how to cash in your birth certificate bond

Mine was only worth $33k. It does not deal with the title at all. Related commercial documents have been forwarded to the Secretary of the Treasury. on July 10, 2012: Leland Roth, I will post this comment and leave it up to the reader to decide if this is the path they wish to take. January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on March 29, 2012: @Art I'm def going to go through the process, thanks for the comment, there's nothing wrong with taking something back that belongs to us. It has no commercial value. This needs to be done by the secured party and it must be sent through Certified (or Registered) mail directly to the Secretary of the Treasury to be discharged. January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on March 26, 2012: @ArthurNJonesJR Thanks for the info, I will look, Hi Cherry go to and read some excerpts of his books. It would be great to figure out how to contract with corporations as a Freeman, and get the financial administration to work with me. January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on February 28, 2013: JS Matthew from Massachusetts, USA on February 27, 2013: Very interesting! Is it a contract, giving the state control over everything associated with the individual named on the certificate? Do we live in a place that is run by people and with a system in place that honors what it mans to live i truth, peace, harmony and balance? There is an old saying by Edmund Burke (1729 - 1797): All that is required to allow evil to flourish is that too many good men do nothing.. If one of the UCC offices in a particular region does not accept a properly prepared UCC, another office within that region will. Because of this, IRS reconstruction the Technical Support Manager (TSM) in every State Divisional Office of the IRS has been given the same authority once held by the District Director. . From what I know you can not redeem your birth certificate bond and yes i saw the irs clause you mentioned but from what i came across you can use it to pay off debt not personal gain. Have a rich and prosperous day. SO ALL YOU DO IS AUTHENTICATE YOU BC AND GET POWER OF ATTORNEY OVER IT THEN TAKE IT TO THE BANK AND CASH IT IN REALLY IS THAT ALL. Thanks for sharing in the spirit of helping to end this mess through knowledge. of investigating it works and theres rules you have to follow do not try to fake ,fraud or scam then,your okay.this comes from the honest and real then you'll be able to REMOVE YOUR DEBTS ,THATS DEBTS get cant make money .. you get debts removed and SETTLED!!!! This is the biggest crock of sh*t I've ever read in my life. This process involves going to a bank, credit union, etc., presenting identification, and then signing the forms in the presence of a bank officer or notary who then certifies that your signature is valid. Also what about all the changed names? because we are heavily campaigning for Micheal Tellinger to get a seat in our South African Parliament, I happen to come across your article on the Birth Certificate scandal that we knew about for several years . but only for those serious about seeking the truth. as registered securities. The person that filed the document is the secured party when it comes to the UCC filing. The majority of lawyers view the entire UCC process only in terms of litigation, and adjudication. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. How? Do not do anything without having a complete understanding of the consequences. Simple: It isn't. The NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) coordinates trading of stocks (ownership shares of corporations), not individuals' birth certificates. Third, you will need to send the application package to the Health Department, Finally, you will be receiving your birth certificate by mail. Using Federal Reserve notes, does not "pay debts", all it accomplishes is to "discharge your obligations", as in providing a promissary note, which is ALL, that a federal reserve note is. thank you so much :).. once i try this, this year and it is true i will most definitely make another post. Request savings bonds held by the government in your name and owed to you. There are claims that every American has a prepaid account worth 1 million dollars. Indeed, our situation is as George F. Will wrote "we honor [Thomas] Jefferson, but we live in [Alexander] Hamilton's country". Will the filing of an uniform commercial code (UCC) financing statement, addendum and/or change statement/amendment include all transactions, civil matters, as well as any criminal activity? I can't take anything involving this man seriously. Finance is the study and discipline of money, currency and capital assets.It is related to, but not synonymous with economics, which is the study of production, distribution, and consumption of money, assets, goods and services (the discipline of financial economics bridges the two). Make purchases that will be charged to a Exemption Account (perhaps identified by your social security number or EIN), or. To add my two cents. At most, the information only refers to specific forms that are so overly complicated not a single person not "in the know" could correctly file in the correct way with the correct office. FRN's do not discharge a debt. Request savings bonds held by the government in your name and owed to you. Please do your own due diligence by researching thoroughly any information that is presented to you. It appears that the UCC as well as other paperwork that is required to be filed with the birth state or region are all logged in the mail room at 1500 Pennsylvania NW, Washington, D.C. Thank you. However, if you plan to save an inventory of bonds, you may want to enter serial numbers.) and all corporations and sold it to the Federal Government who cashed it into the Federal Reserve treasury and used the money to create a government bond in your straw man legal fiction company . January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on February 10, 2012: It is true. They will endorse as to their witnessing the creation of both the child, and a commercial document. People who have properly and correctly filed within their birth state or UCC region will create a completely separate entity or a Secured Party completely separate from their government created debtor. There are many UCC and bill of exchange documents that arrive at 1500 Pennsylvania Ave NW that are mistakenly sent to the BPD. You will not have to deal in Court jurisdictions and stay out of the area of controversy. The Internal Revenue Service has increased its use of illegal threats and intimidation. In the meantime, it may be safer to continue to play along with the presumption, doing what they want you to do and saying what they want you to say, until or unless you gain enough knowledge, wisdom and confidence to exert your God given rights. I also applied for my state citizenship, "national" at the post office before I started this leg of the journey. I will have to check this out too. You just need to know where to look. Make sure the top two areas say MUTUAL FUND and FUND NUMBER BEFORE You do the search to find out who is trading on the FUND for the Birth Certificate. Press Go. There has been information supposedly received from several government agencies which state that the filed Certificate of Live Birth documents have actual instructions on the reverse of the certificate stating who, and in what time frame the document should be created and delivered. Legally, you are considered to be a slave or indentured servant to the various Federal, State and local governments via your STATE-issued and STATE-created Birth Certificate in the name of your all-caps person. Getting back to the supposed value of the birth certificate this is the facts as I ascertained them. I have read one would need a National passport and/or a certificate of live Birth to file out the UCC-1. 6. The sentence should read, to quote or lookup a bond click here.. creating bonds by using the Savings Bond Calculator. Great article! I will get myself off of the IRS debt payroll! How is the Treasury Dept. The government is spending the future and enslaving its citizens with taxes. 401 of the Federal Reserve Act, the Supreme Courts confirmation in Guaranty Trust of New York vs. Henwood, et al (1939) and Public Law 73-10. A properly prepared and correctly filed UCC filing will ensure in the future to protect the property and assets of the secured party. If you cash out your paper I bonds at a bank, the bank may provide the 1099-INT form. The answer to each of these questions is NO, or at least it should be! Amber rene guapilla castillo on July 24, 2017: How do we get money from our birth certificate ?? Gross Federal Debt is the total debt owed by the United States federal government. In need of info on how to get startedany help is appreciated. Hopefully, one day, someone will actually write something coherent to explain all this. Could you suggest some resources for directing my path correctly??? And those websites pretending to explain it all at a cost are only scams, as you say. Heres my shot at writing something coherent to explain all this, albeit very briefly. Follow these steps to cash in your bond: 1. It is also sent to the IRS Technical Support Division (TSD) within the state in which the Secured Party started the discharge. Does it have commercial value? Every Birth Certificate within 72 hours of a live-birth is being converted into a "Bond" with a calculated starting amount of money and then traded onto the world Stock Exchange Markets, without the knowledge nor consent of the person named on the Birth Certificate Bond. Cestui Que Vie Trust. The Secured Party also needs to file a UCC financing statement and addendum with the UCC office in the state that the person resides in, in order to protect any property there. Yes, as you say its a lot of fancy language and legal mumbo jumbo. Many retirees do all three. going to know who is who? If they were so clever to set this up, then why would they leave such a loophole? I have not heard of one state that has sought prosecution for any filing as being illegal, civil or criminal. Instruction 3 - At the top of the page you will see DELAYED QUOTES. Basically, you take ownership of your Birth Certificate using UCC-1, and then use that as authority to create a discharge Bond. There must be 10,000 people with the same name as me right now. State and local governments via your STATE-issued and STATE-created Birth Certificate in the name of your all-caps person. Reality Bytes: with the proper disclaimers, you could free yourself of any and all liability to the information provided, and thus present more useful "step-by-step" form filling instructions. Nadine May from Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa on August 05, 2017: Sadly your last video has been removed, but as for your article, you are spot on. schoolmarm from Florida on July 20, 2011: Really interesting hub! Remembered for the detainee populace are detainees . That not right for us too be blinded by the Government Of The United States Of America about our birth rigth and making money off of us so called citizen;s . The Treasury uses the loan to purchase a bond (the Fed holds a purchase money security interest in the bond) from the Department of Commerce, which invests the sale proceeds in the stock or bond market. Anyone in the movement for Sovereignty giving you advice that you can cash in on this bond is directing you to trouble and legal and lawful problems. PLEASE CONTACT ME AT GODSPORTAL@GMAIL.COM THANK YOU.. PEACE. Consider yourself a human being and not a person. It is the responsibility of the individual to research facts for themselves and make their own determination as to the validity of any information presented. Each side has equally viable points. The UCC department employees of each state become the curators and are compelled to follow very specific procedures and rules. I think the chaos has to play itself out. Depending on when it was issued it will be either in blue or black. What is a birth certificate. They have poisoned the entire food chain, the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the medicines they concoct with Big Pharma that kill people, I mean WTFU people you have more people leaving the USA than are coming here in its history and like duh, why is that Archie Bunker? You are welcome Cherycrime26 also here's a good site. United States Strawman UCC/Redemption Process (A Study). Tap on research tab,go to quotes. Birth certificates are a form of securities called "warehouse receipts." . x][u~hUaj :qU*UM]#q ZO|Vs?O_Emu*FZmmZjo_~O*3?'YZT^y*w7heFSx?uy\WQo^]R\juT^M+xRnnn mCDbVm>4+uIuS_dr nb_Uxs*h#AYr$4|%- D}ToTFMlc}&eBNC'JE%T77ju#7eLV/^W3_%Z(sc|o9 ![QaW@ # ^EQ*!a$|@3=Y:QM Lxh :|RZ}gU"GjEi8pgbkWS_4=jcid`7S,KN#C: lIeF!rJE,4xDF. I have been researching this subject a ling with the right to travel for almost a year now.I have a good idea on all of this.I was shocked and became obsessed with learning it.Why do we need a piece of paper explaining who we are to corperations.Ive found templets and videos online explaining a ucc1 but I wonder if I should contact a lawyer.Probably a bad move.I wish my friends would wake up and stop contracting with entities like DLs and FLS.Great info though makes me want to buy a blacks law dictionary! Click on SYMBOL LOOKUP. Also, the "Exemption Account" is a false term; these accounts are fictitious and do not exist in the Treasury system. In a few weeks, the actual Certificate of Live Birth, which was based on the application, is handed over to and filed in Washington D.C. Didge from Southern England on May 22, 2012: Quality hub! Store savings bond information you enter so you can view or . Thank you! Could they could pull your Medicare and social security benefits or disability. Then they celebrate. It is something I will have to start spending time on researching. The State makes a Certified Copy and sends that on to the Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. From there another Certified Copy is made and sent to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Brussels, Belgium. 19.8K followers. Just like the car. Or is the entire UCC redemption process a deceptive maneuver, or trick, that will only bring about greater retaliation by the government agencies upon individuals associated with the process. When a Financial Institution receives a "Release of Levy/Lien" from the IRS the Financial Institution makes a simple computer entry and the funds are transferred from the TTL account into the account of the depositor if it is applicable. The bond number itself can be found on the actual Certificate of Live Birth, on the back of the document. The first to receive the document is the County Health Commissioner. Notice on your birth Certificate your name is written in all capitals. The person that filed the document is the secured party when it comes to the UCC filing. I actually tried several times, but never got a response. Yes you do not need a locense to travel nor a license to get married it is all a fraud we are all under the al morrocan nation . She's correct about the Act of 1871 making the US a corporation at the demand of the City of London bankers in order to borrow money necessary following the War Between the States. you will need is any court case numbers for any active cases you have, the social security card of your corporate citizen status [United States Citizen], and a copy of your birth certificate. Therefore you have to look into who you are what your nationality is etc in order to claim it. I will have to look into this further. Charles Smith asked 7 years ago. He has a book, Adventures In Legal Land, that shows empirically why there are no citizens and no states. Has anyone successfully done this process? on January 18, 2012: VICTOR JERMAN LIPFORD You have asked a question that I am not qualified to answer. It becomes part of the public record. There are various contingents involved, as well as facts that have been disclosed by different sources concerning the information. You give value to the title, the [your] birth certificate. Free your mind and go forth and become a Sovereign sentient being of God, that you were intended to be! The first question to discuss is the question of the birth certificate. This conspiracy has been perpetrated by enormous numbers of lemmings and sycophants who thought that in the end they would benefit from the process. Promissory Notes will do just fine. Any idea when it will be revived? Sure, the system is crooked. Or, you can test your luck on higher-risk investments. tired of debt and statutory laws..learning all i can about redemption .thanx. Com possibly helping US & Canadian citizens getting $250,000 plus for their birth certificatesthru this interesting club. Thanks for sharing this information. Are you capable of working? Wow you speak your opinions well. This secret has been hidden for over 79 years. They do however admit that the Certificates of Live Births are real and are kept on file. If the Strawman-UCC- Treasury Direct Account and etc., really works then there should be thousands and thousands of people who have successfully used this method. Government sources claim that all commercial activity in the United States and other countries fall under the legislated (Administrative) Law which is also called the Uniform Commercial Code. Please lmk because I'm very interested. Don't want to sound mean, but exactly how are you going to file this very complicated UCC-1, or whatever else needs to be filed, when your article shows that you have a hard time constructing coherent and meaningful sentences? Links. This means there are funds borrowed against these accounts. The documents are known at the analysis and control division as "UCC contract trusts. @Bkcreative wow you really did your home work, and yes ive heard of people recording new births in there bible to keep up with the family tree, so yeah you have to wonder why they started making these bond looking ones, thanks for all the info :). if so what was our value at birth? VICTOR JERMAN LIPFORD on January 17, 2012: How can I transfer funds from my treasury account through the TTL account. Any actions you take and all repercussions you receive will be your responsibility alone. Up and shared January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on February 26, 2013: @Billybuc Trust me it's real, do your research, it just takes time to do the process and of course there not teaching people how to do it. The United States has been partitioned into six UCC regions. If a written and contracted claim is received by the debtor (Strawman), it can be accepted for value by the secured party. The documents are examined by the Secret Service, the FBI and Justice Department. what this whole thing started out to be a money grab/control thing by the Rockefellers and has since destroyed our 'selves'. Click on Symbol Look Up. This does not mean that properly presented and prepared negotiable instruments from a legitimate Secured Party should and can be legally processed under law through local financial institutions by the person making the claim. This number is the number of the CUSIP that is on the bond that the social security account is linked to. Changing your status to Sovereign basically means freedom and you are not obligated to the same things as a citizen like taxes parking tickets excise taxes court orders etc because you are the master of self not them. In the search value box, put the first two ##s on the back of your birth certificate. Read "The Redemption Manual 4.5 Edition" on McCutcheons Ink website. A person may be a group of people, a corporation or a human being under law. This goes for prosecution by the Department of the Treasury, the Secret Service, the Department of Justice or the IRS. I am wondering if you would get past all the fluff in your post and give us some proof? Would love to hear anything. Once processed through the Federal Reserve System and/or the Department of the Treasury, these transactions are bonded. These provisions were scattered throughout various legislative acts, joint resolutions and executive orders, many in 1933, as well as in the Congressional Record based on Public Policy HJR-192, codified in Public Law 73-10 and confirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1939. Not some fad. Birth . Every state within the United States has UCC filing offices. These facts have been gathered through information acquired through the CID of the IRS, FBI, Secret Service, Justice Department, the Department of the Treasury and the Secretary of State. STRAWMAN. The controversy also insist you can regain control over your prepaid account by simply filling out a notice of lien against the birth certificate with the dept. These filings will make it clear that there is a legal and vested interest control of the secured party. First, you need to fill out an easy application. This TTL account in every Financial Institution is managed through the TSD office which can be found within most of the IRS State Offices. January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on April 04, 2012: Wow what great information. Millions of Americans have consciously done nothing to disrupt the status quo even though they knew about the scheme and even benefited from the fraudulent system. Years ago, I won an auction bid for one of these abandoned rent-a-space crates. There are even UCC filing offices established in foreign nations. ISSUE DATE: March 9, 2010 BOND . Debt held by the public includes debt actually held by the public and foreign governments, and also debt held by the Federal Reserve System, i.e., monetized as part of the monetary base. 1 year ago Birth Certificate Value Step by Step. You are considered property in commerce. This just proves that all property, both real and private property of every living, breathing American, is entrusted by Congress to provide collateral for the national debt. But does the redemption process entail a simple "Get Rich Quick Scheme" that will only end up with the filer coming under closer scrutiny by the government against those who participate in a UCC filing? Once a person files a UCC form, and it is registered by a state's UCC office, the filing of that document becomes a legal document. If you look into history you will see that the claims are relevant and because they are in debt they can not play apart in commerce so they use there citizens as collateral. One of the most crucial years in the history of the United States, both for the government and American citizens was the year of 1933. January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on June 16, 2011: January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on June 15, 2011: @gg.zaino Thanks so much for all your support, Im so glad your histiry major, I researched mostlt all this info, from findinfs it is very true, but i haven't found anyone who has ever been successful in the process, i know people trying, but nothing yet, any info you can find would be great :), @Pam Most people haven't, they fight hard to keep this out of history classes lol. Instruction 8 - Birth Certificate - For Instructions on the birth certificate to see if they are trading on it go to Can you sell someone else' BC? The bond is sold over and over and over again to investors just like residential and commercial mortgages are, which in turn can be worth a lot of . The registrant. Why would they do this? That turns your (copy) onto an original. "We the People" Are Continuing to Gain Knowledge and Information. That is the reason that this deception has endured for so long. There are some Financial Institutions that do not maintain a TTL account. my birth certificate number is entered with a space between each number,try this if it does not work.i had to try a few times,plus make sure the 2 letters are in caps..peace. More on this later. are aware of this..there must be some human being out there that has a procedure for the UKPlease forward as this is the only way of bring down the banks-- as they have enslaved many nations through the IMF. says so?? According to the quote on quote conspiracy, legally, we all as U.S. citizens are considered slaves to the federal state and local government. There are offices in every U.S. territory and protectorates of the U.S. On the UCC1 application has a question about the Birth certificate and the state Birth certificate issued. Finance activities take place in financial systems at various scopes, thus the field can be roughly divided . Reality Bytes (author) from Freeman On The Land United States of America. January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on January 02, 2013: I've got a Lawyer friend who has done this. XRPGlobalConsultant on February 09, 2019: Interesting read, but it all came crashing down as soon as I saw that clip with David Icke. hahaha.yeah rightI may as well call the police. If something sounds too good to be true, your instincts might be correct. January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on October 31, 2011: @iblessthee Thank you so much, I will be searching :-), Try going on youtube, I've seen some people w/success of doing this. They are just money and muscle. Click on it and then click on the QUOTE option. Sleep well, fellow slaves. The UCC financing statement (UCC-1) commissions a secured partys status in a commercial transaction allowed by the articles of the UCC, as well as assorted sections of the United States Code that deal primarily with property. Seems possible being its a bond, and its got my straw-man name on it.. Should be away of cashing in on a bondHas anyone had success on that yet?? This study will look at some of the main subjects that are discussed about the redemption process. I will have to check it out more. When the filing and the instruction order (the Chargeback) the IRS 1040 ES form, the AFV stamped birth certificate lets the Secretary of the Treasury know that the secured party has been created with a prior and superior claim to all the assets and liabilities of the debtor. This simple action transfers the asset from the person who made the Deposit into an IRS TTL account. When the file is recorded with the Secretary of the Treasury, it must include a Charge-Back Instruction Notice, a 1040 ES form combined with a birth certificate.

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how to cash in your birth certificate bond