A fine pair of flintlock duelling pistols by the master makers Wogdon and Barton of London, are coming up for auction in the Militaria & Ethnographica Sale at Tennants Auctioneers on 5 th October with an estimate of 14,000 - 18,000 plus buyer's premium. 15". It has an inoperative hammer safety. The trigger guard finial is an engraved acorn. Hamilton languished until 2 p.m. on July 12, 1804. 14.75"". "Loan Exhibition of European Arms and Armor," August 3September 27, 1931, no. Remarkable design and engineering continues to mark out the British gun trade. The poem later references him again and notes, "This death we lay not, Wogdon to thy blame; Cullum must have his fame as well as you. The pistols have smoothbore Damascus barrels with gold vent liners, dovetailed silver blade front sights, "Wogdon & Barton London" signed on top, registration markings for County Down in Ireland, engraved borders at the breech, and casehardened standing breeches with fixed notch rear sights and engraving. 1.5 oz. Mortimer, and many other talented English gunmakers certainly manufactured incredibly fine dueling pistols and helped create new innovations in their designs over time, but Wogdon truly specialized in them. Prince William Frederick, Second Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh (1803d. Then Eacker raised his pistol and shot Hamilton above the hip. Pistols - garthvincent.com Burr, with his political prospects already fading, demanded an explanation of what Hamilton had said about him, and a series of notes were exchanged. Wogdon's duelling pistols were fitted with set triggers as a standard feature, so they cannot be regarded as "secret" devices that other duellists of the era would be completely unaware of. Flints. This is a very nice pair of dueling pistols by a well-known maker of quality flintlock pistols. For this reason, very few duels can now be confidently identified as those in which Wogdon pistols were used. Colonel Burr arrived first. Once one man fired, he was generally expected to stand at that spot and await his opponents shot within the remaining time and before crossing the barrier. You can safely challenge a friend to a duel with muzzleloading pistols today by using modern dueling targets that leave only bragging rights on the line. Impact also services the needs of law enforcement and military with our wide variety of tactical weapons and . 1.3 oz. Famous for duelling pistols. (22.7 g); glass bottle (f): H. 1 1/2 in. [1] The name Wogdon became synonymous with dueling, to the extent that duels in England were sometimes referred to as "a Wogdon affair". (39.4 cm); Wt. [3] Other features were saw handles, platinum-lined touch-holes and hair triggers. 14.75". Pistols at Dawn | Tennants Auctioneers .36 in (9.3 mm); Wt. Stoney Bowes was to spend the remaining 22 years of his life as a prisoner, his mounting debts still unpaid, and still pursuing yet more legal avenues to regain control of Marys fortune. This could certainly be a risky proposition if you didnt get to shoot first. He was only 19 years old. As part of the Met's Open Access policy, you can freely copy, modify and distribute this image, even for commercial purposes. The best hunting horse. But you had never gained so great a name, In England had your pistols killed as few." A Duelling Pistol by Edwards of Dublin. Robert Wogdon (British, 17341813), Gunsmith: 0.00. Reliability was important because if a duellist's pistol failed to fire, he was considered to have taken his shot and was not permitted to re-cock the pistol and try shooting again. Wogdon retired in 1803 and died in 1813. Steel and Brass Section, Rod and Sheet. One of the most common varieties was having a set number of paces walked off and the positions marked in advance. The actions on both pistols function correctly. Somewhat reluctantly, Mary agreed and four days later Stoney was carried on a stretcher down the aisle of St Jamess Church, Piccadilly, to marry Mary Elizabeth Bowes, Dowager Countess of Strathmore. [7] The bullets loaded in them could weigh 214 grains (0.49 ounces; 13.9 grams) in .52 caliber, or more in larger calibers. Public domain data for this object can also be accessed using the Met's Open Access API. The 9 5/8" octagon 64 caliber swamped smooth bore barrel has a fair bore . "Pair of Wogdon & Barton Flintlock Dueling Pistols (AH6322)" for sale online. They have small blade front and fixed notch rear sights. It was requested that the Duke say he considered Colonel Lennox a man of honour and courage. The lock, which is bright along with the cock, is marked in script ""Wogdon"". Use your arrow keys to navigate the tabs below, and your tab key to choose an item, Title: The whereabouts of the second Wogdon pistol are unknown. Much to everyones surprise, following the wedding Stoney made a rapid and complete recovery. Very good with more than half of the period refurbished brown, distinct Damascus patterns, and bright gold vent on the barrel; mix of brown and mottled silver-gray patina on the lock, gray and brown patina on the iron furniture, dark aged patina on the silver, mild oxidation/pitting, and generally mild wear overall. New York. Burr was never tried for Hamiltons death, but rather than revive his political career, the duel was its death knell. Hosted and Maintained by TwoPointZero IT. There's a lot going on in this escutcheon! Given the large number of cased pairs of his duelling pistols that have survived to this day, his production was significant. [3] Spurs on the trigger guards began appearing after around 1805 to provide a rest for the middle finger to improve the shooter's grip. But you had never gained so great a name, In England had your pistols killed as few." Wogdons guns were designed to be aimed quickly, reliably fire, and shoot true. They are immediately recognizable by their elegant proportions, restrained ornament, and technical refinement. Hamilton, Burr, their seconds, and a doctor met at Heights of Weehawken in New Jersey, a popular but secluded dueling ground, on that fateful July morning. In Britain, the favoured type was for the duellists to stand still at an agreed distance and shoot when given the signal. (1219 g); powder flask (b): H. 4 1/8 in. Description The barrels are 10 octagonal, sighted, browned twist with bore size of .476 and scratch rifled. During the late 19th and the early 20th centuries, duelling became a sport in which shooters fired at each other using non-lethal rounds. Lot 231: Cased pair of H. Bales flintlock dueling pistols. The finest London firearms made in the classic British style of the early nineteenth century rank among the most stately and innovative in the history of gunmaking. Pistol dueling was an associate (non-medal) event at the 1906 and 1908 Olympic games (see Olympic dueling). A fine duelling pistol by one of the best makers, in good condition, Robert Wogdon was apprenticed to Edward Newton of Grantham, Lincolnshire in 1748. Although sometimes the duellists would use their own pistols so the weapons would be different. Other Materials. [13][Note 4], There were various forms of pistol duel. More Info. Purpose-built duelling pistols have various improvements to make them more reliable and accurate. Until the mid-18th century, duels were typically fought with swords. One of a pair of silver-mounted duelling pistols, the earliest Wogdon set with silver by Michael Barnett, registered on 29 June 1781. The stock is very good with the typical flat sided Wogdon style grips, two fastening wedges, no cracks or chips (except a small chip at the forward lock screw), and the wear expected of a 225 plus year old flintlock pistol. [12], Pairs of duelling pistols can be easily confused with holster pistols and travelling pistols. The sliding-safety locks are marked in script "Wogdon" over "&" over "Barton". The hard part would have been shooting both accurately and quickly with your life on the line. The doctors concluded that Stoneys injuries might well prove fatal. Wogdon & Barton - Wikipedia The Most Famous Set of Dueling Pistols - Wogdon & Barton Until the building's demolition in 2019, you could view the most famous set of dueling pistols in history on display at the former JPMorgan Chase Tower, at 270 Park Avenue, NY, New York. Robert Wogdon, a gunmaker most famous for his dueling pistols, partnered with John Barton late in his career. He was, at his death, described by his long-term friend, surgeon Jesse Foot, who had attended his duelling injuries 33 years earlier, as a villain to the backbone cowardly, insidious, hypocritical, tyrannic, mean, violent, selfish, jealous, revengeful, inhuman and savage without a counterveiling quality. The various component parts of these firearms were individually produced under the direction of a master gunmaker by highly specialized craftsmen, including a lock smith, barrel forger, stocker, and engraver. Robert Wogden was one of the preeminent gunsmiths of his era. At some stage after they left Wogdons shop their original elegant full stocks were replaced with rather ugly heavy bronze fore-ends, perhaps to add muzzle weight to shift the centre of balance and reduce barrel flip. See "A." Graceful, understated, and built with fine attention to detail, it belonged to a cousin of George IV, Prince William Frederick, second Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh, whose arms are engraved on the grips gold escutcheon. Robert Wogdon: duelling pistols - The Field In London, the first recorded pistol duel was in 1711[Note 1] but the use of pistols was unusual until the 1760s. Look at any Wogdon duelling pistol, be it one from his early production years in the mid-1770s or one made towards the end of his career when in partnership with John Barton in the early 1800s, and they all have that unmistakable Wogdon style. The 9 5/8"" octagon 64 caliber swamped smooth bore barrel has a fair bore with pitting. Given both men had time to take deliberate aim, neither may walk away unscathed, and the chance of death was high. Burrs shot had struck him in the ribs and caused serious damage to his organs and left him paralyzed. .38 in. (6.7 cm); W. 17 1/2 in. Burr was unharmed but stood in shock before being rushed away from the scene as was customary. Mechanically fine. The events leading up to the duel, the newspaper articles, the near fatal injuries Stoney had suffered, had all been a complete sham engineered by Stoney and Bate to trick Bowes into marriage, giving Stoney control over her huge fortune. Wogdon had apprenticed to the Irish gunmaker Edward Norton in Lincolnshire. .36 in (9.3 mm); Wt. The ultimate pocket pistol, derringer handguns are lightweight, compact, and can easily be tucked away in a pocket or purse. Lot 1275: Cased Pair of Griffin & Tow flintlock dueling pistols circa 1780. 12.9 oz. Poem, Stanzas on Duelling, by an Irish Volunteer, 1783, began Hail Wogden! Scroll left to view more. The overall length is approx. A Very Fine Cased Pair of 28-Bore Duelling Pistols. (30.3 cm); Cal. Not all fine, antique pairs of pistols are duelling pistols, though they may be called so. Colonel Burrs shot struck home and General Hamilton fell almost instantly. Initially standard holster or travelling pistols were mainly used, but by the end of the century special-purpose duelling pistols were being made by craftsmen in England, France, Germany, Austria, and the United States. A cased pair of half-stocked duelling pistols dated 1793. Church himself had fought a bloodless duel with Burr a few years earlier. However, for at least twenty years before the BurrHamilton duel, English duelling pistols by all the top makers had been customarily fitted with set triggers. Upon the signal, they could advance towards one another and choose when to fire. The stock on gun 2 is fine with no cracks or chips and the dents and dings expected of light to moderate use. Robert Wogdon made many and varied firearms pocket and livery pistols, double-barrelled pistols, sporting guns and rifles, carbines and blunderbusses but he was most renowned for his duelling pistols. This is famously represented in the book and film The Last Duel. This emphasis on the purity of form references the Neoclassical style then in vogue. The usual duelling distance of 12 paces was measured out and it was agreed that both parties would fire at the given signal. The plot was foiled, but he was acquitted. More Info. Duelling pistols are often single-shot flintlock or percussion black-powder pistols which fire a lead ball. This supremely elegant target pistol is among their most accomplished work. But if the first to fire missed, he was required to stand still and wait for his opponent's shot. Two Engraved English Flintlock Pistols -A) Desirable Wogdon & Barton Dueling PistolWogdon dueling pistols are among the most historical and were used in the most famous of all American duels: the Burr-Hamilton affair. Perhaps the most bizarre duel in which Wogdon pistols were used took place on 13 January 1777 between the Reverend Henry Bate and Andrew Robinson Stoney. These were break action, single-shot weapons that were fitted with a shield in front of the trigger, to protect the hand holding the pistol. Eacker had called the two young men damned rascals.. A discussion of the poem in The Critical Review; or, Annals of Literature from 1782 notes, "The artist to whom these stanzas are inscribed is famous for his skill in making pistols, whose aim is remarkably true" and notes the lines, "No one can tell how short he shall remain, If honour calls and Wogdon bids him die" as among the best in the poem. (17.1 cm); Wt. [7] For some in the eighteenth century, duelling with less-accurate, smooth-bore weapons was preferred as they viewed it as allowing the judgement of God to take a role in deciding the outcome of the encounter. Colonel Lennox would have faced a real dilemma over this incident. Literature: For similar examples see Robert Wogdon, Wogdon & Barton, John Barton by John OSullivan & De Witt Bailey pp 180 185. Great Britain and Ireland, 1600-1800 A.D. Flintlock Target Pistol of Prince William Frederick, Second Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh (17761834), with Case and Accessories, Gunsmith:
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