hoi4 strategic bombers worth it

Interactive corporate website, Lidiya 'White Rose of Stalingrad' Litvyak, a port strike cannot be performed unless the enemy has less than 30% air superiority, a nuke cannot be dropped with a Strategic Bomber or Jet Strategic Bomber unless you have at least 75% air superiority, paratroopers cannot be dropped unless you have at least 70% air superiority, bombers deal more points of damage to a ship than they lose in the attack. Moving to an allied or enemy province in bad weather or bad terrain. Every 1 point of air superiority advantage in a strategic region gives a +0.7% air support penalty (called enemy air superiority on the combat screen) to enemy land combat defense and breakthrough. The player might: from game file \Hearts of Iron IV\common\buildings\00_buildings.txt, define ACE_EARN_CHANCE_PLANES_MULT = 0.005, ACE_EARN_CHANCE_BASE + (HP * ACE_EARN_CHANCE_PLANES_MULT * 0.1), Defines NBuildings AIRBASE_CAPACITY_MULT = 200, Defines NBuildings ANTI_AIR_SUPERIORITY_MULT = 5.0, Defines NNavy DETECTION_CHANCE_MULT_AIR_SUPERIORITY_BONUS = 0.25, Defines NNavy ENEMY_AIR_SUPERIORITY_IMPACT = -1, Defines NAir PORT_STRIKE_ENEMY_SUPERIORITY_LIMIT = 0.3, Defines NAir STRATEGIC_BOMBER_NUKE_AIR_SUPERIORITY = 0.75, Defines NCountry PARADROP_AIR_SUPERIORITY_RATIO = 0.7, https://hoi4.paradoxwikis.com/index.php?title=Air_warfare&oldid=58447, Play Strategic bombing. If you place a Scout plane inside an air zone with combats, they will contribute towards air superiority bonus, even though they will do no damage to air units nor ground/naval targets. 90% -> 99%. All planes in an air wing must be of the same type; it is not possible to mix fighters with bombers, for example. Wings with this mission will only participate in air combat if enemy bombers or transport planes are detected. Mission efficiency icon: Effects on mission efficiency of an air wing: Effects on mission efficiency in a strategic region: Missions will be conducted regardless of weather, but bad weather reduces detection and efficiency and increases the risk of an accident at take-off and landing. Use the attrition graph to determine how much reliability your variant equipment needs. After all, we're here to explain how to use nukes in HOI4. Disrupting enemy support planes (and protect allied support planes). @Kayzer Light, Medium, Heavy, Amphibious tanks should all use the same division template: Those designs are a trade-off between offensive power (tank) VS. Org/HP (motorized/mechanized). Bomb their country to dust. Make sure your tanks have at least 80% reliability, preferably 90%. Available for: CAS, Tactical Bomber, Jet Tactical Bomber. Different missions are available for different plane types. At the same time I will . I've been comparing the two branches and the way I understand it, the night bombing branch is superior in every situation. They remain banned on most competitive matches. Flame tanks, support equipment, anti-air, anti-tank and tank destroyers are vulnerable to attrition due to their low quantities in divisions, so put extra factories on them to prevent shortages. Would you care to add a template for heavy fighters as air superiority/escorts for bombers? . from air doctrines) only for that mission type get applied to the wing for that mission. on Paradox technology, Legal I love tac bombers. Every plane that joins a battle produces 0.0005[13] country air experience. For this reason it is advised to hold air superiority as much as possible. A regiment (vertical column) can only hold batallions of its type (e.g. I sieged down the UK by using thousands of strategic bombers to destroy everything on the island. The reinforcement level of an air wing represents the amount of planes an air wing has at full strength. The naval base itself will get damaged as well during successful attacks, but empty bases cannot get attacked. Most air operations work on the scale of strategic regions. Naval strike. Wings with this mission will participate in land combat throughout the strategic region. I didn't know they targeted Airbases first. [14], Available for: Fighter (needs to be unlocked by country rule). JavaScript is disabled. Pushing with infantry and CAS often works against a weak enemy. @Comander-07 Support Artillery is indeed more efficient for smaller divisions, but engineers are worse for small divisions. Invading the US only to be bogged down by unfathomable numbers of US troops? Each air wing's air power is its number of planes, multiplied by the superiority power above and its mission efficiency. In the . The first mission with a valid condition is the only mission flown by that air wing during that mission opportunity. CAS wings will contribute planes to the battle up to 54 planes. Especially if the attack on the region is being carried out by a. If no units have a supply deficit in the region, the mission doesn't do anything, but the planes will still consume fuel and possibly get shot down. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The mission efficiency of a wing influences what percentage of its planes can actually carry out the assigned missions. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 10% penalty with full battlefield support doctrine becomes 13% [10% * (1+30%)]). Are strategic bombers worth building? Bombs enemy ships. the night penalty isn't -50%, as you guessed, but -90%. CAS deals damage directly to enemy divisions in combat. Planes capable of naval minelaying can be assigned to naval minelaying missions only during wartime. Excess breakthrough is useless, but luckily breakthrough is a cheap stat. 1. They can perform Close Air Support, Naval Strike, and Port Strike air missions. Only worth it if you already have air superiority and sufficient CAS. Air wings can be assigned to various missions. i thing having larger, more homogenous datasets to allow for the variance to balance out, so we can more clearly see the expectation would be helpful. Players carrying out strategic bombing should note: Players subject to strategic bombing can respond in several ways: Players can assess the impact of their bombing and their defenses in the region's air combat screen (number of buildings bombed, percentage of bombers disrupted). Besides them being required for nukes, they're okay in masses, especially in the late game. Targets are checked in each of the air zones assigned to the air wing, checking provinces within range of the air wing. Wings with this mission will fight and disrupt any enemy air wings operating in the area. The CAS frontage of a battle can be filled by planes from multiple friendly wings. Putting 2 factories on transport planes should be sufficient for your logistical needs. (this information is out of date the By Blood Alone DLC completely changed air technology). Unless anything has changed, the prime reason they are effective is because they bomb all the airfields in a strategic region first, crippling the defender's ability to respond with fighters and after that they just turn out free damage every month. common/defines/00_defines.lua NAir.CAS_NIGHT_ATTACK_FACTOR = 0.1 should mean CAS are only 10% effective at night. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. I agree about that. In this section, well list the most-used types. The stats of a unit are displayed when editing a unit in the template designer, and the current stats of a division in the field can be inspected by clicking on their icon. Base minesweeping efficiency by plane type, Due to a bug, these bonuses only work if the air region includes a friendly land province. Combats close to its air base are prioritized as well as (to a lesser extent) battles with more divisions. Jet Fighters can perform Air Superiority and Interception air missions, Jet Tactical Bombers can perform Close Air Support, Strategic Bombing, and Port Strike air missions, and Jet Strategic Bombers can perform Strategic Bombing air missions, as well as being able to drop nuclear bombs. That is, the battleship will lose 1.5 hit points out of its total of 150 hit points. Air warfare consists of the deployment of air wings to strategic regions, where they can undertake missions targeting enemy air forces, land units, naval units or buildings. The mission flown will be the first one in priority order, as shown in the left-to-right order of the buttons in the air UI. In HOI4 you can't decide what to target and you potentially find yourself advancing into states that you just bombed into oblivion and run out of supplies and incur in attrition because of this. 25 days ago. Attrition losses are also relatively larger for small divisions, and they are quite impractical to use, requiring lots of them. Information, Frequently Asked Close Air Support. The maximum penalty without doctrine is 35% at 100% air superiority. No, they're worthless. yep, planes sortie at 0:00, 8:00 and 16:00, but if you set to day only (as you generally should) then they'll stay grounded for any of those times which occur while the airbase is in nighttime. Or is it just lend lease? How should you build your strat bombers.I'm going to stream tonight (day of release) a strat bom. Bombed Germany a bunch so their economy sucked. Heavy tanks are much more expensive than Medium Tanks, and suffer from very harsh combat penalties in many terrain types. The rate of minelaying depends upon both the quantity and type of plane which make up part of the air wings assigned to a region. Breakthrough only needs to be as high as enemy soft attack (per combat width). Strategic bomber: Destroys enemy buildings, e.g. To design a template, you will first need. Bombing the enemy airports will cripple their airforce, and if you go for their civilian industry, they won't be able to repair them. if you're only doing one sortie at night, then you're going from ((100% + 100% + 10%) / 3) = .7 to ((100% + 100% + 55%) / 3) * 120% = 1.02, a 45.7% overall increase in output. Through Corpo di Truppe Volontarie focus. The bonus has a base value of +25%[3], scaled linearly by the number of planes actually in the battle compared to the maximum possible. The capacity of an air base is shared between allies. I only start bombing if I know this would be a even fight or I might even lose if I don't slow down the enemy war machine. Only NAV2 and NAV3 have a sufficiently high naval attack value to sink troops convoys. . Eventually, this will cause enemy units to have insufficient supply and suffer from attrition. Each plane can give up to 0.2 supplies, meaning a full wing of 100 can give 20 supply. For this guide, I have created a combat width simulator. bombing results are fairly noisy. Air support gives an attack bonus to friendly troops and also directly damages organization and strength of enemy divisions. I have recently been getting back into Hoi4 after playing for a couple weeks post launch then shelving the game until a few patches could come out. Since intel is are not that good, don't bother building them. Read the rules though as they are often banned. Well, the main problem isn't that they're bad at what they do, but that you rarely need them. It still gives +20% strat bombing compared to day bombing's +30%, which isn't that much less if you factor in the additional +20% from the final doctrine tech (so you're looking at +40% vs. +50%), while also giving you a -50% modifier to strat bombing during the night which should result in overall higher damage when bombing full-time (and especially when only bombing during the night, obviously). By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Given enough air support, even basic infantry can push through enemy lines. r/hoi4. While playing one thing I have had difficulty judging is the effectiveness of strategic bombing. If an air wing is disbanded, all of the planes will return to the equipment stockpile and will be available for deployment to other air wings. i think having 3 months of day vs 3 months of night might display results more clearly than the test you did in the prior post you linked. From Hearts of Iron 4 Wiki. For example, with 60% air superiority the enemy will suffer a 7% penalty to . Each land-based air base can support 200[1] planes per base level without any penalties. Close Air Support planes are designed to provide support in land combat. Heavy fighters' larger range also means that they can be used to defend a larger area. The air superiority mission doubles as escort mission, protecting bombers operating in the region by reducing disruption from enemy fighters. This ratio is stated as a percentage and results in a color applied to a region (can be viewed using the Strategic Air map mode). It's totally overkill against AI but in multiplayer you should produce them if you're one of the big 3 (USA, Germany, UK). The situation is quite different if naval strikes are combined with an attack by warships (including submarines). Creating divisions is one of the most important aspects of Hearts of Iron IV. Information, Frequently Asked Close air support mission [ edit | edit source] Available for: CAS, Tactical Bomber, Jet Tactical Bomber. I think they changed it to local time a few patches ago so there'll be exactly one night sortie per day except maybe in polar winter? The excess intel only serves as a buffer if the player stops performing any air reconnaissance. Some missions will always fly. If one of the assigned missions has a condition that's "Always executes", no later mission in the list will ever be executed by that wing. strategic, tactical, CAS, NAV ? Btw the current war score from strat bombing is completely broken and overpowered. They can perform Air Recon air missions. Your divisions are running out of rifles and the front lines are collapsing, but you can't build any more rifles because your surviving factories are desperately trying to get planes in the air. Strat bombers aren't as overpowered as they were from before 1.5.1 but they're still highly annoying and hugely powerful when microed. Medium tanks typically offer the best of both worlds. For example, conquering Britain and the Yanks show up dumping a hundred divisions to hold Scotland. regardless of whether or not it works, the night *strat* bombing modifier is supposed to be -50%. This may be very useful to provide some air support for an amphibious invasion when other bases are out of range. For example, in the earlier example with a maximum of 54 CAS, if 27 planes were in the battle, the attack bonus would be +12.5% (27 / 54 * 25%). Single player no, multi yes. It costs 5 army xp to add or remove a batallion, and 10 army xp for a support company. See, PDXCON How do you manage the wings of them, I feel ive had the best luck with stacks of 50 as there is no real feedback except that crappy line graph I have no real idea what im doing with wing size. Logistics strike. Press J to jump to the feed. Note this is different from mission-specific modifiers like Air Superiority Mission Efficiency described below. It may be advisable to put air wings on standby during such conditions. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Through Officers of the Service Role focus. Available for: Fighter, Heavy Fighter, Jet Fighter. The supply given by this is used to make up supply deficits in the assigned strategic region, meaning that only units that don't receive sufficient supplies from normal sources will receive air supply. Is there any data out there about how much damage bombers can do to their targets and how much of an effect that has on the nati9n being bombed? Wings with this Join. Solution? Honestly, I want those factories when I conquer the territory, and I have no interest in having to repair them when I do. Questions, Paradox bombers but in multiplayer you do need them, atleast if youre meeting "good" players. could you retest it in the arctic? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Another fun fact is that this is in global hours, but day/night is calculated in local hours. Testing out how effective ICBMs (guide missile 3s/rockets) are compared to strategic bombers to see if they are worth the research time and construction. None of the plane's attributes have an influence on the effectiveness of anti-air. The rate of mine clearing depends upon both the quantity and type of plane which make up part of the air wings assigned to a region.

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hoi4 strategic bombers worth it