kendall katwalk to spectacle lake

This includes side trips, extensions Leave the trail just before the catwalk to scramble to the summit of Kendall Peak. We took off our shoes and socks, then tied them to our packs. We wanted to get to Gravel Lake to camp and watch the sunset from the Kendall Katwalk on our way. At its north end, we ran into a group of around eight or so very chatty day hikers, and we stopped to talk with them for about ten minutes or so. The creek was flowing shin-deep water with no easy rock hop or log crossing around it. Want to See the Best of Winter? This is Park Lake. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews. I cant imagine trying to find it in any snow conditions. Jaw-dropping views on this hike to Kendall Katwalk on the PCT near Seattle, Washington with Tmber. We dutifully filled out our names while idly wondering how many of these wed missed on previous hikes. After two miles of uphill climb, you break out into the open, onto a massive rock bed. Hike To Kendall Catwalk - Ridge Lake, Sept. 2014 - Aug 18, 2019 Jansen Hillis. It is definitely not a trail for children, but anyone else who loves to hike should put this trail on their bucket list! Log in and send us It is a 12 mile round trip hike with 2600 feet of elevation gain but no special equipment is required if you go after the snow has melted. Kendall Katwalk (and Beyond) - Hike Left: View of the Kendal Katwalk, Looking North; Right: Hike KML Profile from Canon GPS Logger Hike Notes Length: 22.1 miles (according to Garmin HCX) Duration: 10.5 hours (7:30 am - 6:00 pm) Elevation Gain: 4,565 ft (total), 5,583 ft max elevation, starting @ 3,058 ft Location: Snoqualmie Pass carrie.liang122 4 months ago Kendall katwalk. This number is based on the percentage of all Tripadvisor reviews for this product that have a bubble rating of 4 or higher. It is a 12 mile round trip hike with 2600 feet of elevation gain but no special equipment is required if you go after the snow has melted. The Kendall Katwalk day hike is one of the most visually-stunning sections of the long-distance Pacific Crest Trail in the Cascades! The "katwalk" is found where the trail narrows to a thin ridge, featuring steep rocky slopes along either side of the path. A strenuous 11 mi round trip hike with 2,700 ft in elevation gain along the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) north of Snoqualmie Pass. Here, take the unmarked boot path straight up the mountainside. For many hikers, it was their last few nights on the Pacific Crest Trail. Gravel Lake is to the north. On August 28, 2016, I packed up WAY too much gear and headed to the PCT parking lot on Snoqualmie Pass. Looking at this for hours is not a bad thing. My pack was WAY too heavy. View PCT Snoqualmie to Pete Lake Image Gallery - 22 Images. Alpine Lakes Wilderness, Snoqualmie Ranger District (MBSNF), The experience scramble is a one day field trip where actual summits are attempted and, Difficulty: Strenuous, Technical 3, Strenuous 4, A conditioning hike to help prepare and train for backpack trips, longer backpack trips, glacier, CHS hike led at a CHS 2 pace (2.0-3.0 mph), Trip will initially open to Tacoma Branch Conditioning Hiking Students. We saw a bear foraging for berries, picas, mountain vistas, streams. kendall katwalk to spectacle lake. Snowshoe Up Artist Point. This is one of my favorite hikes close to Seattle. Today's visit (7/29/17) was nearly incomparable, my only caveat being that I'd wished to not suffer so much the day after, my feet, knees and lower back all complaining. August 28 and 29, 2016, Westport 2013- Mom and Dads 50th Anniversary Trip. It seemed like I would never reach the Katwalk, though I was told by several hikers that I was "getting close". Estimated time: 6-12 hours depending on your fitness and how much time you want to spend there. Though a bit of a scramble beset with loose rock, the path is fairly well defined and easy to follow. Thanks for the support of Western Washington Honda Dealers and our other corporate sponsors. This number is based on the percentage of all Tripadvisor reviews for this product that have a bubble rating of 4 or higher. Lots of blueberries ( huckleberries ? ) The route came with high accolades from a 6th friend who had previously hiked this route 4 other times in the past. Turning to look towards the southeast, the horizon was graced with the massive beauty of a snow-covered Mount Rainier! This is between Huckleberry and Chickamin Peaks. This run was done in early summer along the Pacific Crest Trail. Campsites along the trails, especially around water sources, are plentiful. WTA Pro Tip: Save a copy of our directions before you leave! Before getting started, we made sure to fill out a permit form at the trailhead with some information about our route. Descend 250 feet through the talus to the saddle between the lakes (7.6 miles, 5200 ft). The Pacific Crest Trail runs 7.6 miles through old growth forests, high peaks and across the dizzying Kendall Katwalk to a high camp between Gravel and Ridge Lakes.The lakes are achievable in a long day but more comfortably reached as an overnight, and are often the first leg of a popular multi-day trip past Chikamin Peak to Spectacle Lake. In just 0.1 mile, take the first right, unmarked but featuring a sign in Forest Service brown announcing the need for a parking pass. 11 frank b swinguard switchblade; kendall katwalk to spectacle lake. There are a number of places to stop and take photos, with sharp, stony ridges and even remnants of snow, lingering here late in July. My brain had no chance of focusing because I knew this season of life was finally coming to an end. The first stretch of the hike between Salmon La Sac and Cooper Lake was a very flat and pleasant stroll through the forest following Cooper River upstream. Just ahead of Spectacle Lake, there was a small junction - one that led north (unmapped on our Caltopo route) and one that led west along the PCT then north to Spectacle Lake. Our group, already exhausted from over ten miles of backpacking that day, decided to take our chances with the creek crossing. The views are great, though we highly recommend taking the time to scramble up Kendall Peak, where the panorama dwarfs what you can see from the Katwalk. The Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) spent the better part of sixty years under construction. The forest opens up after the switchback pair into open talus and reaches a summit at the Alpine Lakes Wilderness boundary (2.0 miles, 3830 ft). My hiking book gives it a 5 star rating. updates, images and resources. Total distance (Round Trip) 12 miles to the Katwalk and 14.5 miles if go to two beautiful lakes beyond the Katwalk. You can choose to follow the road up or take a side trail through the campground, like we did, to the Cooper Lake trailhead. There were a few folks hanging out here- its a popular place to turn around and head back to the pass. Cross over two streams which in high water can be tricky. top 100 companies in cameroon. 17.42 miles, 4916ft gain/4782ft loss. The one pitfall of this adventure was that the campgrounds were packed so tightly that it felt impossible to find a spot large enough for our group. Heres a screen shot of where my camping spot was: Based on the condition of my knees, I knew there was no way I could do 55 more miles. I wasnt exactly sure at this point because I was a bit knackered. Rainier, fitting between the cracks of the pinnacles of Kendall Peaks. I ran into a unique problem that I had never considered would be an issue. Get access to more than 30 brands, premium video, exclusive content, events, mapping, and more. More importantly, I was in the third and final section, having only about 1.5 miles to go. Otro sitio realizado con kendall katwalk to spectacle lake There are many options to turn back sooner but it only gets better the farther you go. When I take this route again, I'll be avoiding federal holidays. Live Stream Wilmington Nc, And so Kendall Katwalk was born. Heres How it Went. Pass through a small talus slope, staying at about 5400 feet of elevation for most of a mile, then dropping 150 feet to small Ridge Lake, beside the trail. To get there, take the Snoqualmie West exit off I90 and head North where there is a large parking lot and a dry toilet. Get to know the winter safety gear you need in your pack. Fitbit data: 45,380 steps, 466 floors. nzhou 4 months ago Kendall Katwalk(11/8/20, 8:00:20AM) jennifer.k.maurer 4 months ago Kendall Katwalk. In general, this is not a hike for most people once the snow starts to fall. At 5400 feet, the trail turns a corner to the right and changes heading to almost due east. If it's your first time on scree fields, be sure to budget extra time for this section! Then its 0.5 miles on switchbacks below Kendall Peak to a mini Katwalk with new views of Red Peak and beyond (6.1 miles, 5380 ft). It isn't a hike for strollers or people needing assistance walking on irregular surfaces. The second section passes through forest still exhibiting damage from the summer storm of 2011, when the trail had to be closed briefly in order to clear gigantic blowdowns.Approaching the 2-mile mark, the trail breaks out into open talus, enters the Alpine Lakes Wilderness, then begins slowly dropping 100 feet. Keechelus Lake and the Snoqualmie ski resort are other notable landmarks. Here is some brief history of the trail. The views were beautiful and the temperature was perfect for a good strong walk. This is looking back toward Joe Lake after traversing under the Four Brothers. Before it was completed, some people were probably going up Gold Creek to Ptarmigan Park, and getting up on the ridge next to Spectacle Lake from there. Pretty little Ridge Lake, from my perspective, was warm enough to swim in without freezing to death, actually very pleasant after all day trudging in the sun. The trail winds around at first, then heads into a series of lengthy straight sections. Enjoy!! Total elevation gain 2700 feet for the roundtrip to the Katwalk. Alternatively, you can continue past the bootpath on the trail to where it crosses a pass on the east side of the ridge. To the right is the main parking lot, large enough for over 50 vehicles. Its incredible to me that there are THOUSANDS of miles of this trail- and that people built them. This number is based on the percentage of all Tripadvisor reviews for this product that have a bubble rating of 4 or higher. dermatologist salary alberta. Jun 11, 2018 - If the name Kendall Katwalk conjures up an image of a narrow pathway blasted out of a steeply sloped rock face, thats part of it. Advertisement. If you're going in the hot summer months, make sure to bring sunscreen and plenty of water. We dashed through the creek as quick as we could and found ourselves on warm solid ground on the other bank. Off highway 90, exit 52. It was built in 1976 by blasting open the cliff with dynamite after marking out a path with paint-filled bottles dropped from a helicopter. Look down on Guye Peak and the Pass to the west and the shores of Keechelus Lake to the east. updates, images, or resources. Search. We saw the first people on the whole trip at Spectacle Lake. The trail through the campground was a little difficult to navigate with many little offshoots on the rim trail leading straight into other people's campsites. Looking north, the prominence of Red Mountain is stunning. Mar 23, 2015 - If the name Kendall Katwalk conjures up an image of a narrow pathway blasted out of a steeply sloped rock face, thats part of it. Having traversed the trail, it's easy to "dissect" it into three distinctive sections, across a distance of just over seven miles (one-way), ascending 3,833 feet. Top Things to Do in Snoqualmie Pass, Washington: See Tripadvisor's 721 traveller reviews and photos of Snoqualmie Pass tourist attractions. Turn right onto the road and park in the Pacific Crest Trail northbound trailhead parking lot (3,000 ft). In 0.1 turn right onto an unmarked road with a sign stating the need for a Northwest Forest Pass to park. The trek back in the warmer mid afternoon sun took two hours and fifty minutes, with the total trek adding up to nearly 7.5 hours. Route: Alaska Mountain and Central Alpine Lakes Trail. Rainier provides the backdrop for Mt. Our friends dropped off their car at the Kendall Katwalk trailhead, and we all shuttled together to Salmon La Sac Trailhead. Trip Report By. As only one very small part of the Pacific Crest trail, Kendall Katwalk trail is an astounding, beautiful, and breathtaking journey across just about every natural "feature" one could want in a trail excursion. It was absolutely heartbreaking to hear some of their stories. This was a pretty intense traverse- the trail was cut through a huge scree field. There are no services in the immediate area although there is a gas station, brewery and restaurant a bit over a mile away at the base of the Snoqualmie ski area. After passing through what felt like endless fields of scree, we were able to catch spectacular views of Joe Lake, another lake with an innocuous name. It was my first "encounter" of one of these animals, just another discovery in a series of adventures. We walked over the Katwalk and made it to Gravel and Ridge Lake pretty quickly and stopped to fill water bottles. I arrived at the Spectacle Lake and found a nice flat (albeit hard) place to put my tent. It's 11 miles round trip and 2,700 feet of elevation gain with a high point of 5,400 ft. From Kendall Katwalk, continue 1.5 miles to the secluded Ridge and Gravel Lakes. Then we walked over some ice before the next section of the forest. You are now following near the Pacific Crest. The Kendall Katwalk, a segment of the Pacific Crest Trail, is one of the most popular hikes near Snoqualmie Pass, so in good weather conditions, be prepared to share the bounty. Kendall Katwalk A strenuous 11 mi round trip hike with 2,700 ft in elevation gain along the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) north of Snoqualmie Pass. The first 3.5 miles are most pleasant, drawing the hiker through thick forest canopy, mostly sheltered from the sun, on a nice gradual climb. GoLong Hiked Aug 14, 2007. Many backpackers have been to one of Washington State's three iconic National Parks, but the routes in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness are often overlooked. From a camp at Ridge or Gravel Lake, you can day hike about 2 miles round trip to Alaska Mountain or over eight miles round trip to the scenic Needle Site Gap. Trip will open for registration, **Preference given to Olympia Branch Conditioning Hiking Series participants. Of all the trails I've encountered to date, the majority having waterfall or lake destinations, this one was the longest (14.5 miles round trip), offered the best changes in terrain, and had the most outstanding vista views by far. The approach is long, never leaving the hum and scattered views of I-90 until around 2 1/2 miles. Trip Report. Why is the data so different than the day in, like elevation gain and loss? They mule-packed in 1,000 feet of steel cables to secure workers and equipment on the precipitous job site, then marked the route along the cliff face by dropping beer bottles full of red paint from a helicopter. Sunrise from the Katwalk Sunrise from the Katwalk with the 4 Brothers in the background Sunrise on Red Mountain By 6:30am we were ready to start hiking. and peak combinations. It's pretty amazing. With interstate 90 appearing as a narrow ribbon in the valley below, the height of the climb became obvious! Gravel Lake is the larger of the two and is a slightly greater drop from the saddle between them that the Pacific Crest Trail passes through. The Kendall Katwalk Trail is actually a part of the world famous Pacific Crest Trail (PCT), which runs 2,650 miles from the border of Mexico in the south to the border of Canada in the north. Continue straight. To the left is the stock (horse trailer) lot, and overflow parking. 90% of travelers recommend this experience. Its the furthest north I went and it seemed like a HUGE detour to get around the Gold Creek drainage. This number is based on the percentage of all Tripadvisor reviews for this product that have a bubble rating of 4 or higher. Kendall Katwalk 12 Miles Roundtrip 2600 Feet Elevation Gain I first heard about this hike last summer and have been wanting to check it out ever since. Up to this point we had complete solitude. A Day Hike on the Dungeness Spit Trail on the Olympic Peninsula, The Coziest Sleep System for Winter Backpacking, A Weekend Backpacking Trip to Reflection Lake and Beyond in Mount Rainier National Park (Winter), A 3 Day Backpacking Trip in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness - Salmon La Sac to Kendall Katwalk, After assessing a couple of options, we decided to use, The Route: from Salmon La Sac Trailhead (east) to Kendall Katwalk Trailhead (west), We started off our journey by meeting up with our party at the, Pete Lake - a breathtaking spot for lunch, We hit Lemah Creek shortly after Pete Lake. From the 1930s until 1968, the route was blazed and explored, receiving federal recognition as a scenic trail under the 1968 National Trail Systems Act. Once full, these logbooks are archived at the University of Washington. Its pretty cool. 19 miles in 8 hours with some significant descents.

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kendall katwalk to spectacle lake