agreeing to end hostilities. Added a news event for the 1936 Dublin Olympics. Fixed puppet Boer South Africa keeping the Governor-General. The Combined Syndicates no longer get a unit bonus during the American Civil War. Fixed the Canadian annexation event using the wrong effect. Fengtian event "Seditious Articles Proliferate" should no longer fire if Japanese influence is low, Two non-standard Swiss event pics now use standardised design. Bulgaria now has a small sub-tree for when it has a SocCon government under Aleksandar Stamboliyski (primarily occurring if/when it is a Serbian puppet, but not restricted to that). Decreased Canadas starting research slots from 4 to 3. Fixed Georgia being referred to as a Kingdom, when puppeted by Russia. Fixed Emilia not properly making Sardinias Mario Roatta their leader. A lot of work has been done on various parts of the AI, including the combat defines, operation targets, agency upgrades, tech selection, and further tweaks to the production AI (specifically with regards to aircraft production and over-use of armored cars for suppression). Socialist Philippines no longer joins the Third Internationale, unless set to do so by the game rule. Natal's militias are now unlocked after the Boer War. Fixed the Siamese Parliamentarian rebels not getting the correct generals. Added Dark is the Night for Russia and Transamur. OOB changes for Greece, Socialist Italy, Tibet, Finland, Alash Orda, Transamur, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Romania, Chile, Ethiopia and Somalia. Reorganised the core German strategic regions. Note that if you wish to change the ruling party of another country, you will first need to switch to them with the tag command. Fixed three Guatemalan political advisors being permanently unavailable. Fixed Shanxi being unable to take The Suiyuan Question national focus. Fixed the Left Kuomintang's decision to negotiate with Lianguang breaking due to the latters civil war. Slightly increased New Englands starting unit count. Germany will no longer leave the western front empty if Poland revolts. Legation Cities now use European operatives. Tweaked the location of Greek victory points. Anqing no longer pays for its own reconstruction. Fixed some missing countries in the Ottoman Association of Muslim Nations decisions. Reduced the amount of equipment gained by Armenia in their first national focus. Fixed So Paulo not having Salgado as leader when it rises up against Vargas. Fixed Khivas capital being in the wrong location. Fixed a doubled Centroamerican cash crops effect. Chinas Northwest region renaming for the endonym mode, ITA can now join the Belgrade Pact if Austria own any of its claimed territories (as opposed to just two states specifically), Most (if not all) Brazillian breakaway tags should have their own minister lists now, Added in an peace out event for Italy if a stalemate occurs long enough and the Italian country they declared war to annex has already been annexed, The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth is now a Polish cosmetic tag, instead of its own tag, Sardinia can now get a fifth research slot after returning to Piedmont, Austria will now automatically go to war with the Belgrade pact should they decided to gang up on Hungary while it is at war with Austria, If Italy refuses the peace event with Austria and chooses to push for full annexation, it will break the balance in Italy (if that is still active) and may cause Germany to intervene, When forming the UK, Canada will automatically turn over all subjects outside of North America to the UK -- unless a Canadian player is not switching to play the UK, Tooltips added for most of Canadian Royal decisions to better describe the possible effects, Added some less socialist-leaning reconstruction decisions for the UK, for versions that decide to ban the Labour Party. authoritarian_democrat, social_conservative etc. None of the commands I've tried don't work besides the social democrat one what are the ones to put in for the other ideologies? Germany will no longer have the Occupation of France penalty for creating a puppet France after beating the Commune of France. Fixed Galicia not getting Lwow when released by Russia. Increased the Ottomans starting infantry equipment stockpile. Updated the Argentinean post-unification focus tree for Carles. Leader descriptions for all Brazilian leaders. Added a few regional division names, post-Beijing and post-unification Fengtian infantry division names. In the American Civil War, breaking the ceasefire is now a cost-free decision. Removed the automatic military access granted to occupying third parties. Reworked all starting navies to drastically reduce the number of capital ships, with a proportional reduction in screens. Fixed Germany stealing a puppet Poland from Austria. Fixed German East Asia not fully committing to the Indochinese war. Fixed Algerias leaders not having pictures. Fixed South Africa's Fagan Commission giving popularity to the wrong party. Fixed the naming for Yerevan and Batumi being incorrect depending on who controls them. They can now core all of China and they wont be referred to as RKMT. Fixed the capitulation of Russia potentially crashing the game. Ireland is now able to complete its Ancestral Ties national focus, with related decisions, if someone else other than the USA wins the American Civil War, depending on their own government. Fixed Polands Jerzy Sochachki being unelectable for socialist Poland. Reducing ones Economy or Mobilization law in peacetime (via the decision) now refunds a portion of the PP which was spent to acquire the law. Updated the diplo triggers to check the Colonial Government puppet level directly. Added descriptions to other equipment for Somalia. Mordacq is promoted to field marshal if he wins the Fight for Influence. The capital of Cape Verde-Guinea is now in Cape Verde. Fixed the United Kingdom being forced to return South Africa's lands to Canada. Fixed the Fate of Singapore not firing for minor countries. Decreased the political power loss from Polands Nationalise the Infrastructure and Nationalise the Vital Sectors national focuses. Added ownership checks to Rigas reintegration foci. Ukraine's leftists can no longer collectivise after being purged. create_faction = "factionname" creates a faction for your country called "factionname". Forming Greater Norway no longer requires Finnish lands. Libya now starts on Limited Conscription. Improved German East Asias naval invasion AI. Moved Huang Qixiang from Liangguang to the Left Kuomintang. Bulgaria can now attack the other side of the Greek Civil War, if it is at war with Greece when its civil war occurs. Added Zhou Enlai as an advisor for the Left Kuomintang. Federalist Sichuan can now attack Fengtian even if they don't own Beijing. Fixed a bug where the Fourth Balkan War didnt finish correctly in a Bulgarian victory. The Railway Reaches Barotseland national focus for South Africa now actually makes a railway to Barotseland. Japan now actually loses SocCon popularity if the Seiyukai loses its majority. Tweaked the effect of Romanias The First Among the Parties national focus. East Turkestan is now in Turkic tag renaming list. Added events for the French Republic for each stage of the completion of the Trans-Saharan railway. Fixed the CSA game rule when they joined the Internationale when they were supposed to stay seperate. Fixed Fengtians mission to Shanxi firing incorrectly. Expanded Russia AI ambitions for Eastern Germany now actually include all of Eastern Germany. Centroamericas Moderados are now RadSoc. Added tooltips to make clear that starting a couple of French Republic national focuses will fire their respective events. Fixed Socialist Russias missing national spirit names. Iraq no longer gets a core on Qassim, and Britain no longer claims Kufra, Jin Shuren's mission to unify Xinjiang is now removed if Sheng Shicai takes over. Paraguay's elections now check for Estigarribia being in power correctly. Fixed the Russo-Ottoman Convention resurrecting dead tags. The Quid Pro Quo focus for Canada now works as people think it does. Fixed puerto rico getting locked out of focuses and gated off the Grito De Lares focuses permanently for edge cases. Yunnan loses the div-limit bonus later to accommodate the current formula better. Fixed the Chinese Federalist ultimatums ending the Lianguang / Sichuan ally wars. Overhauled the strategic regions for Central Asia, now split into five regions from the original one. Fixed expansionist Russia not attacking Georgia. Algeria can now be given to any France, and annexed by any non-socialist France. Fixed the American Civil War cosmetic renames not being correctly removed in all instances. Removed a 12-year-old general from the Bharatiya Commune. Added some negative effects to Canadas negotiate with Quebec path, so its not better in every way than the other paths. Tibetan Division Numbering shall always skip #12 from now on. Fixed the Ottoman MarLib and SocCon game rules. Fixed Austria not joining the Reichspakt if already at war with Russia or the Commune of France. South Africa's armoured production bonus now applies to heavy tanks as well. Russia no longer peaces out with Reichspakt/Donauadriabund Poland when Germany collapses. Fixed socialist Ireland not having its Second in Command appointed early enough. Convert both Siam and Indochinas NF tree to 56 days from 70, Switzerland will now use German renames (rather than a mismatched collection of French, German, and Italian) if NatPop. The Rocky Mountains Ceasefire now uses a Non-Aggression Pact to prevent wargoal generation. Fixed Siam not puppeting Vietnam when releasing it without Saigon. Adjusted the effect of the Populist Reactionary advisor trait. Rebalanced the Spanish Civil War to make it less detrimental to the Carlists and the Kingdom, by changing starting stability and war support, re-allocating victory points and spawning more units. Fixed Wallonia not being able to go SocDem. Paraguay players now actually know that they can claim Ponta Para. Sweden should attack its neighbors less frequently. Player Galicia can now unite with Poland. Fixed Mexicos missing leader descriptions for all of its generals. Tweaked several Argentinian stability and war support modifiers. Assigned Ulsters new ministers for use in its revolt. Japan can no longer build cruisers at half cost. Ukraine is now always SocCon when released by Russia. Transylvania can now be granted to a non-aligned Romania. Austria will now prioritise the Decentralised Scheme while at peace. Fixed Fengtian trying to retire their advisors twice. Fixed Portugal being unable to win the Bush War. National France now correctly joins Mitteleuropa if the Germans demand it at Lyon. Britain no longer starts on partial mobilisation. Fixed the Tibet-Sichuan peace treaty firing even if either tag was annexed. Velchev stops being a security minister if Zveno-lead Bulgaria maintains the monarchy. Sweden's decisions to attack other countries will now cancel for the AI if the conditions change, such as Finland joining the Reichspakt, Fixed Montenegros adjective being Montenegrian, LEP can now fight Yiganduo and KMT rebels, and core Anqing. MacArthur can now fail the occupation of Philadelphia. Ukraine can no longer core southern Bucovina. Fixed the Saudis attacking Oman multiple times. Fixed Jack Reed losing support in swing states, when he denounces Alf Landon. Releasing socialist Danubia can now be done even if Austria went status quo. Fixed Carlist Spain being given the wrong name and colour after winning the civil war or the election. Fixed a Saudi decision having the wrong state check. Buffed Russias starting units, and removed two negative national spirits. Increased the amount of factories given by Insulindias national foci. Fixed HOL not being able to refit DEI's navy. Italy and Two Sicilies can now join Austrias sphere even once they merge with the Reichspakt during WK2 (they will leave the faction with Austria when it leaves). Rebalanced many Dutch national focus durations. Tweaked the province and state layout in Mozambique. Fixed some missing Senegalese leader descriptions. Fixed Austrias ambition areas in the Balkans. Greatly expanded the capabilities of Baldomeristas South American Socialist States faction. Added an event where Wilhelm von Preuen (Wilhelm III) may now be made a Field Marshal, shortly after the onset of the Second Weltkrieg. Improved the event text for when the Russo-Ottoman convention fails due to warfare between the two nations. Fixed Czechia not leaving the Belgrade Pact in Austrias Military Occupation path. Morocco's naval focuses now give naval experience instead of political power. Renamed the Mittelafrikan states East New Cameroon, Kivu and Ubangi to New Cameroon, Kiwu and Lower Sangha respectively. MacArthur is now more likely to give up power if the ceasefire has happened. This means any country not accepting peace will find themselves at war with Germany, and Germany also prevents Austrian core territories (such as Istria, Slovenia, and South Tyrol) from being annexed. The Caspian Sea is now treated as a proper sea, allowing for supply and naval invasions. Fixed Persias Yalda Night event occurring on the wrong day. Added improved tooltips to the Second Continental Navy and Revolutionary Navy national focuses for the CSA. Mongolia is now released as SocCon when puppeted by the Right Kuomintang. Fixed Greece peacing out with Bulgaria for its Megali claims, during the Fourth Balkan War. Sweden can now join the Reichspakt as soon as they go authoritarian, or their neighbours become hostile. Fixed the Chilean Crisis not firing for Brazil. War stability factor has been change to now be at -30%. Fixed Mongolia keeping the pro-Russian national spirits when puppeted. Fixed the Netherlands retaining parts of Indonesia if it goes socialist and Dutch East Indies is dead. Changed the leaders for Syndicalist and Totalist Morocco. These can be activated via game rules, though if you are in debug mode then the State Transfer Tool is available by default. Ireland's foreign resource venture now bypasses if there are no suitable targets. Added new production menu icons for Austria, Japan and Russia. Serbia will now wait for the WK to attack Austria. Some new NF icons for the Indochinese Union. To change the ideology in HOI4, you can use the console. Tweaked the effects of the Pro-Zaibatsu path for Japan. Added many military Operation names for countries, a mix of vanillas list of names and original Kaiserreich names. Altered the effects of Mittelafrikas air national foci. Hello all! Removed the African Minors generic national focus tree for now, pending review of effects, and rebalancing with the new Irregular units. Fixed Russia retaining access to Mongolia, if Sternberg is toppled. Dutch East Indies and Insulindia can no longer white peace with no border changes. Fixed Kornilov getting resurrected as a leader of PatAut puppet Russia. Fixed the Eastern European Ostwall countries constantly sending too much equipment between each other. Fixed Nicaragua attacking German Costa Rica. Fixed the Greek royal referendum being available at game start, Re-added the Waddai core to Borkou-Ennedi, instead of the Niger core, Added Abeche VP to Chad state, to prevent the situation where Waddai couldnt be capitulated because Lake Chad wasnt controlled, Added some additional common sense restrictions for the German AI regarding its events/focuses which could lead it going to war while its already busy with wars elsewhere, Fixed the wrong Great Depression idea showing for Canada on the bookmark page, Fixed missing portraits for both Flanders and Royalist Romania, Amended Canadas Quid Pro Quo tooltip to specify that returned land does not refer to land which Canada had previously seized, such as Alaska or New England, Dahomey retains its original government when puppeted by National France after Mittelafrikas dissolution, Rework the United Front Collapse for China, tags will slowly reform their own faction until the front entirely collapses, and can only leave when theyre at peace to prevent AI shenanigans, Added an Austria-Belgrade Pact peace deal, Readded the missing gamerule for Russias Tsar Vrangel, New/Redone portraits of: Abebe Aregai (ETH), Enrico Mizzi (MLT), Gerald Strickland (MLT), Tom Mann (ENG), Alexei Rykov (RUS), Irakli Tsereteli (RUS), Nikolai Trubetskoy (RUS), Pavel Milyukov (RUS), John Henry Godfrey (DEH), Glorious 3D Fokker plane models for HOL and DEI are now restored after someone accidentally removed them, A large collection of new intelligence agency icons, Fixed portrait path for Archibald Wavell for DEH, Added the Berezina river in Belarus and Lake Ilmen in Russia, Reginas victory point for Canada is now in the correct location, Updated the TKE tag, now represents a different group in the most MAF world.

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hoi4 change ideology command kaiserreich