Studies have consistently shown that exercise has positive effects on brain function and anxiety, says NAMI. Have a FASHION SHOW, or show and tell, to show off your great buys. 13) Volunteer at a church, or community, venuetour guide, docent, host, etc. 4) Organize the ward to Buy In Bulk. Share with us what you're up to while staying at home and what has been helpful for you! Many of us who are working from home can benefit from defining more routine as the reality of having to stay home for more than a few weeks settles in. For maximum effect, put on some warm socks and a TV show you've already watched playing in the background. Related News COVID-19 Anxiety The health, financial and psychological impact of COVID-19 is unprecedented and at this point, includes a lot of 0000071295 00000 n According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), sun exposure will help your brain release the hormone serotonin, which is a natural mood enhancer. Is there an activity that you normally do indoors that you can take outside? Many services offer free trials, and the app Simple Habit is currently free through the end of April 2020 for support during the coronavirus pandemic. 0000037866 00000 n 3. You may want to have a testimony meeting with your family too. 2023 CNET, a Red Ventures company. 9) Learn some new songs in the hymnbook, and their story, and sing this testimony as a group of sisters. I'm Eligible for a Second COVID Vaccine Booster. 0000036018 00000 n 0000082557 00000 n For at-home workouts, follow the HITT Facebook page. Crafting can I spoke to Tara Martello, a meditation and mindfulness coach, who told me about how trying to be uber-productive adds unnecessary pressure to an already tense situation, and how we can institute basic meditative practices into our quarantined lives instead. Researchers found that the longer the quarantine, the harder it is. 114 0 obj <> endobj xref Well judge based on presentation and creativity, not taste (duh). Throw on your favorite music, pour a hot cup of tea and get ready to fill in the most intricate patterns you've ever seen. Helps boost the mood in a time of tension and anxiety." You often get to buy or take home, whatever you worked on. Supporting Quarantine Shelters: To the extent our resources allow, and only when our government partners dont have the capability, weve fulfilled more than 200 This is made harder by the daily activities that are no longer accessible (e.g., going to the gym or yoga, seeing friends for dinner, shopping for food). 6) Offer to HOST A PRIMARY ACTIVITY. It can be held at a park, at the 0000082214 00000 n 0000124147 00000 n Provide meals, cleaning supplies, and visits. (Of course, this can be offered to anyone who is worthy of a temple recommend regardless of their past; their worthiness is a celebration.). Community mitigation are designed to be used or deployed by individuals, organizations, and governments to reduce COVID-19 transmission in the community. Each quarter for my church we have a meeting where we get together as a the women of the church (aka the Relief Society) and do an activity. Because of Covid most Relief Societies have had to get creative when it comes to activities. So, things are kind of wild. 11) Attend classes together offered by the Family History Library, or your local Family History Center. Find a video chat app many include filters, game options, and other activities and have a virtual game night. Your diet can wait until this craziness is over. Steve Wilson developed 6 daily practices as a way to combat these negative tendencies. If you can feed your sisters the gospel in action, you will eventually be feeding an entire family, ward, neighborhood, community, and environment. 13) Set up a bartering system; trade goods, skills, and labor. Think conference calls, morning coffee, reading, etc. 0000003804 00000 n Excellent blog! Spending a few minutes outside can help to increase your mood and give you a break from screens whether its your work screen or your cell phone. Everyone has value. 0000004412 00000 n 8) Pick one or two projects from my list of 101 Family History ideas, and work together to complete it. It is important to get some fresh air, even during quarantine. IH:@L8%-1@XUI? 0000036510 00000 n When you start writing, don't feel like you're in school anymore. Uncertainty plays a large role in the fearthere are fears for ones own health and fears of infecting others. 12) Combine efforts to find sale items to build food and home storage; encourage teams, groups, or friends to shop together for the best deals and brainstorm the best ideas for organization and maintenance. I am going to make another parallel here to Physical Therapy (because that is what I know). Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Ask them about their lives. Want CNET to notify you of price drops and the latest stories? I got a dude in Seattle and sent my first email last night. Erika Smith, 29, Cosmopolitan senior astrology editor, Every morning at breakfast, my friends and I would do the New York Times crossword. TikTok watching on all weekend. I painted a lot in high school so Im excited to have time to do some painting for real. A main consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic has been a reduction in mobility, with nearly all governments worldwide adopting restrictions on the internal and international movement of people in an attempt to contain the spread of the virus (Benton et al. Can Humans Detect Text by AI Chatbot GPT? 9.2.1 Or, you can journal. I found out about the project because I follow the creator on Twitter, .css-tjvzc4{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;text-decoration-thickness:0.0625rem;text-decoration-color:inherit;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:inherit;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;border-bottom:thin solid #6F6F6F;}.css-tjvzc4:hover{color:#595959;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;}@thecultureofme. If your friends and family are local, meet them for a coffee, walk, or run while practicing physical distancing guidelines. I fear we perpetuate the notion that serious mistakes keep us out of the temple for good. Most Relief Society organizations hold monthly or quarterly activities. Emergency quarantine activities (for not to stay busy) to raise ones mood: Find your perfect rapper name with your boyfriend or girlfriend. Thank you for your time and effort in offering these inspiring ideas! Type your name only with your nose. 2) Finances Ask a Financial specialist to offer advice and guidance on various topics: budget, debt reduction, insurance, etc. trailer <<8653935A6ED44809BF25FAE6381116CB>]/Prev 221083/XRefStm 2194>> startxref 0 %%EOF 185 0 obj <>stream 7) Take a small group to work at the manufacturing plants or farms owned by the church (you can call to volunteer outside of your typical ward assignments): Soap, pasta, cheese, Wet Pack, apples, strawberries, etc. Now that we're spread apart from one another across the country, doing the crosswords over Skype or text gives us a sense of normalcy and continuity while filling part of the day. The lady encouraged us to go home and write down each of these words. Even CNET has plenty of articles about how to be productive, includingstaying on top of your exercise routine to cleaning your whole house. You can alsouse journalingas a way to identify unhelpful behaviors and process youranxietyin a healthier way. 16) Update visual aids for home or Ward Library. Remember, you can check anything out of the Ward Library for home use. Social distancing, on top of all the other ramifications of this global pandemic, feels really daunting but its important to stay connected and hopefully the best parts of social media will shine through and help connect us. 0000071623 00000 n 6) Take a community class together on an agreed upon topic or Offer a class on simple home repairs. Or hold an additional study class just for them. Everything in the temple is offered to us as a great blessing and reward. 2) Invite YW and Activity Day Girls, as often as you can, to teach them how to make these items, visit with them, and set a standard of excellence in charity work. Follow @AnxietyHealer for more Via @artsyaffirmations, A post shared by Anxiety Healer (@anxietyhealer) on Mar 25, 2020 at 3:00pm PDT. Freaking! My friends have been trying to organize an at-home cook-off, Chopped-style, where we pick four pantry ingredients and all start cooking over Zoom. 5) Home Industry Offer ideas, support, and know-how. y.wjc756Q/%5c2f+[k- vh0KBIb},aIQVe-( I@nZ.R(GIPS4Z!k9@Ga[R?9la[SlEomoHicO^Z>FN&GQ8:(PY97T LOEWJ:TW8i~1Y$ZypuL:zM}a4aF'%?2k7' With the COVID-19 quarantine recommendations being 14 days, we can expect and plan for more psychological stress after the 10-day turning point. Sorry, I cant. These measures include physical distancing and mask wearing, risk communication and disease education, and interventions like contact tracing. We have dinner together; nothing special.. 7) HOST THE YW in lessons on cooking, housecleaning, sewing, and organizing. Even with most gyms and recreational centers closed or on reduced schedules, it is important to find ways to exercise. The goal of a Laughter Club Program is to provide light to moderate exercise for mental and physical flexibly, mood regulation, stress reduction, and an attitude boost.. Press the pause button and let your mind and your body relax and/or meditate. The blue light combined with the negative impact of news online can be harmful to preparing for sleep. 0000018105 00000 n >p0~$R\BmZ Po@+tPq ?j4V(8:IjH*'wher-@k}Z5$~B:*|Mr(t#uf#(q Qc$t@/u.dgfLizQai6*TFL; 2OI7XG2;Z5eCB&2:atmtV~EnW WebJul 29, 2020 - Explore Cd Kunz's board "Relief Society Quarantine Ideas" on Pinterest. I was definitely not converted and I do not have plans to attend a regular laughter club, but it was a good Relief Society activity. I posted on my IG Stories about it, and asked for QuaranTHEME suggestions and OOTD picture. With so many women in the Relief Society, it is hard to please everyone and to come up with activities that all will love. Something that I think is important to remember is that not everyone will like what is planned. You can only do your best when counseling together as a committee and deciding what the needs of your sisters are. 0000056288 00000 n Having said that, I offer this idea free for others to use as they see fit. 0000079132 00000 n 0000022626 00000 n Anger, fear, worry, perfectionism, faultfinding, inflexibility and overwork. As I went through school interviews I was told not cross my arms and keep them open because from a body language perspective it is more welcoming. 12) Help the YW visit people in a Retirement Home, interview them, and write down their history. Older sisters know how to recycle, reuse and redo.Younger sisters know how to shortcut, juggle, and think outside the box. Receive expert tips on using phones, computers, smart home gear and more.