what does the bible say about rh negative blood

Therefore I said to the sons of Israel, You are not to eat the blood of any flesh, for the life of all flesh is its blood; whoever eats it shall be cut off., Leviticus 17:11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you on the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood by reason of the life that makes atonement.. A genetic analysis of Jesus' dried blood proves that his Father is non-human. There is a great deal of debate surrounding these mysterious passages about what angels and demons truly are. I believe that the rhesus factor is the Mark of Cain; an animal protein that was placed into him to mark him out as a murderer and a criminal. So we operate into a dilemma of practice. There's the God of Truth and the god of lies in it, as it is in everything in the world until the last day. NEED SHOT EACH TIME FOR PREGNANCY These are just a handful of bible verses that point to the existence of Giants and by extension, Rh-negative blooded creatures. But when it comes to the antigens in our blood there's a small percentage of the population with a strange anomaly, leading some to question if Rh-negative blood is alien in origin. just would like to know if anyone in my past-(ancestors) were of the RH neg .blood. Approval of comments does not equal agreement with content. Too many negative risks associated with the poisonjab.I would suggest against it. The Oriental Jews of Israel, also have a high percent Rh negative, although most other . I use the spray. ], 39 Powerful Live Fearless Quotes and Takeaways [Be You! The Bible says, and the gods looked upon woman and found her pleasant to behold and took her as their wives. So What does the Bible say about RH negative blood? ], 39 Forgiving What You Cant Forget Quotes and Takeaways [Time To Let Go]. Rh factor is the Rhesus factor. This interbreeding occurred in offspring that were obtained. this will happen when, dad is rh + me NEG. he got shocked with that answer and long conversation. The Date of the Crucifixion, Using the Bible to Become More Feminine: A Guide for Christian Women, How God Created the World: A Look at the Bibles Account of Creation. The Rh negative blood type is said to be of unknown . Fair skin, blonde hair, green eyes, 67 this month. What does the Bible say about rh negative blood? Theres a ton of 100% European descending people who have the monkey ancestor. The average among most people is only 15%-Rh negative, while some groups have very little. This is why they live in the mountains (PTSD from the flood that wiped out their people). Genesis is the first place in the Bible where the Nephilim, considered to be as rare as Rh Negative blood, are mentioned. Not just you but even your loved ones and all the people you know. afib! In 1616, William Harvey, an English doctor and specialist. She is still not better. This is why nobody should take the vaccine, because it is not properly tested, and is issued only because C19 is supposed to have precipitated an emergency. According to the theory, ancestors of this hybrid race have Rh-negative blood and often exhibit unusual intelligence and abilities. This is at the heart of Rh negative mothers bringing a child that may or may not also be Rh-negative. I also have green eyes and my DNA research states 100% white also originating from Northern Europe, Welsh, German, British and Irish! What is that all about, and is there any accuracy to what is give voice to? Stanford At The Tech Ask, A Geneticist, asked a mystery and answered much more fairly than I could gather. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor. Hebrews 9:22 - And almost all things are by the law purged with blood . Thats a lot of sickness. I hate escalators. When at school I had a reaction to the scratch test for the BCG jab (TB) so never had to have the jab I was the only one in our school this happened to. People with the Rh negative blood type are more prone to be affected by allergies, especially food allergies. Those are the people the enemy wants to influence and will not have your back in the fight for freedom and truth. Also every story for a god, regardless of culture, are aliens or other dimensional beings. Both views attempt to explain the sexual Christianity FAQ exists to help people understand the Christian faith. It supposedly originated in a small village in the Netherlands. Go ahead ..stab some poison in your body. In Schreiner's view, "strange flesh" refers to men's bodies, as opposed to women's bodies. I am A- also and like being alone too or just my kids and hubby. All rights reserved. Even today, a stout number of people. Me too Im rh neg I am scared of heights so bad ! [1] If a mother is Rh-negative and her first baby is Rh-positive, there's a potential danger if their blood mixes. Who are the Nephilim? Its so weird how blood type affects these things! Rhesus factor, referred to as the Rh factor, is a protein in the human blood. I live with noninfectious UC & Crohns disease. Rh Negative is one of the rarest blood types on Earth, with only an estimated 1 in every 6 million people carrying this prefix to their blood type. Jan 12, 2017 at 12:49 pmExhaust Fan Said: (function(d, s, id) { Also see What Does Strange Flesh Mean in the Book of Jude? Paranormal & Unexplained. Rh-negative blood can negatively affect pregnancies if its not treated. They were from Germany. I have little to do with the medical community. Can rh negative people recognize each other? It matches up, at least in part, with what we know of the Rh Negative blood type today! The same is said of the Peruvians, some of the Japanese and Tibetan Monks. Actually he does comment it makes us less resistant to certain diseases and viruses. js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; The author of Hebrews was saying that through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross, he destroyed the power of death. Have so many allergies. But it is no worse than common flu, so there is no need to rush to be vaccinated. Many of these people are paid trolls, theyre usually easy to pick out because their comments are all ego and no brains, common sense, or maturity. But I also enjoy speaking to large crowds. I love the history that you gave about where the Rh-negative factor comes from. I DEVELOPED TYPE 2 LATER IN LIFE. About 30% have (rr) Rh negative and about 60% carry one (r) negative gene. Have Asthma & Pollen Allergies. The most prevalent blood type is Rh-positive. Was there a crossbreeding of two human-like beings, alike but altered by birth? One of the most important references lies in Hebrews 10:19, which speaks to the power all of us have in the blood (and therefore the acceptance) of Jesus. Vaccinesare a racket, meant to makepharma rich, and make more patients for them to treat to get more rich. However, it can affect your pregnancy. [1]. How does Rh-negative blood affect pregnancies? Blood was still very important in the times we read about in the BIble. I know we see things differently than a lot of people. That is what I believe. If you did not inherit the protein, you are Rh-negative. TBH, nobody really knows. I read the Basque people were one of the Hebrew nations, and I thought that was very interesting. Got H1n1 once (2009), and got SARSCOV2 once in March 2020 and havent felt ill since. Jsem nositelem krve A-bez Rh. I agree, I am O Negative, have had measles, mumps, chickenpox as a child, never vaccinated for anything other than Tetanus. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I love being alone, could be because I have 8 kids! Did you find out whats in this serum that is only good for six months while changing your DNA this virus has a US PATENT expired in 2020. [4] Source. we consider ourselves very lucky in that we have maintained a relatively healthy life. Ya, it is weird. I am sensitive to chemicals. Your sources are lying. Im O- and not taking any stupid vaccine. When these proteins do not interact, the individual is said to be a negative RH factor, and their blood type is classified as RH negative. Thats really my only big fear makes my feet tingle when I get near a cliff or edge of a high building. Im O-/RH- (Im assuming they are the same). Hebrews tell us why, when it speaks of redemption through the ultimate sacrifice of Christ. The development would seem to have been in good shape out as the likely cause of this exception. Sometimes this leads to charming kookdom the Basque people have an extraordinarily high Rh-negative rate of 25 to 35 percent, which entrances that strange subset of Basquophiles who . They do a lot of gender inversions, too, since the idols they worship are both genders, and because things get weird with tracking the blood and needing a mate of a different gender from whats available. Leviticus 17:11 - For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul. They built man in their image. So what does the Bible say about rh negative blood? Those who believe that the descendants of the Nephilim exist today do so in defiance of what Genesis records. Point Im making is if you do your research this gene came from a group of people out of Africa most likely of Sumerian origin. Thank you for the perspective! As a professor, he has taught Bible and theology courses at two Christian universities. Did home pregnancy test. Thorough, about 40 45% of Europeans have the Rh-negative grouponly about 3% of African descendants and about 1% of Asians. took my blood. I am RH negative B, I had to have a shot when I was pregnant with my son, I only had 1 child and he does not have my blood type. Rh Negative Organizations and Groups Worldwide, https://www.rhesusnegative.net/staynegative/the-legendary-amazon-women-did-exist/, 100 Traits that Rh Negatives might have in common. Not just food but plastics and cosmetics. The protein is genetically inherited (passed down from your parents). It does not exist any where in nature. If a mother with Rh-negative blood absorbs Rh-positive blood, her body would identify it as a foreign invader and develop antibodies against it. There is a lot of speculation about Rh negative and what it means spiritually and scientifically. I also have read and heard from various readings that we cant get the Wuhan because of our blood type. Cattle was a very important resource in Biblical times. And related to that question, who are the sons of god and the daughters of men? Actually I am 70% Irish because my paternal grandparents came from Waterford, Ireland. I have read many medical journal articles that indicate a link betwesomething you are eating or drinking. Not that I believe that from my own experience. Lacking Rh factor canlead to problems especially incases where blood transfusion or organ transplant is needed urgently. We offer women's health services, obstetrics and gynecology throughout Northeast Ohio and beyond. Ive had two children and one miscarriage; thats when I received my first shot and discovered I was Rh-. Whats the difference between Rh-negative blood and Rh-positive blood and what exactly does it have to do with the Nephilim, angels, demons, and aliens? They have ruled behind the scenes. The reason why Im telling this is because in the Vatican, the City of London, and Washington DC, there are obelisks (such as the Washington monument), and nearby to each, a domed building. OMG HAHA. (Documented) The Rh factor in our blood is named after the Rhesus Monkey, which, like all other primates, only contains the Positive factor, although there is a tiny fraction of the population with a peculiar oddity. No exceptions. And I am a loner, too. . The remaining 85% are Rh positive, making them more favorable. NOT related to the Rhesus monkey..regardless of race/ethnicity..some nonsense Darwin (a rather strange man w/rather strange ideas who also married his first cousin) came up with to push evolution OVER creation! Western Medicine has been rough on my body. Part Ape Part Alien. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Look it up. Joel 2:31 The sun will be turned into darkness And the moon into blood. My wife is A- and I tease her all the time about being an Atlantean shape-shifting reptile. The unique nature of Rh-negative blood has a simple scientific explanation to most people. Hello Im rH neg, a- and have also suffered from chronic skin disorder. had two son and the shot. I was surprised to find out I dont struggle breathing at higher altitudes. But for some, its evidence that an extraterrestrial encounter occurred thousands of years ago, which produced half-human creatures that still live on Earth today. Didnt get whooping cough when caring for a young child in the same house with it as a child. Here is the truth about what the Bible said about the fallen angels: In other words, fallen angels are not able to turn back to God and be forgiven because they already know him and have chosen to reject him. I do have allergies (pollen & dust), and asthma. I AM RH NEG TYPE 0 Just a shot once or twice each pregnancy. I hardly ever get sick and take no meds. I am 0- and I do have a fear of heights. SHOULD RH NEG 0 BLOOD TKE CONV 19 VACCINE? Its creepy, but the reptilians somehow knew how the human brain worked and so they also knew how to addict people into cults. The royal godhead were not permitted to marry, and bear children, to any other than their own blood type. Disclaimer: This blog, all of its content and all of my posts are for Entertainment Purposes Only. Itleads toa build up of antibodies in the mothers blood that causes it to fight or react to pregnancy of the second child resulting to death. Did read that RH- has lower risk with COVID. Which is to say, totally Caucasian. Blood is seen throughout the Bible as important, and the use of the word blood is both considered to be used as a metaphor, but sometimes also as a physical term. Not your fines moment, oh bright one. I normally dont write this much in a comment, but weve been lied to about everything and eventhough Ive found a lot of info from research, its still hard to find the truthful info, and so I wanted to share, especially since this stuff is so important. Thats why we do all the research for the people who are sleeping still. What Does The Bible Say About RH Negative Blood? Leviticus 17:14 For as for the life of all flesh, its blood is identified with its life. So I am on blood thinners. The Bible never mentions Rh-negative blood. I was born ab rhesus negative which is rare in itself. Importance. Didnt know anything about my blood type till last year thanks to other negatives blogs. Im rh negative as well. What are you laughing for? Not sure why or whatnot means its just a fact. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. I am A-. Im rarely sick. It is used to influence the masses and persuade with edited TV. Maybe theres some science to be had regarding blood types and covid? Havent seen a doctor in 14 years. I really like my solitude. According to the knowledge that the Bible gives us about the origins of the Nephilim, they evolved at a different point in Biblical history than the origin of people. It is so named not because its primate blood or of primate origin its just a protein in blood they discovered when they were studying Rhesus blood. The reason why it is called the rhesus factor is because that particular monkey HAS the antigen, not because it hasnt got it. There are scholars that take each of these views. ], 7 Best Christian Books You Should Read [Updated], 7 Best Spiritual Awakening Books [For Beginners and Experts], 7 Best Anger Management Books For Men, Women and Kids, 7 Best Christian Books You Should Read In 2022[Updated], Powerful Significance Of Spiritual Leadership In The Home and Best Spiritual Leadership Books, 100 Bible Verses About Salvation [In Christ Alone! That was the first time I had seen my doctor for 9 years! One reason Nephilim is often translated as fallen ones is the relation to the Hebrew word naphal (to fall). Increase your vitamin D levels, and take zinc plus quercetin, and you have no need of a vaccine. Blood groups were first discovered in 1940, implying that this was still an unknown thing at the time of writing the Bible. Never knew her parents. Two O+, one unknown. Nothing is live and nothing is what you learn on TV. Rh neg and never sick, and a fear of heights, too. Revelaltions.org is an online bible portal for understanding, interpreting and educating the world about bible content. Being Rh- has been with you since birth and will always be a part of your life. That is the case with my grandmother and I. Maybe its to realize this part of my heritage? Have asthma. The Nephilim are mysterious beings or people in the Hebrew Bible who are large and strong. So What does the Bible say about RH negative More : Rh negative is a big deal because of somebody with Rh negative blood. Rh negative is a big deal because of somebody with Rh negative blood. to learn more. In fact, the first one was actually the initial exchange ever done in Upstate New York in 1961, performed at Watertown, NY. The Bible says in Hebrews 10:4 that it is not likely that the blood of bulls. Hence why the world seems to be going downhill, and why there have been more than 600,000 missing children every year in the US alone. I use to catch everything, sore throats, flue I would catch A baby can inherit the Rh factor from either parent. Exodus 12:13 The blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you live; and when I see the blood I will pass over you, and no plague will befall you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt. What does the Bible say about rh negative blood? We (humans and great apes) are descended from common ancestors we not descended from one another. Also, stay away from alcohol. But like most matters in life, there are grey patches. The Rh factor is one of the proteins on RBCs used to indicate whether the blood of two different people is compatible when mixed - such as blood of a mother and her baby at birth. With creature blood, but its not reasonable, according to the Bible. The blood of Christ refers to the ultimate sacrificial event in the Bible, the crucifiction. The United States has an almost 85% Rh-positive community. I also am afraid of heights and absolutely hate being around people except my adult kids. and had problems with my children. Rh Negative Facts. I had coronavirus and I am O- I have had bleeding problems such as hemorrhaging. This blood type is called universal because it can be transfused to almost any patient in need of . In the Bible, there is no mention of Rh-negative blood. 1 Corinthians 11:27 Therefore whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner, shall be guilty of the body and the blood of the Lord. I never get sick, I brag about it as my students would cough on me, hand in their germs on their work and I thought I had built up resistance to germs. I also have endometrosis. A person can have dark skin and be Caucasian, and there was a US court case over that, where a South Asian man was accused of being not Caucasian, yet was obviously Caucasian otherwise. Bad allergies. Thus the royal families were created, who were slaves to the reptilians, and who in turn set out to enslave the rest of humanity. FAQs. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. China has much dragon influence, due to the reptilians, and at least the Zulu tribe of Africa was in contact with the reptilians, too, but the plan was to create European royal families to enslave the rest of humanity. Because that person would form neutralizers to the Rh factor. I dont have a tail) I can hyper extend or am double jointed. The Gods gazed upon the woman and noticed her attractive to view and took her as their wives. My research says otherwise. https://www.rhesusnegative.net/staynegative/the-legendary-amazon-women-did-exist/ This term strictly refers only to the most immunogenic D antigen of the Rh blood group system, or the Rh blood group system. most of the time, they can do cardioversions with magnesium sulfate drip alone. Rh factor, also called Rhesus factor, is a type of protein found on the outside of red blood cells. So my 10/10 birthday Libran mind does I immediately googled and havent stopped being curious since. For example many of you report: prefer small groups, like to stay home. But like most matters in life, there are grey patches. Revelations.org is an online bible portal for understanding, interpreting and educating the world about bible content. In good health. Anyway, she was then upset, retrieved all of the pieces except for one, and put them back together. At your first prenatal visit, your blood will be tested to determine your blood type and your Rh status.If you do have the Rh factor, as most people do, your status is Rh positive. This Hemolytic infection, an allergic response can produce death. This results in having them being more picky when it comes to food preferences. It remains unknown to date where the negative factor came from. Which view relates to Rh-negative blood? We can still contract it but the rate is much less than the rh positive people. I enjoy reading articles about this but often feel skeptical about aliens. Blood types are disunity down into two groups, positive or negative. }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Tweets by @RhesusNegatives They are the 13 bloodlines that we hear about, and they do track their blood. (22 October 2017, 2 Heshvan, 5778) Contents: 1. RH-factor is crucial in blood. Theres only 5% total population that have it. The new testament connects Jesus blood with two surprises. Before one can discuss where the Bible might make references to Rh Negative blood types, it's . Required fields are marked *. Plus, they didnt just fall into the cult like we would with the Rajneesh Purams, theyve all actually been forced into it since childhood, not unlike the inversion training that some of the boys receive. Greetings to all other negatives out there seeking answers. You will need to be cautious each time you are pregnant. what-does-the-bible-say-about-rh-negativ is used by eseginmwat in What-does-the-bible-say-about-rh-negative-blood [EXCLUSIVE] Dont know who I got the O neg. The status is usually indicated by Rh positive (Rh+ does have the D antigen) or Rh negative . Our blood type is one of the least suspicious human characters, so the mystery endures. Im O- and had horrible allergies and eczema and other skin problems as a kid, I became a type 1.5 diabetic in 2011 at age 54. Youre not alone!! Aliens are a mystery that has had people divided for as long as anyone could tell. It is permanent. I have always felt healthier than most, I dont fear viruses at all. The history becomes strange around this subject, just because satanism is a cult and they have worked hard over the years to hide it. This is a very important factor especially for pregnant women. YOU need to go back and read it again. Aliens not only mated with women but generated a race of human-alien offspring that still live on Earth. If you need a book review, weekly impactful book quotes/releases or you simply want to comment on the best books,use the form below. Is a sign of great intellect. This intrinsic value calls us to use our God-given gifts and talents to serve others and make people know about Jesus and the Kingdom. The Giants or the Nephilim are described as the "Fallen" in the book of Ezekiel 32:27. RH Negative is rare, and even science is not sure about its origin. Its as easy as that. Never ever get sick and never take meds. If that has been taken, use your full first and last name. The "+" or "-" you might see after your blood type refers to Rh positive or Rh negative. ], 7 Top Christian Books On Purpose In 2023 [Find It! But keep this in mind too Rh- cannot be cloned! Blood can mean family ties, but the Bible also refers to blood that has been shed through times of war or conflict.

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what does the bible say about rh negative blood