zapruder film frame by frame analysis

The Davis Report An indepth photo journal and analysis of the Patterson Sasquatch film. has now filtered through to popular culture Hill said he saw JFKs head come apart after he reached the car. He shot to death a man named John Kinser who managed a pitch and putt golf course. What a coincidence. Watch. A Texas Ranger artist, Thadd Johnson, drew a facial sketch based on a description given by Griffin. Being seated, his feet are also in front of him and he is wearing a brace because of his back. (YouTubeversion), Frames Z-274 to Z-357: Fixed camera pointing at Mary Moorman Heres what I cant sort out: His stories do not agree with the films, and the films do not seem to agree with each other. I re-did the analysis anew, These are physical even visceral connections he makes with the time JFKs head came apart. A careful analysis of John Connally's reactions shows he was hit at Zapruder frame 223. JFK Assassination Film: Proof of Tampering? -Appeals to authority like any alphabet agency, or that bastion of integrity: the Warren Commission, etc.. -Condescending derision in tone, manner, and attitude towards you from the minute the clip starts playing. Nix was an air conditioning engineer who apparently left school after the fourth grade. I have watched that documentary, and I firmly believe that Dino Brugioni is a competent, credible, honest and forth-right expert who clearly and cogently presented evidence that proves the Zapruder film was altered; frames missing, showing more visuals of the brain matter shooting higher up in the air, the motorcade stopping, etc. I lost my footing and I had to run about three or four more steps before I could get back up in the car. himself 20 years earlier, in 2001, using described above! with so many requests for a copy of my 2001 work that Editor Note: This post should be studied in tandem with our post yesterday about the missing Oswald fingerprint evidence. Per Horne, the main goal with the Zapruder film was to match the clandestine, post-mortem surgery on JFKs head wounds at Bethesda Naval Hospital, as it would have provided a rough guide for the massive head wound in the top and right side of the skull that had to be painted onto selected Zapruder film frames the next day, on Sunday. A far cry from his original observation of a large gaping wound in the right rear.. Daddy had seen suicides before. This amounts to a running time of precisely 28 seconds. A mark in the cement along that line revealed traces of lead and antimony, suggesting that the round had lost its copper jacket which can happen when striking a tree branch]. They determined that a person will have a startle Griffin claimed that on the day of Marshalls death, he had been asked by a stranger for directions to Marshalls farm. Dec 30, 2011 - The famous Zapruder film was taken apart frame by frame and reassembled in a stable form so that the effect was as if the film was shot from a stable platfor. At the time, YouTube only allowed videos up to ten minutes in length, which When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Below is an especially clear copy of Zapruder frame #375. It is as if they cleared that whole area toward his filming out for Zapruder and the grassy knoll shooter (James Files). Abraham Zapruder stood on a concrete pedestal along Elm Street in Dealey Plaza holding a high-end Model 414 PD Bell & Howell Zoomatic Director Series Camera. The dark area seen only in frame Z155, which is below the car, makes it appear to be suspended above the pavement and completely out of sync with the rest of the frame. Peoples eventually came to the conclusion that this man was Mac Wallace, the convicted murderer of John Kinser. > In analyzing the Zapruder film, there is a jiggle right after Z-frame 313 and Zframe 330, confirming that a shot was taken after Z-frame 313. Case Closed, Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assasination of JFK. The home movie footage shot by Abraham Zapruder that caught the assassination of the U.S. President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. Many people see the Zapruder film and point to the president being forced to the back and to the left and believe it supports a shot coming from the grassy knoll. Rosemary Willis should be interviewed, shown her actions in the Zapruder film and asked to explain why she turned her head quickly to her right in the first second of the Zapruder film and why she made her other movements visible in the Zapruder film. police officers behind the presidential limousine, The other day I was trying to make sense of some strange discrepancies in what a Secret Service agent said about what he saw when President John F. Kennedy was shot. The little girl who is running next to the Car begins to turn to her right. Skip to primary content. His film was the crucial piece of evidence that led the Warren Commission to conclude that Lee Harvey. But we do know that a tremendous amount of chicanery has been performed in the presentation of evidence in this entire case. comment. The President was leaning forward when he stiffened perceptibly at the same instant what appeared to be a rifle shot sounded the President seemed to stiffen and come to a pause when another shot sounded and the President appeared to be badly hit in the head. Doug Horne, is the former chief analyst of military records at the Kennedy Assassination Records Review Board. behind the car are splattered with blood and brains, after driving up to and passing through the cloud blown out of the President. House Select Committee on Assassinations topographic survey. The upper right side of his head explodes, blowing brains and bit of bone in an expanding pink cloud. The open and potentially visible location would also be a psychological distracting factor for a shooter.I am perfectly aware many people are wedded to the grassy knoll and Pierre Sands was the NPIC executive director the No. But it may be more important. Mrs. Kennedy had jumped up from the seat and was, it appeared to me, reaching for something coming off the right rear bumper of the car, the right rear tail, when she noticed that I was trying to climb on the car. Following a pattern to this day that Winter Watch mockingly calls the Dealey Plaza effect, newsstand copies of the Nov. 29 issue of LIFE came out with a total of 31 fuzzy, poor-resolution, black-and-white images of enlarged individual frames of the film. This episode occured during the time that George Bush was the Director of Central Intelligence and within weeks of DeMohrenshildts having written a manuscript for a book entitled, I Am A Patsy! In 2003 I put together a reference set of His film shows the President's assassination in vivid color and provides an indispensable. The 161.2 grain slug, travelling at 2,100 feet per second smacks into the right occipital area of Kennedys head, shattering the occipital bone and generating tremendous force in the flesh of the brain. I see your interests in slowmotion sequences Ray. Oddly enough, Jews have the copyrights to the videos of ALL terrorist attacks, mass shootings, assassinations, etc. Milicent Cranor is a senior editor at WhoWhatWhy. It's called a NTSC composite video frame, made up of two fields, one representing the odd scan lines the other representing even scanlines -- when individual fields are viewed one is seeing 50% resolution of the frame, quite frankly the entire MPI Zapruder film DVD appears at half resoulution, its horrible -- Stick to the otherside of the . Dino Brugioni himself repeatedly mentioned the Hawkeye Plant and the capabilities of that state-of-the-art, high-tech laboratory during his 2009 and 2001 interviews with Peter Janney and Doug Horne. For example, he said the bullet entered the back of the head [gestures to area low in the back of the head] and came out the front, causing a piece of bone to flip out, although it adhered to the scalp. The frame where the President's head explodes in a fountain of red gore. After that he put a condition that the Frame 313 will not be made public. According to Barr McClellan, the author of Blood, Money & Power: How LBJ Killed JFK, Kinser asked Josefa if she could arrange for her brother to loan him some money. In page 10 of MARYS MOSAIC, Jenny relates a conversation with his father concerning Horace (Hod) Fuller, a former World War II Marine. Why is the panning camera plain relatively flat considering the situation? Connallys testimony that he first heard a loud noise and recognized it as a rifle shot and then instinctively turned his head to look over his shoulder (an implied startle reaction). The Patterson Bigfoot Film with High Quality Frames. that simply blurred Frame312 to match Frame313. every single one. I omitted the issues of the number of shots fired About That was a high-powered rifle shot. Articles by Russ Winter, Crime, Hidden History, Media, Politics, US News, Winter Watch Articles on the day of the assassination in a TV interview. retired as Brigadier General,USMCR 1957 I still consider it real, but the main thing I find very very odd about the location of the shots is that there is hardly anybody looking on. and angles of depression, Zapruder panorama only, with gridlines, compass bearings, Its worth listening to Horne is the best of the modern/latter day JFK researchers (IMO). Again, I wish to thank Roy for pointing me in the right direction. Charles Giuliani does a convincing job in revealing Jackie O to be the assassin. The startle pattern is generally subtle in the extent of its motion. People will believe what they want to believe, especially if it furthers ones leanings. live weekly radio show, Former Governor of Texas John Connally (1917 - 1993) examines frames from. Chart from Military Armament Corporation. In the original, there was no blurring or out of focus, he claimed that the video was in perfect condition. No pictures were taken of the crime scene, no blood samples were taken of the stains on the truck (the truck was washed and waxed the following day), no check for fingerprints were made on the rifle or pickup. Kennedy's head. Chris Bristow correctly identified the Zapruder film as the source. He would know that his fingerprints would be all over it. Black Op Radio: In 2003 I created this very simple introduction to His Secret Service car follows close behind, and does not seem to be the object of any alteration: Frame 154 is next, and shows the same scene, but where more of Varsity can be seen as it emerges from the corner of Houston and Elm. | Rich DellaRosa kindly uploaded to YouTube the The Zapruder film is a silent 8mm color motion picture sequence shot by Abraham Zapruder with a Bell & Howell home-movie camera, as United States President John F. Kennedy . Or do they have foreknowledge of these events? Roman was the CIA agent who the record shows was charged with monitoring the movements of one, Lee Harvey Oswald, for the two months preceding the assassination. His death was ruled a suicide. published in November 2003. Many people see the Zapruder film and point to the president being forced to the back and to the left and believe it supports a shot coming from the grassy knoll., The War on Islam: 9/11 Revisited, Uncovered & Exposed, The Hidden World of Benjamin Disraeli, a Made Man and Opportunist, William Mellon Hitchcock: Bon Vivant Who Helped Bankroll the LSD Counterculture, The Foundations Fund the Hack Abraham Flexner to Standardize Medicine, Robert Phoenix and Russ Winter Reveal the True Hidden History of the Dreyfus Affair, Robert Phoenix and Russ Winter Skewer the Architects Of Dystopia, Monthly Sane Asylum with Focus on the Nature of Black on White Threat, Podcast: Tim Kelly, Russ Winter Examine the Widely Ignored Assassinations of McKinley, Patton and Forrestal, Robert Phoenix and Russ Winter Expose the Neo-con Progenitors, Monthly Sane Asylum with Focus on the Off the Charts FTX Grift. View gallery 3. Zapruder's film lasts 26.6-seconds, consists of 486 frames, and runs at 18.3 frames per second. Frame 313. Frame 312 I had answered it comprehensively for Thompson Foliage blocks a School Book Depository snipers view of Kennedy (with a small break at 186), according to reconstructions (2.3 seconds). I never heard that.. at the time (around 2003), and [9] Most everybody seems pretty The local police force was able to use this information to arrest Wallace. But many did apparently hear two nearly simultaneous shots at the time of the head wounding. Researchers have come to the general consensus that the Zapruder film ran at approximately 18.3 seconds per frame, this means that McLain would be in position M at what could be called Zapruder frame 71 or 58 (It should be noted that there was a stop in the Zapruder film at frame 132, so frame 71 and 58 referred to here our not actually frame And some heard a shot for the first time when Kennedy was hit in the head, then they heard one or more shots afterward. The stories I find the most convincing are those involving a reference point associated with the sound of the shot, as shown in the case of Clint Hill. But for young people who werent there, there is more of a haze of just history one damn thing after another as the famous saying goes. Farid, Hany, "A 3-D Lighting and Shadow Analysis of the JFK Zapruder Film (Frame 317)" (2011). Zapruder was a top-ranked 33rd-degree Freemasonand inspector general of theScottish Rite. Films and photographs are hardly an inviolable form of evidence, as is acknowledged in what many consider the bible on evidence, McCormick on Evidence, 3rd Ed., Edited by Edward W. Cleary, West Publishing Co., St. Paul, MN, 1984. (It shows up only as a white blur on the blue near the bumper.). Oh I see, I didnt know that. He had been shot five times with his own rifle. The question also begs: Why AbrahamZapruder? Academic departments Copyright. Abraham Zapruders co-worker, Jeanne LeGon and her husband George DeMohrenschildt introduced Lee Oswald to the daughter of one of George DeMohrenshildts close friends, Ruth Paine. And, he says, when he mounted the car the sound of that shot was different from the earlier one. On March 29, 1977 the same day DeMohrenschildt agreed to an interview with the HSCA, George DeMohrenschildt was found dead of a shotgun blast through his mouth by his daughter, Alexandra. I then overlaid three black and white Let me me know if you are interested. Paley was also a former OSS agent and was entwined with the national security state. the frames that capture the instant that the bullet strikes President. TV series Mr Inbetween One man who did believe that Marshall had been murdered was Texas Ranger Clint Peoples. I used every frame 3x with different opacity to give the illusion of more frames available. Here: He was also a member of several influential Dallas County political bodies. Terms and Conditions of Use, Privacy IF he is lying, he sure is convincingand I can see no advantage to him making this up. As you will see, he associates that shot with the first time he grabbed the handgrip. Other anomalies were that the blood spray cloud in the original was also missing and that there was other parts of the film he remembers that seem to have been altered/vanished. And to orient yourself even more, check out the view in real time from the alleged snipers nest in the Texas Book Depository Building: Earthcam of Dealey Plaza. I had read something about this guy Wallace being a psychopathic murderer, but having just read Wikipedia, that would be an understatement. But it may be more important to see what actually happens at the moment of the bullet impact. JFK and RFK knew about the Marshall case and YET, stupidly went to Dallas, Texas, the last place to go, especially having had assassination attempts on JFKs life before that. In 1955 she married James B. Moss. Because the quality of most of this film generally precluded analysis of facial expressions, primary emphasis was given to attempting to detect gross changes in body movements. The explosion of brain matter visible in frame 313 is consistent with an exit wound. (1.5 seconds after frame 160) The little girl has stopped and is staring at the SBD. For more details, see an interactive calculation sheet. Still from JFK (Oliver Stone 1991) 145 Figure 52. ), as well as with a more direct method It is hard to imagine a pyjama person coming away from attentive listening to this interview without an awakening. Its always puzzled me that Oswald would have left his rifle where it could easily be found in the snipers nest. Orville Nix stood across the lawn on the south side of Main Street, but we have no picture of him at the time. Josiah Thompson, author of Six Seconds in Dallas, said in his book, The present study seeks to make proper use of the photographs inasmuch as they constitute the only inviolable form of evidence. married Sarah Clucas von Stade 1947 (divorced 1951) Frame 312 from the Zapruder film used in JFK (Oliver Stone 1991) 145 Figure 51. The average weight of a 6.5 mm Carcano bullet is 161.2 grains. The Zapruder film gives a much closer view of the action, and of whatever may have landed on the trunk as a result of JFK's devastating wound which might suggest a shot from the front a possibility that would raise serious questions about the official narrative of the assassination, that JFK was shot from behind. I just do not believe a man could shoot himself like that. The undertakers son, Raymond Jones, later told the journalist, Bill Adler in 1986: Daddy said he told Judge Farmer there was no way Mr. Marshall could have killed himself. I heard a noise from my right rear, which to me seemed to be a firecracker. The Killing of a President. The six fragments removed from Connally would have weighed not more than 1.5 grains all together. This is a super closeup of Varsity in suspended animation: Frame Z156 shows Varsity has landed on the pavement again, and shows the complete removal of inter sprocket images, where conveniently LBJs car is only half visible: Frame Z157 shows the lower left portion of the frame is has been restored, but not the upper inter sprocket detail at left: When we zoom into LBJs car, this is what we see. I have isolated frames 312 and 313 of the Zapruder film which are the frames that capture the instant that the bullet strikes President Kennedys head. Thompsons new book emerged in 2021 However, even though the Zapruder film had the advantage of a Stemmons Freeway sign to obscure the event, it was also necessary to remove film frames to conform to the narrative, and that appears to be exactly what happened as shown below. REMEMBER: Another reference point is the moment a photographer takes a picture. Homer McMahon, during his tape-recorded ARRB interview, stated he was not contacted by the duty officer at NPIC (Brugioni), which would have been normal procedure. It just does not have anywhere near the velocity of a rifle. Analyzing the film frame-by-frame in relation to other evidenceincluding two key photos by Phil Willis and Ike Altgenshe builds a convincing case against the official findings. The following is Nixs footage, which shows the assassination in the later stages. an unusual technique. Home As you will see from what follows, this is a crucial question. After all, there were many residents in Dealey Plaza filming the motorcade and all were compelled by characters claiming to be FBI or CIA to give up their cameras and film. never profited financially from it. The fatal headshot. I dont know/recall if the WC ever attempted to explain how/where Oswald stored and then reassembled the rifle inside the TSBD on Nov 22. It later transpired that allegedly, Kinser had been having an affair with Wallaces wife. while it was in Dealey Plaza and motored up to the lead car.,,,, Failure Analysis' re-creation of the assassination using 3-D computer modeling confirmed a single bullet track was possible through both men at Z224, the moment of the lapel-flip. Special Agent George Hickey was also in the follow-up car with Hill. He told Lane that at the time of the assassination, he believed that the shots came from behind the fence on the grassy knoll,the James Files shooting location. demobilised December 1945 She turned toward me and I grabbed her and put her back in the back seat. A closeup of this frame reveals how LBJs car has been obliterated and distorted from the frame. Zavada studied the films edge print and perceived anomalies in the bleed-over imagery in the intersprocket area of the fottage. Ben Hunter recalled a Navy Captain named Sands being present, but he did not initially recall a Secret Service agent being present, only someone in civilian clothes. If thats what he really did, it begs the question of why he didnt dismantle it again, and take it with him in perhaps a small bag etc when he left the building. I have isolated frames 312 and 313 of the Zapruder film which are. His head lurches back to the left (8.0-8.4 seconds after the first shot) as his body stiffens suddenly from the massive neurological damage, and possibly aggravated by his back brace, or, if you wish, studies have also shown that the head flying back and to the left is also possible because of the matter ejected by the right side of his head exploding in a simple Newtonian happening.

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zapruder film frame by frame analysis