life cycle assessment of disposable razors

Due to the nature of the disposable razor, they are usually just thrown in the trash and sent off to a landfill. Considering human health concerns, the majority (60%) of impacts for the disposable LMA is due to the production of polymers, PVC in particular, with emissions from incineration contributing another 15%. LCA for product sustainability. The metal is then quenched in water to bring it to -76 to -112 degrees Fahrenheit to harden the material (Safety Razor). Wang, Chun Tsin, and Alexander Sutulor. Quantifying the Environmental Impacts of Labor. A Comparison Life Cycle Assessment between Razor Blade and Electric Shaver. Dec. 2012. In this process, the metal is heated to temperatures of 1,967-2,048F (1,075-1,120C), then quenched in water to a temperature between -76- -112 F (-60- -80 C) to harden it. After reaching the end of their useful lives, both LMAs and their respective packages entered waste management, which was modeled using US average statistics on recycling/composting, landfilling, and incineration.15 Although some incineration facilities also produce electricity, this credit is not included here. Get new journal Tables of Contents sent right to your email inbox,, Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Disposable and Reusable Laryngeal Mask Airways, Articles in PubMed by Matthew Eckelman, PhD, Articles in Google Scholar by Matthew Eckelman, PhD, Other articles in this journal by Matthew Eckelman, PhD, May 2012 - Environment and Anesthesia Practice, A Comparison of Reusable and Disposable Perioperative Textiles: Sustainability State-of-the-Art 2012, Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Anesthetic Drugs, Environmental and Occupational Considerations of Anesthesia: A Narrative Review and Update, Global Warming Potential of Inhaled Anesthetics: Application to Clinical Use, A Survey of Anesthesiologists' Views of Operating Room Recycling, Privacy Policy (Updated December 15, 2022), International Anesthesia Research Society. A Life Cycle Assessment of Disposable Razors. However, BIC did report some of its transportation statistics. @article{Cordella2015EvolutionOD, title={Evolution of disposable baby diapers in Europe: life cycle assessment of environmental impacts and identification of key areas of improvement}, author={Mauro Cordella and Iris Bauer and Anja Lehmann and Matthias Schulz and Oliver Wolf}, journal={Journal of Cleaner Production}, year={2015}, volume={95 . Disposable LMAs are made largely from PVC plastic, which is associated with a number of health concerns that are gaining increased attention.23 Historic efforts to minimize routine medical incineration resulted in the 1998 Memorandum of Understanding between the American Hospital Association and the US Environmental Protection Agency, largely on the basis of recognition of the potential carcinogenic effects of burning PVC plastics. endstream endobj startxref This manuscript was handled by: Steven L. Shafer, MD. Once in the landfill, it usually takes around 20-30 years to breakdown. Two Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) methodologies were employed using SimaPro software 51,52 to calculate the environmental impacts of manufacturing both the plastic and compostable coffee . Facilities that select reusable devices should implement inventory and operating procedures that ensure that devices are reused to the greatest possible extent. All of these equipment-related cases occurred before the routine implementation of sterilization procedures currently used in health care facilities. The life cycle of plastics Life cycle assessment (LCA) considers the environmental aspects associated with a product over its lifespan. Life cycle assessment is a "cradle-to-grave" approach for determining the financial and environmental costs of a product over its entire life. Manufacturers can do this solely by machine or by human eye/hand plus machine for extra quality assurance. Environment Agency (Life Cycle Assessment of Disposable and Reusable Nappies in the U.K.) investigated the impact of three diapering systems: cloth diapers with home wash, cloth diapers with commercial laundry, and disposable diapers. However, given the environmental toll to such a fast accumulating, and non-biodegradable product, waste management must be more considered by both the manufacturers and the buyers. 21 offers from $5.20. Accessed 28 Nov. 2019.,,,,,,,,,,,, BEHR Oil Based Interior/Exterior Primer and Sealer, California Academy of Sciences Living Roof Life Cycle, UC Davis Social Sciences and Humanities Building, A-Z List for Digital & Electronics Topics. The natural half life of a large stock of reusable laryngeal mask airways at a teaching hospital. Using BEES to select cost-effective green products. Information on PPO plastics are difficult to find, as most of the data is about how it is made, and the chemical makeup and stability of the plastic, rather than information on the decomposition rate or waste used in the making of it. Sensitivity and simple life cycle cost analyses were conducted to aid in interpretation of the results. BIC has reported their total energy usage and carbon footprint in their factories around the world, this was all however for the year 2016. Ans: (i) Significant growth in industry of super premium segment . There could be hundreds of different sources for their materials. . Gathering all the data for the LCA is the most difficult part of the task, and normally assumptions have to be made where its impossible to gather all the knowledge required, thus not all the relevant impacts are considered. A comparative cradle to grave life cycle assessment (LCA) was conducted to determine and analyze the environmental impacts of using disposable acrylic speculums versus using reusable stainless-steel speculums in a women's university health clinic where around 5,000 pelvic exams are conducted on a yearly basis. BIC has repeatedly come under fire because of the environmental impact their disposable razors have, due to the sheer amount of their disposable products are used every year. Their disposable nature causes them to be put into landfills faster than it takes them to be made, packaged, and shipped. London Packaging is an . Please try again soon. To begin the process of creating the razor blades, tungsten carbide, which is the metal that the blades and other optional components are made of, must first be manufactured. After that the blades go through a blade edging process, which consists of the blade strips first being coarsely ground by whetstone, second being ground at an angle with a finer whetstone, and then having the tip of the blades ground (Manufacturing Processes). Chicago: American Medical Association, 2006, 27. Holes are then punched into the metal and the tapelike sheets of razors are then put in a roll (Manufacturing Processes). The next step is to temper the steel at a temperature of 482-752F (250- 400C) and pressed into thin sheets (Safety Razor, From mining and extracting the natural tungsten metal, to making the metal alloy and manufacturing just the blade, waste is released. LeBlanc, Rick. LCAs can be used comparatively to assess different product or service design options or to identify environmental . Most tungsten, about 85%, is extracted from various ores in China (Siddle, How Is Tungsten Carbide Formed?). According to studies done by the EPA, tungsten steel was originally tested as a stable metal in soil that does not dissolve easily in water (EPA). Direct emissions refer to any emissions that resulted from the burning of fossil fuels and Indirect emissions refer to any emissions that resulted from the generation of electricity. Metal materials are sent for smelting and conversion to new alloys (Terracycle). Put the blades in the steel recycling section. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Please enable scripts and reload this page. The specific type or blend of plastic for BIC razors is used is called polystyrene (Europe). Since then, around 60 billion razors have been produced, distributed, and sold worldwide. Anaesthesia 2000;55:7001, 18. These steps are not necessarily conducted in succession, but iteratively. A Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a methodology to assess the environmental impacts of a product or service throughout its life - from raw material extraction, manufacture and use, to end-of-life disposal, recycling or reuse. The Bic Razor, Still the Sharpest of the Bunch. Plastics Le Mag, 31 Jan. 2017, Health care facilities can decrease their environmental impacts by using reusable LMAs, by selecting disposable LMA models that are not made of certain plastics, and by ordering in bulk from local distributors. The company reported that with their hazardous waste in 2016 11 percent was recycled, 49 percent incinerated with energy recovery, 8 percent sent to land disposal, and 32 percent was sent off to be treated in another way (For You for Everyone Registration Document). These included alternative routes and modes of transport from San Diego to New Haven, changes in autoclave loading practices and efficiency, and varied amounts of PVC in the disposable LMA. It is used in razor manufacturing mainly due to its high heat and water resistance, making it ideal for the conditions the product is used in. qILL@#nO @8 769 0 obj <>stream DEHP leaches out upon exposure to heat and lipids, as would be the case in contact with mucous membranes. The differences in environmental impacts between these devices may present a compelling consideration in device selection when concern for infection transmission is not a factor. mmw*vA|5v*3n9IUt){e%!HN6@` xcr@pz*Fbiq%1!TJ-CF*1OS|UZU\vQL7M?m'b-,r~S}Y&/{#U6U)S|%q[RB !3j~tj$h>5qtsJ./j?;eosyy*"Z`'wG"M6]O}UKqw[LzY9e B,s&C4++_tI~& Me*lNU"Uigq\u7{:&VNC'rT]FB5jOa.%N%1*stBC]%y&RDs"#&iUX&?8sh:wJo ZjbO|KFmfC{:oX~'b> BIC has noted however that they strive to be as efficient with materials used when it comes to their packaging. The unit cost of disposable LMAs is 20% higher at approximately $9.60 per unit. 8 John Adam Street Int Anesthesiol Clin 2010;48:139, 24. endstream endobj 749 0 obj <>/Metadata 40 0 R/Pages 746 0 R/StructTreeRoot 63 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 750 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 746 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 751 0 obj <>stream Technical Fact Sheet-Tungsten.Technical Fact Sheet- Tungsten, EPA, Jan. 2014, For waste management, switching from 100% incineration to 100% landfilling typically reduced impacts across all categories by 5%10%, with the national average scenario results decreasing in between. To begin the process of making tungsten carbide, the tungsten must first be extracted. Finally, inclusion of the environmental impacts of labor for cleaning (from wages spent on goods and services) only nominally increases the total GHG and water impacts of reusable LMAs. Julabo Gmbh, et al. Tungsten carbide is a carbide compound, made up of equal parts of tungsten and carbon. When you take your blades in to the scrap metal center, choose the steel recycling bin. Safety Razor. How Products Are Made, This was a cradle-to-grave study that included inputs and outputs for the manufacture, transport, use, and waste phases of the LMAs. There are only two components for the BIC disposable razors which are the plastic body and razor blade. Disposable Razors in Bulk, Bulk Razors with Knife Caps, Individually Packaged Disposable Razors Bulk, Suitable for Hotels, Shelters, Homeless People, Nursing Homes, Charities, Churches (60) 4.2 4.2 out of 5 stars (9) $22.39 $ 22. The biggest impact during the cartridge-based razor life-cycle is manufacturing the cartridge as this is the part which is hardest to make. The life cycle for disposable razors must first be assessed by the products design. Bics direct emissions were from: a combustion of fossil fuels, primarily natural gas and fuel oil, mainly used to heat buildings. In this case it was very difficult to see what materials the product contained and exactly how it was manufactured (as the big manufacturing companies wouldnt disclose this information), so some of the data had to be assumed. McGain F, McAlister S, McGavin A, Story D. The financial and environmental costs of reusable and single-use plastic anaesthetic drug trays. Kelly, John. The study found that: 1. At the end of applying the additives, the blades are once again heated, to cement the coating onto the blade. 1. On the other hand, extending the number of uses to 80 (doubling the lifetime) reduces GHG emissions by 9%. There are three main materials used in the plastic handle and the cartridge of the disposable razor. This is shown through their commitment to their eco-design process and new recycling programs that are undergoing testing. It has a low density and is quite flexible and heat resistant, therefore making it an easily moulded and extruded material. BIC is a French manufacturing company that produces a variety of disposable consumer products like pens, lighters and disposable razors. Comparison of the single use and reusable intubating laryngeal mask airway. How One Company Keeps Used Razors Out Of Oceans.Green Matters, Green Matters, 25 Sept. 2017, Once all the components of the razor have been made, the components go to various stations where different tasks will be performed. SimaPro is our flagship product: life cycle assessment software that gives sustainability experts, product designers and decision-makers the power to gain insight into the environmental performance of products and services, to define hotspots and to drive positive change. Another advantage is that the process produces a single score (Eco-Indicator Point) for the all the impacts of the product, not just individual ones for each part. Plastics are cleaned and pelletized to be recycled into new products, such as picnic tables and park benches. These are the reasons why I will carry out an Eco-Indicator Assessment instead of a full LCA. The polypropylene is sorted during recycling using a float test that separates it from other materials based on its ability to float due to its weight, then it is often melted down and reused in other product manufacturing. No such cases have been reported since 1976.a There is no reported case of iatrogenic infection of any type linked to a reusable LMA. Polycarbonate production (14%), transportation via truck (15%), thermoforming (13%), and waste disposal (11%) cause the majority of the remaining emissions. Contribution: This author helped design the study and prepare the manuscript. Rogers, Tony. Rogers, Tony. It has been assumed that the only part recycled at the end of life is the packaging. This is done on an assembly line by the robotic arm the inserts the razor blade into the small crevices in the plastic body. 15 - 21 Our group recently performed a life cycle assessment of anesthetic drug trays, finding that reusable trays were both environmentally and . Poly(Phenylene Oxide). The Polymer Science Learning Center, Tungsten Carbide. Encyclopdia Britannica, Encyclopdia Britannica, Inc., 17 Dec. 2018, Poly(p-Phenylene Oxide). Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 28 Sept. 2019, Available at: Here we present a life cycle assessment of 2 laryngeal mask airways (LMAs), a one-time-use disposable Unique LMA and a 40-time-use reusable Classic LMA. Siddle, Dave. The processes that contribute to these emissions differ markedly between the 2 LMA devices. In order to carry out the Eco-Indicator analysis method, the methodology described below has to be followed: 1.Establish the purpose of the Eco-Indicator calculations 2.Define the life-cycle 3.Quantify the materials and processes 4.Complete the form 5.Interpret and analyse the results With the amount of waste accumulated from the factories and the bulk of the razors ending up in landfills and oceans, a low price of $1 removes the buyer from how high the cost on the environment a disposable razor is. For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy. Product Ecology (PR) Consultants. In addition, the impact categories of eutrophication (growth of microorganisms due to excess nutrients) and terrestrial ecotoxicity reflect the impacts on other species and ecosystems and have implications for public health. Weissman, Alexander, et al. How Long Will It Take That Bag of Trash to Decompose in a Landfill?The Balance Small Business, The Balance Small Business, 22 Oct. 2019, Life cycle assessment of a disposable and a reusable surgery instrument set for spinal fusion surgeries Leiden A, Cerdas F, Noriega D, Beyerlein J, Herrmann C. Life cycle assessment of a disposable and reusable surgery instrument set for spinal fusion surgeries. 0 Individually autoclaving the reusable LMA (because of stock shortages, for example) increased life cycle GHG emissions by >400%, whereas loading with 10 LMAs per cycle decreased emissions by nearly 25%. Gillette Razor Local Recycling Solutions.TerraCycle, BIC may be doing as much as possible to lessen the impact of the production of disposable razors, but due to the massive production it will because unsustainable, because of the energy input, material consumptions, and unrecyclable nature of disposable razors. The effect of alternate transport modes was quite small for the reusable LMA but quite significant for the disposable LMAs, leading to a large increase in GHG emissions in particular from air freight. In their study of Life cycle assessment of wastewater treatment technologies treating petroleum process waters, Vlaopolous et al. And then there's the water. Thomas, G.P. Ask a worker if you can put them in the bin by themselves or if they need to be in a recyclable container to protect sanitation workers from being cut. Each time the steam autoclave machine conducts a sterilizing cycle, a large amount of energy is used to heat the steam. 2011, Packaging Technology and Science. Marine cargo ships use a fuel called heavy fuel oil which produces around 145,000 BTU per gallon (Energy Consumption by Mode of Transportation.). A new incentive must come for companies to be more sustainable with resources and create products that can still be cheap for the buyer, while also not taking a high cost on the environment. Can J Anaesth 2001;48:40912, 22. Lv, Andrea Lind, and Tigist Fetene. Silver Spring, MD: U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 2002, 26. Life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) covers all relevant inputs from the environment (e.g., ores and crude oil, water, land use) as well as emissions into air, water and soil (e.g., carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides). xTkJ((5:Ome\%{yIlka;K=1 Environmental Life-Cycle Assessment of Disposable Bioreactors - BioProcess InternationalBioProcess International Upstream Processing Bioprocessing begins upstream, most often with culturing of animal or microbial cells in a range of vessel types (such as bags or stirred tanks) using different controlled feeding, aerating, and process strategies. Each year in Italy, millions of tons of fruits and vegetables are harvested, packed and transported to national and foreign retail outlets. 1. There is also an additional resin called fluorine resin that is applied to the blades, which allows them to freely glide on the skin. hb```X ea i:=3*?a_.k7#uq-u[JRP erle@@)`EkP;~ cdC58xiv06@Jup E Municipal Solid Waste Generation, Recycling, and Disposal in the United States: Facts and Figures for 2010. Yet, tungsten has been found to deposit particles into the soil that causes some contamination, making it a recent concern to the United States Environmental Protection Agency. On the basis of information provided by the distributing company, the disposable LMA was manufactured in Hangzhou, China, and the reusable LMA was manufactured in Singapore. Washington, DC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2000 rev, 25. The most important sources of impacts for the disposable LMA were the production of polymers, packaging, and waste management, whereas for the reusable LMA, washing and sterilization dominated for most impact categories. How Is Tungsten Carbide Formed? Chronicle, 20 Aug. 2015, Resources, Conservation & Recycling 156 (2020) 104704. Next, the razors will be tested for flaws, strength, and razor hardness and sharpness (Safety Razor, Bic has attempted to lower their direct emissions by having factories world-wide and creating: a Transport Community which connects shipping managers on each continent to raise control for greenhouse gas emissions, optimize shipments and routes, and use only responsible carriers (Bic). In life cycle assessment, the basis of comparison is called the functional unit. For this report, the functional unit of the disposable and reusable LMAs was taken to be maintenance of airway patency by 40 disposable LMAs or 40 uses of 1 reusable LMA. In phase 3, we evaluate how significant the impacts are. The data collected through LCA helps organizations make conscious decisions that affect the environment. `""(w What Is Tungsten Carbide?" The total amount of indirect emissions was 89,762 tonnes of carbon dioxide (For You For Everyone Registration Document). The product has several innovative elements, due to the implementation of eco-design principles, such as: (1) introduction of biopolymers (namely polylactic acid (PLA) and Mater-bi), (2) relevant . The environmental effects of labor are often omitted from life cycle assessment studies, but are included here as part of the sensitivity analysis. Several clinical trials comparing function and ease of placement demonstrated no significant difference between disposable and reusable versions,25 allowing hospitals to base purchase decisions on economic considerations alone. A life cycle assessment (LCA) is used to identify the environmental risks of existing and planned products, services and manufacturing processes as well as identify strategic improvement opportunities. Most of those razors just end up in a landfill because most countries are not recycling them. The next step in the process is the assembly of all the parts. Despite manufacturer-recommended cleaning processes, and various modifications thereof, proteinaceous material may remain on reusable LMAs.27 Of particular concern, these residues may expose patients to prions causing transmissible spongiform encephalopathy, CreutzfeldtJakob disease.

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life cycle assessment of disposable razors